Friday, January 12

Well after a few quiet days of doing nothing much at all, apart from waiting to see if this recent spell of generally feeling unwell, or at least not quite right, I was quite amused by a reply to a blog entry I did way back in March 2006. Although factually completely inaccurate it brought a smile to my face anyhow. It goes to prove that whoever it was that wrote it had not even spent the time to read other entries to get the full picture and besides that they didn’t have the decency to put their name to this glorious piece of trash and signed in as anonymous. You can read it HERE!! And make up your own mind.

Ah well lets get back to reality. After a visit to see Merlin things are still going ahead in the Light Treatment front. He has been asked to put forward a business plan now to weigh up the costs of them purchasing their own machine and also one for sending me to Birmingham. I know it’s not starting right now but I have to look at it that it is at least moving in the right direction. The physio has sadly come to a stop now too as it is only meant to be provided for 6 weeks and I did manage to get 8 out of them I didn’t do badly. It’s down to me now to try and continue to complete the exercises regularly to keep the momentum going. A lot is also down to the weather as I have said before as I am unable to get out for a try at walking unless it’s at least dry and not too cold.

This strange feeling I have been having these last few days is a little annoying. I have almost completely gone off my food and am feeling quite tired a lot of the time although some may be due to the lack of food I guess. My chest hasn’t been wheezy as such just a lot tighter making breathing a little harder. I have also found that even doing something like dressing which I was managing without too much breathlessness recently I have really struggled with this last few days as it has made me so short of breath. There didn’t appear to be anything in the blood results on Tuesday so that jus adds to the mystery. My temperature which is a sure fire way of pre warning of any impending nasties invading has been a steady 36.8 perfectly normal. I’ll just have to get out my inhalers and try and make a difference and maybe take a multi vitamin tablet and possibly some potassium too as that seems to go down easy with me when I am not eating anyhow and low levels do make me tired a lot.

I’m hoping to be a little better next week as I want to try and get out a bit more, well I have to at least 3 days I think it is for various hospital stuff but I want to go spending some cash in Cardiff, Oooooopsss I know I should be feeding my family first, I am a naughty boy!!!!! Hell I don’t care I want to finish off the rest of my redundancy pay from November 2006 when I was made redundant. T-Bone Steaks all round then!!!! Maybe a Pheasant or 2 or some Foie Gras or some Kobe Beef!!

See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

Yo cous
You go for it. T bone steaks the lot. What a laugh. I am certain that "anonymous" is actually one of those people who needs to get a life or has already been caught for benefit fraud!!!!! If they only knew what sort of a life us genuine people lead. They are the type who phone in sick for just a common cold. Something i never did. Never a day sick until this lousey illness. Anyway.. when did you say you had that interview? ha ha ha
Just a message to anonymous if you still read John's blog... I hope you are never struck down in the prime of your life with what he has had to endure for the last few years.. but then you would probably cope and hold down a full time job too. (NOT)
Sorry cous just had to get that off my chest. Boy that felt good.
Speak soon
fav cous

Jonny5 said...

Well Cous all i can say really is yes, yes, yes yes yes...... You took the words right out of my mouth!! Glad your chest is now unburdened!!

See Ya!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to disassociate myself from the other Anonymous. He is clearly a twunt.
All power to your elbow Johnny.
A fellow crip

Tom Bailey said...

I found your blog through a search of disabled. I hope the hospital situation works out in your favor. You have an interesting blog.

Jonny5 said...

Thanks both for the comments. Lets hope the other Anon never has to face living with a disability, mmmmmmm Not too sure though???

See Ya!!

Tom, interesting blog sir, that last post about Bob Wieland was facinating and sort of helps to put things into prespective.