Friday, November 9

The Tooth Fairy.


Well in fact I mean the cause of the tooth fairy having to come, my other favourite healthcare professional, "The Dentist" or as I like to refer to them as "The Butcher". As the few followers of this blog will recall I had to, in the run up to having my Stem Cell Transplant, have a lot of teeth out at once due to them being a high risk of infections. If I remember rightly it was something like, 7 out in one sitting and then 5 out in another sitting a week later and all under Local Aesthetic as I was too weak to be able to have a general. Not something I would recommend as a hobby for anyone. Well since then I have been left with 4 teeth and 2 dentures. 2 teeth on bottom in front and 2 on top at the back. The front ones were ground down a while ago and have not caused me any trouble but the top 2 however have been slowly crumbling in front of my eyes. Well finally after 2 previous attempts I managed to get in on Tuesday to have them out. It took some arranging as I needed to have steroid cover, anti-biotic cover and also some oral sedation because to be honest after the mess they made of me when they pulled the others out just to get me in the chair would not be possible without it. So, I arrived as asked a good hour and half before my appointment time because they need to give you these things an hour before treatment and sat there waiting. After 30 mins when I asked the receptionist why I hadn't been seen yet she just said "ell you are a good hour and half early, so you will just have to wait". I politely told her, in my own subtle way of course, that they had in fact told me to be here this early for the treatment so it was THERE FAULT!! A few minutes later I was called in. There I was faced with this foreign, I think she was from the Middle East somewhere due to the accent, student dentist, who I could not understand because of the accent and the fact that she spoke really quietly. I'm afraid that when she asked for my medical history she pushed just that bit too hard. Why is it that when nearly all doctors are sat there with my notes in front of them and after having read them too, want me to tell them my medical history. What, can't you read for yourself then??? Thankfully she did eventually say that a fully paid up member of the dentistry fellowship would be doing the extraction, which did bring a bit of a sigh of relief. So tablets down the neck and off to wait some more. After a rather painful Hydro-cortisone injection in I go to be faced with another Middle Eastern dentist, but at least he spoke a little better English and a bit louder too. 3 more injections including that awfully painful one in the roof of your mouth that makes your eyes water and a load of pushing and pulling and out they came in a few pieces though with one last stubborn root holding on for grim death before finally been brutally ripped from its hiding place. Because of the problems in the past he thankfully put a couple of dissolvable stitches in to close up the gap a bit which should help. It has been giving me a bit of pain since then but nothing major and besides the size of them told me it wasn't going to be plain sailing, but I will add that it has not managed to stand between me and my bacon sandwiches which would be simply outrageous and unacceptable.


Okay I'm off for now, but hopefully the next blog on here would have been typed by one of the willing victims, I mean volunteers from the cadets who will be over later. His name I believe is William but everyone calls him Bill or Bob and I think he's not keen on William. So guess what he will be known as around here?????? HA HA HA!!!!!!! He is the second Lamb to the slaughter this week as I had someone turn up earlier in the week, but I was not too well on the day and as a result we never did one. Still there's always next week, if she comes back that is, because she did sit there and have a read of the blog and has probably scared her for life!!


See Ya!!

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