Sunday, January 6

Still Blinking Here At Heath Towers!!

Ha Ha Ha, just when you thought it was safe to drift off for a much needed knap I decide to pop my head up again like a reoccurring nightmare. I am sort of here but I’m also not quite here, “ain’t that the truth I hear a lot of you screaming”, and to be honest I would probably agree with you. Well I was meaning more like I am trying to get a few blogs in just to keep my fingers from seizing up more than anything but. I am not here as in home rather I am back in solitary confinement at Heath Towers.

I have been home for a few days around Christmas but didn’t last for long due to my chest and also down to the blinking Candida Virus they decided to send me home with on Christmas Eve so the stay at home was only a matter of a few days. The first thing to bring me in at the end of December was a pretty horrific eye infection. I was walking around with this huge golf ball size lump next to my right eye. The GP had attempted to try treating it with Flucloxicilin (anti biotic) which sadly had no effect at all. I had an infection in the Tear Duct of my right eye. Some of it could be down to the gvhd as in the eyes along with lots of other things don’t produce tears so therefore there is no way for the eye to try and flush out any nasties that show up. So a trip up to the Day Unit was called for, hopefully to get some stronger Anti-Biotics only to be told, “Oh No, you ain’t going anywhere matey boy, your coming in for a few days at least. Damn, Damn, Damn, nice try I guess!! So after the customary questioning etc etc I was whisked away to the ward which I think I have mentioned is not C1 anymore but B4 which seems much nicer. I hasten to add that as I was not intending to stay in I was ill prepared to say the least, in fact I had absolutely nothing with me and as we live a fair way from the hospital it was too far and too late for Judith to go home and get my travel trunk because I don’t travel light anymore. It was my fault because I should have known that once they had their claws in me they wouldn’t let me go that easily. Anyway, surprisingly “Joe 90” a relatively new registrar to me anyhow managed to get a Venthlon in first time and pretty much pain free too. They started me off on the same anti biotics the GP had given me but were much higher dosage. As far as stay go at Heath Towers it was pretty uneventful. The anti biotics started working more or less straight away and when I managed to catch a scab that had appeared on the lump and made a right mess everywhere the pain and pressure diminished a lot and the infection and the eye itself had more or less cleared up by the time I left for home on Christmas Eve. They did decide though to give me a nice present to go home with, some sort of Flu Virus which is extra annoying as I had only had the Flu Jab a couple of weeks back, fat lot of good that did for me!!!

So as I said I managed to escape on Christmas Eve just in time for Christmas dinner cooked perfectly by Judith, which is usual in that it’s normally either, a joint effort or I cook. It was pretty damn good too. I even managed to allow myself to be dragged screaming and kicking to the golf club for a little aperitif in the morning whilst Judith did her thing.

Right then, this blog has gone on far too long already so I am going to cut it short now and I will write up the next instalment later on. I am hoping that the latest little gadgetty thing my little sis has, a mobile broadband modem and connection will work in here or else it was pointless writing this stuff and in fact you would not be here reading this would you? More to the point though, “WHY ARE YOU READING THIS???” you must all lead dreadfully boring lives if all you can do is read my ratings on.

Oh yes, just in case he is in tonight, I did promise that I would give a BIG UP!! For Howard, (the phantom raspberry blower of London town) along with his night job nursing as well as spending an obscene amount of time pampering to my every wish especially in the Coffee at 2am department. I must add though that even with all his experience and patience, well he must have some to put up with me, he doesn’t even come close to the reigning Champion Cappuccino King, John or should I say Friar Tuck!!

Okay I’m really off now before I hang myself even more.

See Ya!!