Thursday, September 28

Food Glorious Food!!

I wish I wouldn’t speak too soon all the time. My chest has got a bit worse again the last 2 days and all was going well too. It’s still not as bad as it was but just rattly again and to top it all I was feeling sick all day yesterday and finally had to shout down the big white telephone in the evening. After that I felt a whole lot better actually and haven’t felt sick since. I think it might be something that I had eaten earlier.

I seem to be back in cookery mode at the moment although if you could see the mess I get in with my breathing and stuff you would I was mad.

Explain this to me??

When I’m sat comfortably in the armchair in the room, say watching TV or messing around on the Laptop or whatever I don’t have a problem. (Most of the times, anyway) with my breathing unless my chest is fairly bad.


When I sit on a stool that we have bought which is height adjustable and set up just right for me out the kitchen I always seem to get out of breath. How can you get out of breath chopping Veg etc …..?????? I know it might be a bit warmer at times although not always and it hardly comes into the realms of strenuous exercise unless I decide to pump a few baked bean tins to keep up my athletic physique.

It doesn’t make any sense to me at all, and it happens more or less every time I am out there for more than a few minutes. The only thing I can put it down to is maybe when I sit a bit more upright, the room my lungs have to expand is reduced somewhat, but I wouldn’t think there would be that much difference. I know there is when I stand up and attempt to walk as my skin is so tight that I literally cannot breathe at any useful rate anyhow!!

Back to the cookery then.. I’ve always been a lover of Old Fashioned food. Things like Liver and Kidneys and Suet Pies, you know the things I mean. I recon a lot is down to my Nan. When we were growing up, every time we went to her house there was always something cooking on the stove like a Bacon Hock or Tripe and Onions MMMMMMMmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!! And as for Wafer Thin Ham Sandwiches you must be joking it was great big chunks of boiled ham or Brawn, which I loved and can’t really get the same anymore. In fact Tesco’s are selling the same old cheap hocks for £2 a time.

Well the last few days I have cooked Liver and Bacon, Stuffed Hearts, Faggots and peas to name just a few so my Iron intake must be through the roof. I think offal is good for potassium too although not to sure but I know it is Damn Good For The Soul !!!!

All this talk of food is making me hungry again, good job I made a couple of Faggots and Stuffed Hearts too many so I can go and have a chomp on them.

For those of you who are regular readers or listeners or general sad gits of this blog, will know of Peter who I mention now and then, (If not, try reading his blog which you can get to from the link on the side of my front page), well he has had a bit of a set back recently in that the Lymphoma seems to have returned to give him some more trouble. If you’ve a few minutes spare take a look at his blog HERE and maybe leave a note of encouragement or just a Hi as I’m sure it must be quite hard to have to go back through all this again.

Peter my thoughts do go out to you and your family and remember the old adage?????? ONWARDS AND UPWARDS!!!

See Ya!!

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