Tuesday, August 23

Is It Me??

Is it me, or is everyone having a bad time of it this week.

Off to my usual Weekly visit to the Haematology Day Unit for Blood Tests and to see the Transplant Team etc which is usually a trouble free, enjoyable, friendly, nice day out all be it there is always a lot of waiting around for results etc.   The Nurses and Doctors are all wonderful there and all of the patients seem to have this affinity together in that they’ve pretty much gone through or are going through or even are going to go through if that makes sense, exactly the same things and treatments etc as each other.  It’s sort of one big happy family and you always have someone to talk to and gossip and find out the latest news and stuff its good.  I arrived as usual a few minutes early for my 11am appointment time and waited whilst chatting to a couple of people for my nurse to call me to have my blood taken.   I felt a bit tired all morning but put it down to the fact I’d been up late on the computer and also was suffering a bit from conjunctivitis which is making my eyes sore a bit.  The time came when Lovely nurse Sally called me to take my blood.  She’s lovely Sally very bubbly and bright just what the Doctor ordered when you’re feeling a bit down or whatever.  I’d asked if I could remain on the bed when she had taken my blood and try and get a bit of sleep for an hour by which time my results should be back.  So I sort of nodded of an on for an hour then I woke to see the Doctor and Sally looking at the Computer Screen opposite the bed where they get the test results off and then looked at me and I saw the Dreaded word Potassium on the Doctors lips… Oh Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!  Potassium means to me Cannulation and a 4-5 Hour Drip so I was not going anywhere for the rest of the day, Great Fun!!!!! I thought to myself this is going to be one of those weeks.  So a Canula was put in to my arm and attached up to the drip and it was fine for a little while then started to really sting which Potassium tends to do. I persevered for a while as it seemed to come and go and Sally had turned the Infusion rate down a touch which helped although that just made it longer.  After about an  hour it really started to sting so we decided that they would have to move the Canula to a different larger vein which they did and it helped enormously so the rate was put back up to warp speed, well snails pace really.  I sort of dosed off and on most of the afternoon which was strange really as Low Potassium makes you quite tired so you would think that having a shot of it would wake you up a bit.   No chance of that with me although I usually do the reverse of everything like the Steroids supposed to give you energy and keep you awake they just tend to make me tired and sleepy…. I woke up at 10 to 5 just as the infusion was finishing and was finally disconnected and released from my containment so to speak.  

Well another day over and can it get any worse? well watch this space because it usually does with me!!!!

What’s that you just hit a nail through a Gas Pipe Oh My God better go see ya!!!!    

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