Sunday, September 24

Weekend Update

I just realised that I forget to say how I actually got home from the hospital on Thursday after all the other hassles.  Well I have to admit compared to the rest of the experiences that day it went remarkably smooth.  I informed the ambulance control that I was ready to go back home and as I know from all the other times I’ve used this service that I was in for at least an hours wait, so I went and did a bit of window shopping while I waited.  To my amazement only 20 odd minutes after I had told them I was ready they were announcing my name over the tannoy as the ambulance was here.  WOW!!!!! As well as been quick they were only taking me home and not picking up any more too and to top it all they agreed to go the way that I would go home through the country lanes which is around 6 miles shorter and a whole lot quieter apart from the odd stray sheep occasionally.  So 35 minutes later I was home and I must say the St John’s Ambulance crew were really nice.  Chatting about all sorts all the way home and having a laugh or two as well, which all went towards the feeling of being relaxed when I got home and not all stressed out which It may well have been!!

I don’t like to speak too soon but I think that the change of antibiotics on Thursday might be beginning to work as last night and today my coughing has eased a lot and even when I do I’m not bringing up all the muck I was before.  I will say though that I’m not sure if it’s down to one of my medications or not but I have been feeling quite tired for a few days now.  In  the past this is sometimes brought on by my Potassium levels being low which has happened no end of times, but according to the blood results on Thursday my level is quite normal and besides the fact that I took a few potassium tablets for a day or two with no improvement so it isn’t that.  Some of the other medications I’m on I know list tiredness/lethargy as a side effect but I am not on anything new really and this is a new feeling.

So what else has been happening I hear you ask?  NOT!!!  Well not a lot really I have been up to my usual activities Chair to Toilet and back, eat drink and try to be merry along the way, with some successes I think.  Oh yeah and I have been busy out the kitchen which I do love although it nigh on kills me sometimes.  I made a delicious Prawn and Veg Curry with Pilau Rice last night and today made one of my favourites a gorgous Beef Stew With DUMPLINGS!!!  Yum yum……  it has to be cooked for around 3 or 4 hours recon but if you can leave it more it does seem to gather more flavour.  The best way really is to make it the day before and leave it to cool and then refrigerate it as this seems to give the flavours chance to really come out, but the problem is because we are all Stew Lovers, well Dumpling Lovers really, there is no chance that any of us would leave it alone for that long.  I do though try to do a bit too much so there is always a little left for the next day unless somebody swipes it in the night. Grrrrrrr!!!!

Oh yeah and my brother came up on his Motorbike for a natter, that was nice as I don’t get to see or speak to him that often as say my mother or sister.  Gives me a chance to talk about another of my loves, Cars and Rallying, you know boys stuff!! Which I don’t really get chance to any other time but in saying that Tara will quite often sit and talk about all things Motor and she’s into Rallying too although she has bad taste as she follows the Citroen Team Booooooo!!!!! And as a lot of you will know I am a die hard Subaru fan although they sinking down the pan this year, ha ha ha, a bit like me really!!!

Right I’m off now as I’m knackered after watching Judith fit the new threshold and some skirting around the new French doors in the living room.  I found it really hard work.  I tell you what I’m thinking of hiring her out as she is so good at DIY stuff she could be worth a fortune!!!!  I would like to point out that she actually made the skirting board too as in routing the edge and everything she is good!!

Okay I’m off,

See Ya!!

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