Thursday, July 20

What A Strange Day!!

I woke up this morning, well lets rephrase that, I was woken by Tara at 10.30 reminding me that I had said that we would trek into Cardiff this morning to do a bit of shopping, which to be honesty is slowly becoming my favourite activity, what am I like, a right old woman???? I was fine until I made my way downstairs and it seemed all of sudden I was having a strange pain in my stomach. It only lasted a couple of minutes at first then it just stopped. I felt quite queasy at the time too. Anyhow as it went I decided that we would still go and I started taking all my pills and potions in readiness and set about the mammoth task of putting on all the creams and then getting dressed. I wish someone would invent a machine that applies all the creams and maybe even dresses you too it would make things so much easier for me, any ideas???

Right off we set on the road to the Big City. The plan was to go to one of the well established Boot Sales then into town for some retail therapy, but mainly to get into the Local market to get some of the Delicious Stir-Fry’s that one particular butcher makes that are out of this world. We’d only been gone about 10 minutes or so and this pain and queasiness had come back. It sort seemed to come on like a wave of pain if you can understand what I mean. I came up to the roundabout and decided that it might be a wise idea to miss going to Cardiff today because of this and turned around the roundabout and headed off back home. Well if I did, as soon as the pain had come on it disappeared again. I got a couple of hundreds of yards up the road and did a u turn, stuff it I thought I’m gonna take the amble and go anyhow. It weird, as it hasn’t caused much more pain or annoyance till this evening now it’s starting again. Maybe it’s just a bit of indigestion or wind or something, we’ll see what it’s like tomorrow. I don’t like new pains as they can be worrying as I don’t know what they are.

The boot sale was pretty good with a good turn out as the weather was just right, quite warm but not full on blaring sunshine just right for my condition. I quite like boot sales, I guess it’s the whole thought of getting “A Bargain” which appeals to me as well as the bartering etc too, and last but by no means least the obligatory downing of a lovely greasy Bacon & Mushroom Roll washed down with a Stand your spoon in Coffee, there’s nothing quite like it. I wasn’t convinced to part with any other money however which is quite good for me too. Off into the town centre then in search of the elusive empty Disabled Parking Bay. There are a number spread around town and I tried them all. I got to the last one and was beginning to think about having to go in one of the Multi Story’s when I came across an empty one. Yipeee!!!! I do like the idea of parking in the town centre for nothing it’s my 2 fingers up to the local council who rip you off at any given chance. Ha Ha Ha!! We headed off to the indoor market to get the meat and stuff. This involves walking through the Fish Hall which has the strongest aroma of fish you can ever imagine, it absolutely stinks to high heaven and not for the faint hearted or those with dodgy stomachs. Well I took a deep breath and ordered the engine (Tara) to break all land speed records and run like hell as fast as possible which she gladly did as she cant stand the smell of fish at all. If I had hair it would have been ripped from its roots, she went so fast Ha Ha, problem was the stopping distance at that speed is quite long and we nearly ended up smashing into a huge neatly piled display of apples but thankfully she managed to steer clear at the last minute, Phew!!! Well after buying up a freezer full of various forms of meats and stuff we headed off around some of the shops in search of bargains. Tara as usual felt strong urges to go in every shoe shop that we passed as she just can’t help it. I on the other hand just felt the urge to go in EVERY SHOP!!!!! Well you’ll be impressed I never spent anything else at all which really is unusual for me. I just wasn’t tempted by anything at all. Never mind there’s always next time.

Well safely back home and time for a nap to recover except my stomach was playing up again, it was sort of coming and going again what a pain in the arse. Never mind maybe a good old belch will do the trick, where did I put that Andrews??????

Right I’m off See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

hi John.
long time no see!!!! have we on c1 upset you??
anyway, just thought you would like to know that we now have TWO transplant specialist nurses appointed - the fab Sarah and Sheri. Sarah will be dealing with the inpatients and Sheri the pre and post transplant 'stuff'. they are not counsellors but will provide vital links for patients and families and we have no doubt that they will make a huge difference to the service.hope you are ok - how is the stomach?? penelope.

Anonymous said...

A macxhine that dresses you... Wallace and Grommit didf some research in that direction (I think in "The Wrong Trousers"...)

And what's this then - another bevvy of beauties to look after your everry need on C1? If they are as lovely as the crew on Samaritan ward at Guy's (and I'm sure they are!) you are a lucky man!

Hope that queasiness has passed.