Saturday, September 30

I didn’t sleep too well last night. Maybe it was all the excitement of going to this Coffee morning today. Just the thought of all them poor souls having to put up with my ranting and raving and generally making a bloody nuisance of myself was enough to get the old Grey Matter working overtime thinking up really awkward questions to ask and stuff. Well you know what I’m like, someone gotta keep them on their toes, and besides I’m a medical phenomenon after all!!

I didn’t really feel up to going to be truthful as my blinking chest has been playing up again the last few days, but as I had promised I would go and the fact that Judith was going to come and do the honours pushing me around in the wheelchair we made our merry way to the rather nice Hotel.

All the usual suspects were gathering there for the kill. You could see the look of despair in their faces when they saw me Ha Ha Ha. Oh I do like a good old natter and set about inflicting myself on anyone who either wanted to know or not I didn’t mind.

First up for the kill was poor old Florence Nightingale, oops I shouldn’t say old sorry, but it’s her fault as she was talking about being around when 007 and a Half (The Prof) was a Junior Doctor and he retired this week, not that I am implying anything at all. She sadly bore the brunt of it from not only me but Judith too about the state of things with me at moment health wise. I haven’t seen her for a long time so in some ways I guess it was a chance to catch up on where things are at so to speak and she also introduced a person from the Benefits Agency who had a good natter with Judith about where we will stand when Judith finishes work next month. Penelope Pitstop and Sheri & Sarah stopped by for a natter too and Mary And Karen….OOOOHHHHHH NNNNOOOOO!!!!! Now I’ve started mentioning names I am bound to forget someone and end up having an earful next time I go to the unit.. It was very interesting to speak to Sarah & Sheri as they are the ones who I have mentioned in these newly filled posts. I was interested to know what their roles and expectations were and stuff and along with these try and give them any help I ca to enable them to make others path through this easier or better etc.. I took the opportunity to pass on my praise for a Local Based Charity “The George Thomas Trust”, who have provided me with the most amazing service. Things like the Nurse that rings at least once a week and then visits my house for a natter every other week and their Social Worker. Their Councillor Sarah who regular readers will know has made so much of a difference along with things like their aids I have needed to borrow and services such as Aromatherapy and Reflexology. They all seem to have exactly the same attitude that I have found in all the staff on C1 and The Day Unit. Really helpful and caring.

I suppose the sad part was the lack of turn out from actual patients and relatives etc which to be honest was very poor. WHERE WERE YOU ALL????? But on a selfish personal level at least we sort of decided as a conglomerate that there are a number of issues that I will need to bring up with Merlin when I see him again in just over a week. Things to do with treating this blinking Chest Problem Properly, not just leaving the GVHD problem in limbo whilst waiting for an alternative treatment to be decided on. I am my own worst enemy I know as however up front I am on here in “The Real World”, if there is such a place really, I don’t tend to shout about things and demand answers and try to get things done. There are a number of reasons I guess for this and maybe I will sit down and write about that another day as I think you have had enough punishment for one day.

Before any of you chip in, it has nothing to do with consuming copious amounts of alcohol therefore clouding my thoughts.

Then Again, It Might Be????

Quick where’s that bottle let me have some more then I don’t need to think!!!!

Well thank you everyone for taking the time to listen to me and try and help and give suggestions and support I really do appreciate it and I know that Judith does greatly too.

Here I go again… god help me if I ever won an Oscar or something, I would be there all night….I’d like to thank my Mum & Dad and Family and the local hamster patrol and the binman etc etc etc etc etc……..

I’m Off,

See Ya!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John thank you for your kind words a couple of posts ago - I have only just got round to catching up with the various events of the last 14 days (not helped by being away!)

Will post more when I have my thoughts together (and got round this snagette on my computer)