Friday, April 28

The Man From Delmonte He Says “Get Knotted”.

Remember a while back I told you about a bloody parking ticket I had been given at the hospital and that I had written off to try and plead insanity and get let off so to speak, well, Judith brought in a letter yesterday from the Vinci the car park people and sadly it was not good news. They have said that they had to uphold the penalty because you must purchase and display a valid ticket to be able to park in the hospital. Buggers!! I guess from now on I’m gonna be a right Victor Meldrew and report everyone who parks without a ticket etc….

Health wise not a lot of change today really, if anything I probably feel a little better than yesterday although I still have this annoying cough every now and then and I’m still very sickly when they give me this one particular anti-biotic. I guess at least it is going to finish tomorrow evening so only another 3 doses to go. I’m still not eating much at all which is quite concerning also as I usually have quite a good appetite. In fact I have lost around 1 ½ stone since I came in and most of that has sadly been in muscle mass which I could really not do with loosing at all. Things are so bad that at the moment just standing up from being in bed makes me really quite dizzy and there don’t seem to be enough strength in my legs to take my body weight. Wonder Woman is doing her best with all the various exercises to try and built the muscles up a bit. The other problem associated with this also is one of confidence too. Because of the dizziness and being shaky on my pins I don’t feel confident to even attempt to stand unassisted let alone try and walk at all.

I was having a chat with an old friend yesterday. Dr Hanni or The Sheik as I like to think of him. He’s one of the registrar’s here, in fact I can almost remember him when he was a Houseman ha ha ha!! I’ve been here so long. He’s a good guy always happy and jolly and always got a spare minute or two to have a chat about what’s happening etc, in fact all the Doctors and nurses for that matter here are all the same they just cant do enough for you except maybe of course the Nurse From Hell but fingers crossed our paths wont cross again.

I also managed to grab the elusive North Cornelly Village Queen 1978 Karen to try and see if she would do me a favour. I have a slight problem in that my Central Line will be taken out after the last Anti-Biotics on Friday morning and I will be left at the mercy of the Bloodsuckers and there spears after that, so I was hoping that Karen would be an angel and put in another Pic-Line for me on Friday to replace it. She said she will do anything for me including suffocation if desired which I thought was really nice of her. So if all goes well I should have a working Pic-Line sometime on Friday to keep the vampires away from my veins.

Right off to annoy some more nurses,

See Ya!!

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