Thursday, April 6

Well it was only a matter of time i guess!!

I read that the first case of bird flu has been reported on british soil so to speak. It appears a dead swan was found in Fife Scotland and tests have proved that it did in fact die of bird flu and the so called deadly H5n1 strain too. So i guess we will be looking at more mass chaos like with the Foot and Mouth epidemic a few years back. Well i will just have to break it too the Duckies that as from now THEY'RE GROUNDED!! No more trips outside for some fresh air and exercise its strictly indoors from now on till this whole thing blows over. Read about The outbreak Here

Heres a thing for you. Read this news item here
I always knew all them years that i have been trying to grow algae on my bathroom ceiling that it would come in handy for something.

Been an Itchy Scratchy day today. The skin problem is still causing me major problems. Its so tight and itchy too. The Cream works for all of about 30 minutes so thats not really any good and to be honest i along with most of the doctors are scratching their heads as to what to do. I know that the Puva will hopefully start soon and to be honest i am kind of pinning my hopes on it doing the job although i know that even if it does it will take a while for me to notice the difference. I am however not pinning ALL my hopes on it as i have tried that in the past and as a rule it always back fires. There are other alternatives available as i have mentioned in previous posts but i guess this is the most unevasive treatment. You would think in this day and age with nearly every woman and a growing number of men too taking more and more interest in their skin conditioning that there would be a suitable cream on the market to sort of make your skin more elasticated and non itchy but i've got the reciepts to prove that believe me there isn't such a thing as i've tried the lot along with the various potions from the doctors .

Better go put on the 5th lot of cream today so i can have some peace for a little while.

See Ya!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautifull weblog...
greetz from holland.....