Sunday, April 2

Finally got the see the Dermatology consultant yesterday after the good old wizard had managed to arrange for me. I had to laugh when I went in to see him as half the problem with me waiting so long for the treatment was that my consultant had retired this month and handed over to one of his juniors. What’s so funny I hear you say; well his junior is only about 2 years younger than him so he’ll probably be retiring himself soon ha ha ha. He was equally as excited with the look of my skin as the last consultant was. I’ve never seen such a severe case as yours in all my years he said, you really must be suffering, you bloody bet I am mate. He’s pushing for them to get on with the UVB stuff as a matter of urgency which could even mean next week. I found out the treatment is 3 sessions a week for 3 months. Sods law isn’t it as I have just finally been given a start date for the Pulmonary Rehab which I have been waiting for months for and that starts the week after next and guess what?? That’s 3 sessions a week too arggggggggg!!!!!!!!!! So I think as my skin is by far the worse problem and in fact does hamper my breathing a fair bit at the moment I would have to give priority to the UVB treatment. I will just have to try and ring the rehab unit on Monday to postpone for now which will probably mean that I will get lost in the system and have to go through it all again at a later date but I have no choice do I really??? Unless there is someone out there who will disguise themselves as me and go to the rehab for me?? Anyone at all?? Thought not!!

Have any of you ventured over to my sister’s blog recently. She’s just had some good news in that she has been offered a place at Cardiff Uni next year to continue with her studies which is well cool. What am I saying there may be every likelihood that our paths may cross as in patient and nurse not brother and sister. Oh no I can just see that glimmer of revenge in her eyes as she comes towards me with the hypodermic. My only saving grace is that she might not recognise me with my new hair do which by the way I should be having around the 10th as long as she doesn’t have to order one especially. I can’t wait.

Oh yeah!! I was woken up this morning by the dulcet tone of the postman ringing the door bell which has not happened for a long time. When I opened the door I was presented with an ever familiar shaped little square box and do you know what soon as I saw it I thought “What’s Mother Been Up To Now”!!! So I made myself make a cuppa and sit down instead of giving in to the urge to just tear the box open. So cuppa done I set about opening it up. Ha Ha HA!!! I was greeted by these 2 little pink boxes inside each containing you never guess what???????? That’s right 2 little duckies ha ha ha!! The one is pink and covered in loads of little pink hearts and wearing a gorgeous pink feather boa and the other is a glow in the dark one which illuminates when it comes into contact with the water ha ha ha!! I recon these 2 are gonna break some hearts at the pond I can see it now I’d better keep them away from the 2 squadies for now cos they will eat them alive. Oh I can’t wait till I have a bath tonight so I can see her perform in the dark.

THANKS MUM!!! You made my day oh and by the way if you see some T-Bone steak on your travels can you pick it up for me and I will give you my Jersey 50p when I get home ha ha well I might as well start making money off it again.

See Ya!!

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