well do you like my new bestest friend. She's a real stunner don't you think?? I finally got round to taking a piccy or 2 today after giving her, her first pampering session down at the local Drive Thru Car Wash.
My chest has decided to play up a little today for some reason which is annoying as it's been fine for a while now. I guess i can't have it all good can I?? It's not causing too much trouble just Wheezy and Ratly you know the sort i'm on about that no ammount of coughing seems to clear that annoying little rattle in the back of your throat. Skins not too bad today though. Still tight but not as itchy so maybe things are starting to work. Who Knows??
I think i might go out visiting tommorow so all those within driving distance you have been warned if you hear the door bell ring it might just be your worst nightmare come true when i decend on you and eat up all your food and leave you feeling Pillaged.
Right off to take the next round of pills and potions, you can carry on talking to yourself if you like just keep the noise down alright because i may have a pre-bed snooze after the pills.
See Ya!!
You are all safe, John called to see his mum with Tara.
He rang and said put the kettle on he was at Coryton he was here in 10 minutes,
Hya cous
Thanks for the message. I can now unlock the front door and stop hiding behind the curtains ha ha ha
Great new car John what's it like to drive i always think they are really heavy?
sounds promising about the skin... one step at a time though
Take care
fav cous
Hey cous it comes to something when all you Blog readers start warning each other when its safe to answer your door Ha Ha!!
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