Friday, January 20

yep you guessed i t i'm still arond against the will of the mediacal profession who have and are trying to see the back of me in whatever way they can..: )

Well i hjope you are all doing okay , i sure have missed you all and feel really guilty for not keeping this thing going but i will try in the future to do so/ The prob i got is that i spend so much time at the hospital and stuff that i haven't got the time to spend writing about it when i come home although i really must try. Well a general update i guess is cxalled for for all those of you sad enough to want to know lol,

i suppose i better strat off with the chest, AH THE CHEST THING!! Well to tell the truth it ain't too bad at the moment although i'm still out of puff etc at just the slightest movement though my breathing must be a little better as i cant remember the last time i needed oxygen which can only be a good thing.

From a Haematology angle i guess all is about normal although my main problem at the moment is that i am again suffering from Graft Versus Host disease of the skin which is not too pleasant . It has made me come out in a very very itchy rash on my upper legs and lower back. This is when the Stem Cells that i recieved which are now what is producing my Bone Marrow actually attempts to reject my body not the way you would think. Sadly it will probably involve me having to take some high doses of nasty toxic drugs again to treat it but thankfully it is treatable though. I just gonna wait for the haematology dept to liase with the dermatolgist to decide the best form of action. My hope is that they will decide to go ahead with a realatively new treatment using UVB light which has had some good results with GVHD.

Okay then i better run as i gotta go to a naming ceremony for all the recent quacky things that have apeared on my doorstep over the last couple of monthsl, a very patriotic event it is too.

Hope to see you all soon if i can manage to stay away from hospital that is.



Titania said...

Hello and greetings from Portugal!
After having read a bit of your story and fight, I'm glad you're here and sharing with us your feelings and emotions :)
Hope everything will be better and better!

Jonny5 said...

Hi titania and Muito Obrigado. (it amazing what google can do) ;) I'm glad my Rantings are being enjoyed all over the world and your words of hope do mean a lot to me. Thank You. Take Care.