Tuesday, September 18

It’s Me Again!!

Hi one and all. Hope you haven’t missed me too much?? I do have a genuine reason for not blogging for a while and before you all start howling it’s not the Lazyitus returning again but instead a really annoying eye problem. As some may remember I mentioned that the good old GVHD had managed to attack my eyes along with all the other places it’s managed to get too. This has been causing a lot of pain and discomfort for a while as they become very very dry. Sometimes the eye drops help but not always. For the last few weeks however I have noticed that whenever I try to look at the computer screen or even the prog information on the TV after one or two minutes my eyes become extremely painful. No amount of eye drops has stopped the pain either. This has and still is, as I haven’t managed to get to the eye clinic yet to get it looked at, a right pain in the you know what as I spend most of my time on the computer.

As far as the rest of my aches and woes are concerned it’s pretty much business as usual. The odd glimmer of a chest infection looming ready to pounce at any given notice and the Boa Constrictor I have wrapped around my body trying its best to strangle what life there is left from me, oh yes, and the depression I seem to have been up and down with of late. As I have mentioned on other blogs the depression is very often triggered by the state of my health and as things haven’t been too good it just proves my point really.

On the car front it looks like there is a chance I may have my new one in about a week or so now, thanks to a lot of help from Dave Bushby from Motorbilty who has been on my case for me all along. When I finally get my hands on the new one I will have to write a separate blog on all the problems I have had getting this thing but in the meantime if anyone reading this is thinking about using a company based in Newcastle called “Automotive Group” DONT!!!!!!

I have managed to write this blog off and on over a weekend away at Marie Curie’s Holme Towers Hospice in Penarth where I have been for a weekends respite whilst Jude has dragged Tara and Kya and a load of other hormonal women to Butlins in Minehead for the weekend. This too will need a blog all of its own to give you some details but overall I guess it wasn’t the best of experiences but still I needed to know.

Right my eyes just can’t take any more now so I am going to have to go. Maybe if I dictated I could get someone to write a few blogs for me until I get my eyes sorted that would make it easier and probably for you lot, a lot shorter too as I tend to drift off at times as you all know.

See Ya!!

P.S I have an update on the Car and it's being delivered on Thursday so i would appreciate it if you all stay off the road then and tell all your freinds too!!


Anonymous said...

Whew! Good to see ypu in print again - hope the wizards can wave a wand and get hat eye problem sorted pronto.

Anonymous said...

Good news on the car too - what with you in the new one, and my youngest learning to drive... Not many safe places left!

Anonymous said...


Good to get your comments - biopsy not until January, so plenty of time to look forward and anticipate the pleasure!

How is the car?