Tuesday, October 23

I’m on a roll now!!

Well guys after the severe lack of blogging of late I am on a bit of a roll at the moment what with a few in just a couple of days or so. Now I know there are some amongst you who have been glad of the rest but there are numerous sad, lonely, depressed, often suicidal people who have missed the charm witty banter that has be the trademark of this blog for the now, what must be about 2 frightening years.

I’ve thought these last few days about what to write about and to be honest have struggled a little for any inspiration. Isn’t it amazing, when I can’t write because my eyes are bad my mind is constantly churning out idea after idea, but when I can just about manage to type a few words or two it refuses to play along. I tell you what has been coming out though are those little sayings like for example if you buy something new and it doesn’t work properly, they will often say “It just needs to bed in a bit” or “It needs to settle”, WHY DOES IT??? IT’S BLOODY NEW!!!! Surely it should work right from the beginning?? Would you put with a say, a brand new car breaking down every 2 miles with the explanation given that “it’s new and needs time to settle in” would you hell!! But we all just accept it, me included. Why don’t the make everything already settled/bedded in right from the start, or is that just too difficult??

I might have been offered a good solution to the problem of writing the blog with the state of my eyes in the shape and form of one of a volunteer from one of the countries finest upstanding group of young men and ladies, “The Royal Air force Cadets 1100 Squadron” of which Judith is a civilian instructor. I have been asked if I would like one of them to come over and type up my blogs for me if I dictate to them. They can apparently use this to go towards one of their awards I believe too which means we all benefit in the end, although I think you lot will probably have the short straw, as you know you, the more blogs I do the more your brain is going to be bombarded with all my junk. I think this is a real nice gesture and appreciate it a lot. We will have to look at how exactly we can do it because I guess not many of them will be up to typing at the speed of light which is often how quick this rubbish flies out of my brain but you never know I guess?? Just think though, the opportunity to clone my own little Jonny5, brainwashing her/him with the thoughts that travel through the otherwise empty void between my ears constantly.

Right I’m off to write up my master plan.

See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

Yo Cous welcome back

catching up slowly. You're just like Cardiff Bus one minute nothing then all at once ha ha!!

Good idea getting some poor sole oopss i mean a volunteer to help with the typing but is that all they get is a medal. They would deserve a knighthood to put up with your ramblings lol.
At least you can try it out on them first!!! becareful though don't finish them off on the first blog break them in gently.

see ya
fav cous

Jonny5 said...

Hey Cous, thought i had upset you as you been quiet of late, not a bit like you at all. How's your new motor then? No excuse for not coming out 4 a cuppa now. Thankfully there are lots of little volunteers to get through in the squadron so i should be okay for a while ha ha!! I had better not start off on one about dying and stuff straight away as i can imagine some of them may get a little scared.

See Ya!!