Wednesday, June 7

Sad & Glad

Well then peeps you’ll all be glad that the head seems to be getting back to normal. Well when I say normal I guess its normal for me but anyone else would probably be sectioned under the mental health act. I don’t quite know what has caused this sudden U turn but hey what the hell who cares?? I seem to have from somewhere regained the fight that I’ve been talking about. Maybe it’s because of all your kind words of support etc I don’t know but I’m not going to dwell on it any longer.

For those of you that are observant you would have noticed the UN godly hour that I have posted this. Bearing in mind I probably got to sleep about 4am and have been up for about an hour now I suppose I have had an hours sleep. So when I am awake everyone else should be awake, so it’s TV on Stereo On Blender going nineteen to the dozen doing the Banana Smoothy etc etc… I pity Judith who is trying to sleep through all this as she has to get up in an hour or so to get ready for work.

That’s weird I just looked out the French Doors and there is this like mist that has suddenly descended from nowhere. It was glorious sunshine about 5 minutes ago, not that it makes much difference to me as I don’t have any plans to go anywhere today as I’m still suffering from this Flu like thingy.

For some strange reason when I did awake from my slumber I had this uncontrollable urge to write about all the things such as adaptations that I have had to have because of this dreaded lurgy. I know you’re all thinking “what the hell are you thinking about for you Muppet” but I gave up trying to work out why I come up with these things years ago as I found there was no use as my brain was frazzled anyhow. Well here goes then:

Let’s start with the wheel chairs. It was decided that I would need 2 wheelchairs. One for general use as in moving around downstairs and going out on day trips etc etc and another Lightweight one (that’s a laugh as its about a pound lighter that’s all) for upstairs use. These as you early Bloggers will remember I had to wait about 3 months for as a result of our highly efficient (NOT) wheelchair allocation system. Well I move on now. Next on the list is the 2 toilet seat raisers. There like a plastic contraption that fit o the toilet seat which means I don’t have to struggle to get to my feet after doing the job in hand so to speak. They are a good idea apart from when you want to just stand and have a pee as the target is somewhat smaller that usual. God listen to me ranting on about peeing etc, there ought to be a law against it!! Okay next on the list is a step that had to be built outside the front door so that I could actually get into the house as that was proving difficult at the time. Next in line I guess would be the 2 walking sticks. These have proved to be the most important and well used equipment of all. Because of my height (6ft 5 in) they had a bit of a problem getting a pair long enough in the beginning but thankfully they soon sorted that out. I guess bringing up the rear would be the put me up bed as when times have been bad I haven’t been able to get upstairs at all sometime for weeks on end. We did at one time look into getting a stair lift installed but when they told us that we would have to pay around £2000 and that was with a grant too we decided against that idea.

I guess in the grand scheme of things I haven’t done too bad. At least I haven’t had to have any major alterations done to the house etc which would have obviously been a right financial burden.

Right. Writing this has started to make me feel a little sleepy so I’m off to see if I can catch up with the dream I was having earlier.

See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

Just realised that I accidentally posted anonymously under "Not a good day"... but delighted and relieved to hear that things look better today - at 5:58am!! Funny, I used to wake up in the early morning when I was in hospitable, with my head buzzing with thoughts that and wrote all sorts of stuff on the laptop - e mails, etc - and then doze off to be woken a little later for the observations!

Those electric scooters that Tesco have look as if they could be raced, although they might need a bit of tuning first - perhaps dodgems might be better!

Its a hot sunny day again down here, but I need to be careful in the sun - I guess you do too - even more so!

Hope the dream was good!

Anonymous said...

Well it's either a VERY good dream - or things have taken a bad turn - I just hope its the first...

Jonny5 said...

Hi Peter i guessed it was you ha ha!! i always fing that i wake up with all this good material in my mind but never manage to write it down.

The tescos trolleys can be a real laugh except when it runs out of battery half way round the store!!!!

At last we have started to get a bit of Sun but alas no sunbathing for me unless i want to be burnt to a frazzle!!

As far as the dream goes it's still going on actualy Ha Ha!!