Tuesday, January 24

Benefit Changes

Having heard John Hutton MP reading his statement on the government reforms on benefit I felt urged to write to you.  as I feel all inspired to go out now and get a job and no longer have to claim my Incapacity Benefit, so I thought I know, where better to start looking for work than passing on my needs to you lot to see if you can keep your eye out for me so here goes:

I have very few skills as I have manly been a Delivery driver most of my working life although I am an expert in Bacon Butties.  I need an employer who will be prepared to accept that most weeks I need to have at least 3 days off but more often than not 5 days off due to hospital appointments and clinics.  They also need to allow me to have maybe around 30 weeks a year off due to being in hospital for various reasons.. infections, lungs, etc etc…  Then obviously there is the recovery period following these Hospital stays say around 20 weeks of the year.  If all this is acceptable then they will also need to allow me to park immediately outside the front door of wherever I will be working and not need me to walk more than about 50 yards…also they must allow me to bring my own Oxygen Cylinders to work with me to allow me to breathe occasionally,  It most definitely needs to be a Flexi Time type of job as sometimes some of my medication makes me quite drowsy and lethargic in the morning and can take hours before I would be capable of work.  There must be no lifting except that of a coffee cup and maybe the odd light weight pen or pencil provided they were very light, there must be no good looking women within my vision at any time during working hours as it is causes my Heart beat to fluctuate to dangerous levels therefore causing me to have breathing difficulties, that’s without even going into the financial package that I would require.

Please Please Please people of you know of such an employer then let me know as I really do want to take this chance to get back to work!!

I’m sadly torn between 2 thought. On the one hand I agree to a certain extent that something needs to be done about all those people that are on such benefits that are just playing the system as that to me is unfair in the same way that you may have read on my thoughts regarding my Badge you know the Blue one that used to be Orange!!  But on the other hand why waste taxpayers money by requiring me to attend Job Assessment interviews etc???  Is there a point???   I think the part about your money going up if you are genuine is a laugh too do they really think that people will fall for that one ha ha ha.

It’ll turn into another Poll Tax fiasco you watch.

Well I guess what I’m saying is that Tony Blair and his mates will get the same reaction from me that the Van Driver at Tesco’s earlier on today.

See ya


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