Wednesday, October 31

You’ve had your warning!!

Okay then. I guess if your name isn't Merlin then this first part is not meant for you really but if you would like to participate in your own special way you can always leave your comments HERE. I am giving you fair warning Mr Merlin that I am due to see you next in 2 weeks in the Day Unit and as I'm sure I mentioned when I saw you last that would expect you to have made inroads into this treatment on my behalf. Therefore even if nothing has been done till now at least I have reminded you in time so that you can do something about it. I suppose equally if any of you at Heath Towers are reading this maybe you can pass on the reminder for me?? For the rest of you maybe you would like as I say to give him your own little reminders HERE.

So, what's been happening recently then?? Well to be honest my chest has been a blinking nightmare again. From around Thursday last week and now still although it has eased a little, it has been really tight and quite phlegmy for a change. The pretty much constant, at times, coughing makes breathing quite difficult as well as causing bloodshot eyes which might come in handy to scare the kids off when they come round Trick Or Treating soon although I seem to have the same effect without even doing anything. It's been one of those times when nothing works whether it is the puffers or nebulae's or oxygen. It ruined my weekend plans to go to the food festival as I mentioned and then basically has tried to completely ruin everything since then. I did manage to get out for a couple of hours Sunday just to remind myself what the outside world looked like but paid for it later on alright. Still no raised temperature which is a good indicator that the immunoglobulin must be doing their job in helping my immune system to fight off infections etc.. I hasten to add also that we rapidly approaching a whole year without any admissions to Heath Towers which for those regular readers will know is a remarkable thing considering the amount of them prior to the immunoglobulin starting. I think it was easier to have said the dates that I wasn't in there rather then the ones I was as there were far fewer to remember. I've lost count of the number of times I have been brought home by ambulance transport after a couple of weeks of punishment at Heath Towers only to be taken back in literally a couple of hours later because my temperature had gone up again and then spending the next 2 weeks all dripped up again and that was if I was lucky. Still hopefully those days are gone now and for those on C1 reading this, I love you all to bits and do appreciate your care but I hope the hell I don't have to come and see you again. What's that Penelope?? Ah, you feel the same way too!!!

Right I'm off then. Please feel free to comment as I said as I'm sure he will appreciate it and I know I will too.



See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

OK Mr Merlin

Two weeks is not very long it will pass with the blink of an eye. So if you haven't sorted anything already, put down that magic wand as it obviously do not work and pull your finger out in getting this treatment sorted for my favourite cous!

That good enough cous?
see ya

Anonymous said...

I think you need the hidden camera and tape recorder for the next visit - your foray into podcasting - so we can all hold Merlin to account!

Hope to get my blog back soon!

Jonny5 said...

Yo Cous,
You do have a way with words, much like myself. It must run in the family??

You must have read my mind as the thoughts have been heading that way of late. Looking forward to the re apearence of the blog too.

See Ya!!

Anonymous said...

Yo cous

You know me!! but as you said two peas in a pod ha ha. I'm just getting over the shock that my brain works like yours lol... I really didn't think I was that bad. I'll have to ask my family... then again better not!lol

As confucious once said, You want anything in this world you have to SPOUT OFF!!!! It sometimes works too. ha ha ha

See Ya
fav cous