Thursday, September 7

Whoops A Daisy

Hey there guys and gals, I decided that after the last blog entry I might try and at least keep up the momento, who knows it might just catch on….

Well as I pointed out my chest has not been too clever the last couple of days although to be honest the most stressfull thing I’ve done is a bit of cooking, which you might well laugh but you want to see the state of me when I have to spend long periods out there. For some reason it really gets me all breathless, truly weird!!!!! Right back to the point. I had arranged to meet up with Best Sister Number 1 for a coffee and general whinge and moan with a few laughs chucked in as we could both do with some at the moment. I was up bright and early 10am, and all prepared for the treck to the car some 50 yards away. I set off at great speed with the oxygen cylinder pumping in the required 4litres to my lungs on the way to sustain life, boy do I need it nowadays!!!! Well I got half way and started to struggle which even for me is pretty damn poor, I was very quickly running out of breath and therefore food to my muscles. The major floor to walking to the car is that there is nowhere to stop for a rest in between, so when your stuck halfway you have to make a tough decision, do you turn round and go back??(absolutely not as that would be giving up STUPIDLY in my eyes) or do you just try and struggle to the car where you can sit down and try and get your breath back??? ( the usual choice). Well I decided on the latter with I must admit with not much hope of actually making it in one piece. I reached around and turned up the oxygen to full pelt so it was now pumping out 20 litres, enough to fill up an air balloon. I made it to the car and by now I was really REALLY REALLY PANICKING. My heart was racing so my Blood Pressure must have been through the roof right alongside my Pulse rate. I was in one hell of a mess, struggling to get in any oxygen at all and the longer it was going on the more I was panicking therefore the faster my heart was racing etc etc etc. I know I shouldn’t panic but it is easier said than done when you are in that situation. I can honestly say that I have never been that scared evr before and I thought my time was up. Thankfully after about 10-15 minutes or so my heart started to slow down a little and thankfully my breath did the same and slowly but surely I started to calm down. Phew that was a close one!!!! The problem now was getting back to the house. I decided to drive there. We are living on a road which isn’t actually a road which sounds a little strange I know, but it is me after all!!! We have like this very wide path outside our house which you can drive up and use as access to your house to say drop off your shopping etc but you are not allowed to park there for any real length of time. All I had to walk was about 6 ft which even I could just about manage and then Judith could park the car later when she gets home.

I knew my chest was not that good at the moment but to be honest when I’m sat still on here or watching the telly etc I don’t notice how bad it is as I am not exerting any strain on my lungs etc..

So sorry Ruthy I suppose we will have to rearrange it some other time and at least we will have loads more to whinge about etc.

I think I will have to take that today as a lesson to NOT BE SO BLOODY STUPID AND STUBBORN!!!!! But as you all know I WON’T!!!!!!

Right I’m off for a bit of relaxing in the shape of my new found pressure release otherwise called “Online Bingo” Ha Ha Ha!!!!

See Ya!!


P.S hiya to all those family, friends etc who have been either posting on here or sending me your regards etc, I am truly gratefull for all your thoughts and support. After all it does help so much to know that people are rooting for you and praying for you etc etc as I’m sure people like Peter and Elspeth and Cas etc etc will agree. I will try to for all our sakes to keep up the fight and will draw on the energy I feel coming from all around to boost my reserves.

I feel a tear forming as we speak and I truly do mean it when I say a great big
Thank You!!!


Anonymous said...


ok cous now thats off my chest.....

Where HAVE you bloody been????

No I won't except any excuses. my life has been totally dull. no blog to read.... no laughs to be had...... kids still home from Uni and College....

now off to read that ever sooooo long blog talking about catch up

Love to speak soon

Your fav cous........

Jonny5 said...

Hey Cous
I missed you too!!!

i promise to at least try and keep in touch but you know me by now. i dont like promises too much.

Hope the kids are waiting on you hand over fist as per usuall.

Say hi Mum and Dad and Stu and the kids and the neighbours and the butcher and the little old lady i helped accross the road when i was 5............

See Ya!!