Saturday, August 27

Bit of a let down realy!!

Well after the events of the week so far, today has been a let down realy. In a Nutshell Nothing Happened, No Crisis, No Hospital, No Nothing. I spent the day thinking of things that could or might go wrong but nothing did and do you know what " I Was Bored Senseless" and didn't know what to do with myself. You might think to yourself that after the week i've had i would welcome a break, but i dont realy, I needed something to concentrate on, so slept off and on most of the day out of boredem. Internet connections still going strong and i'm furiously Downloading all i can before it gets cut off as probably it's only a matter of time.
Maybe i ought to take this time to tell you why it is that i decided to start this Blog and in fact why its called Disabled Rants.
One of my Pet Hates so to speak for years now, not just since i became Disabled myself is that of, able bodied people parking in Designated Disabled Parking Bays be it at the Supermarket or High Street or anywhere else for that matter. It bloody iritates me beyond belief at peoples attitude when confronted and they reply with things like "Well i'm only popping in for a minute" or "What do you need the space for yourself you look alright to me"
Another one is the Mass Abuse of the Motorbility Scheme by thousands of people who have no real need for the Service and must be costing the Tax Payers Millions of pounds a year in Benefits etc. Like a lot of things i guess the System is as much to blame as they Fraudulant Claiments and a complete overhall is needed. It seems thatnthere are a lot of genuine sufferers that should be entitled to the benefits that are not getting them when others who Blatently Play The System get away with it.
So because of these and a whole heap more issues that realy wind me up i thought i would start this Blog to air my views so to speak and maybe have some fun along the way. That Seal Bounce game in the Cool Games link is so bloody addictive it already responsible for giving me bags under my eyes.
Anyway better get on with some real stuff like missing my family and friends and searching for some more whacky links for you. Tally Ho, Toddle Pip, See Ya.

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