Thursday, May 17

Freedom Of Information

After waiting what seems like a lifetime for people like the Local Vale Of Glamorgan Council and the BBC and also the Powers that be at Heath Towers to respond to requests I have made for information under the “Freedom Of Information Act” they have all seemed to reply in the last few days interestingly enough as if they have all been in contact with one another.

I guess the most boring one was from the BBC who I had asked for information regarding what they do to ensure there are adequate provisions made for Disabled people to participate in audiences they may need in both their own and outside broadcast locations. In general their response was pretty predictable and basically told me nothing new and inspiring so was a bit of a waste really.

The next was to the Director responsible for Estate Management at Heath Towers regarding the appalling misuse of 4 of the Disabled Parking Bays to place 1 Porta-cabin and 3 Contractors Vehicles which just happen to be the 4 closest to the one and only entrance into the hospital as well. I finally received a written response from Chief Executive Mr Hugh Ross after numerous threatening emails which just pretty much said that although they agree that there is a huge amount of space available around the hospital grounds that could be used in order to fulfil Health And Safety Requirements they needed to be situated so close to the hospital that they would not have to cross the paths of the General Public. How bloody stupid is that?? They refused to email their response to me so I will have to get around to scanning it and then I will post it with the others.

Then there’s the Councils!!! I had initially written to Cardiff Council following my memorable trip into the town centre on the train the other month to complain about the dreadful paving conditions then followed it up with a Freedom Of Information request asking what they are doing to enforce the responsibilities on local Businesses to comply with the access responsibilities of the Disability Discrimination Act. Also I wanted to know what the figures were for cases of physical injury compensation claims as a result of the paving conditions in Cardiff and whether settled before or after a court hearing. You will see that it appears that they either didn’t read the question right or just don’t want to give me the information. As far as the access issue is concerned you will see that the respondent just goes on and on about the upcoming planning regulation change requiring businesses to supply a statement of their intention to supply access which does nothing to enforce the many many business who are flouting the law right now to do what is required.

So all in all a pretty pointless exercise although I will not let it drop just yet and have responded to each of them in my usual polite manner and requested yet again the information I first asked for although I don’t hold out much hope.

I also have the ongoing saga of the Disabled Facility Grant which is becoming more and more depressing each day but to be honest that is a whole blog on its own so I may get round to it on the weekend.

I’m off to see Merlin tomorrow and to have my Immunoglobulins. Sadly though I have an appointment at the Dental School there first to have two more teeth out which I really enjoy NOT!! I suppose the good thing is I might get to have a bit of a sleep whilst the Immunoglobulins are going through over about 3 hours, we’ll see!!

I will have to work out now how I can post their responses to the blog so you van see what rubbish they have been saying.

See Ya!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm - I guess fedora is pretty low on the list of prioritioes then! Hope all goes well tomorrow - not a pleasant prospect...