Monday, April 23

Singing In The Rain!!

Well it took a long time coming. It’s been chucking down the wet stuff all day today. I can’t actually remember when it rained last, it must have been months ago. Although I don’t totally agree with the probably, soon to be ousted Leader Of The Welsh Assembly, Rhodri Morgan AM, he did have a point in what he said about there being advantages to Global Warming. Purely from a selfish point of view, health wise there is no doubt in my mind that the recent period of warmer weather and lack of rain has gone towards keeping me out of Heath Towers. I am yet to be convinced of the whole Global Warming /Ozone/CFC Gas thing all together. There is some pretty good evidence of the fact that the Temperature has always fluctuated throughout the lifetime of the planet and none of it really is in connection to mans abuse of it so to speak. Anyway that’s a blog for another day I think.

I’ve been thinking for a while now that I really wish I could read. What I mean is actually sit down and read say, a novel or a biography etc etc. It’s something I have never been able to do for a number of reasons I guess. Lack of concentration etc. I have tried al ways to do it but it always seems that I am forcing myself to do it and as a result it just doesn’t sink in. I could read a chapter some time just a few versus and I could not describe what I’ve just read. I think you will probably agree there is nothing wrong with my imagination after reading some of the drivel on here so it’s not that. On occasion I have really wanted to read something and all starts of well. After about 10-15 pages my interest just dries up and no matter how many more attempts I make I never get back into it. I feel at times that I have missed out on the whole atmosphere and stimulation etc that reading can give you as well as all the other reasons for reading such material. I have been toying with the idea for a short while about maybe trying out a Reading Book, which although not the same, is somewhere in between where I am and actually reading a book and if I do actually get round to it I’ll let you know.

Okay, health wise all is about the same I suppose. Everything that even as short a time as a month ago I was managing to do, such as washing, dressing, walking to the toilet or kitchen or even to the front door is now either not possible, or at the very least extremely difficult and requiring assistance to do. It is not looking too good right now and it’s at the stage where I am more and more not even attempting to do some things as I know that they will either be impossible, or cause me so much discomfort such as severe shortness of breath bordering on panic. There is no apparent reason for the downfall over the last month or so. It might be down to reducing the steroids too much. The other idea being banded around is that the GVHD is progressing a little as it is now affecting areas of the skin, previously untouched. Hopefully Merlin will manage to get the funding sorted out for the Extracorporeal Therapy and the OT department will pull their finger out and get this extension built so that I can bath and maybe even sleep too both of which are now dim and distant thoughts of the feelings both bring. There I go dreaming again, I really must stop that!!

See Ya!!

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