Friday, June 9

Strange Sickness!!


I woke up yesterday morning in a much better mood after all that’s been going recently. I also felt a little better physically too. The itchiness seemed to have eased although the tightness was still an issue, but hey I can’t have everything now can I? I felt so well in fact that I was planning to go out to my favourite store for some fresh supplies. Well as usual started off the day with all the pills and potions which seems to go for ever and ever. 3 of this one and 4 or this one etc… why don’t these people realise when they are dispensing the tablets from the pharmacy or chemist that its no fun having to take 4 tablets to get the right dosage instead of just taking one. I know there are a lot of drugs that only come in smaller dosages so to speak but when there are larger ones available they still give you the small ones Grrrrrrrr!!!!! Actually a couple of months back when I was, I can’t quite remember the dose exactly but it was around 100mg Prednisalone. They gave them to me as usual in bloody 5mg tablets so I had to take 20 of the blinking tings every morning when I know for a fact they also come in 25mg dosages as well which would still mean taking 8 but not as bad. Lucky I checked whilst I was still in the pharmacy and had a right go at them. They went off and lo and behold came back with the 25mg pills. Why didn’t they just give me them in the first place I asked and the reply was “We just didn’t think”. I just love responses like that it’s almost as bad as saying “I don’t care” to me.

Right there I go again right off the point. Back onto the real story now. As I was saying I was planning a trip out. I usually wait for a while after taking all my pills as the sudden movements etc sometimes make them churn around a bit too much with not very nice consequences. Well after an hour or so I started to feel quite queasy. I rushed for the thermometer as usual just to see if anything was untoward, but no my temp was spot on. It sort of just came from nowhere. I was quite dizzy with it too so I went through my oils to see just in case I had taken something I shouldn’t have or too much of something but no all was fine there too. This was strange indeed. I know the pills I’ve taken wouldn’t have caused this, well when I wouldn’t cause it, they all list dizziness and nausea as side effects but I’ve been on them for ages and they have never caused me any problems. So, I went through my drugs box or should I say one of my drugs boxes as I have 3 at the last count and they are all about 18” x 12” x 12” deep as I have so many pills here, I really must sort them out and take some of them back but I saying that at times like this when I need that something different at least this way I have them here. What I was after was some anti-sickness in the form of Cyclasine. They usually work quite well for me son I popped one of them down the old pill chute and just waited. They usually take around 30 minutes or so to do its thing. Well 10 minutes and I was sprinting like Colin Jackson to the loo and thankfully just managed to make it in time before what looked like the complete contents of a pig trough erupted from my mouth. It went on for ages and ages so much so I had to keep flushing the loo in order not to block it up it was that bad. Where in the hell did that come from??? I managed to make it back to the safety of the arm chair eventually and actually felt a little better by then. I decided though that it might not be a wise idea to venture out as that came on so quick that I don’t think Tesco’s would appreciate it all over their shop floor!!!

I seemed fine for a couple of hours and actually felt starving so had a bite to eat. All was not well though as not long after I had to make a dash for it again. Don’t this bloody thing know I’m no good on my feet or what???? Do you know I didn’t think I had that much room for all of this to be in there. Thankfully it seemed to ease again after that and although I felt a bit weird most of the evening I never had to run the gauntlet again last night.

When I woke this morning I still felt a bit strange but not to the extreme of yesterday though. I managed to venture out with Tar and her boyfriend Luke to do the weekly shop. It was quite strange too with Tara having to push me around in the Wheelchair whilst Luke had the job of Trolley Dolly as Tara put it Ha Ha!! It was way too warm out today so I tried not to stay out too long as I find the sun and heat are really hard work at the moment and the heat especially makes my skin itch a lot more than normal which is not a good idea.

Right off to watch Sam get booted out on Big Brother. I know I’m sad but I don’t have any other vices so please allow me this one. It’s like watching the monkeys at the zoo really.

See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

Hi John - glad to see you are back (although I see mad sis is slacking again!

The oills - my worst were the dextrametasone (another steroid) that came in 2mg tablets - really tiny and I had to take 20 of them (plus all the rest!). The first tiem I took all 20 on one go - not a good idea! Then at the other end of the scale are the 'hrse pills' like Septrin - which I think are even worse!

I think it was only the hosptal food that ever made me physicaly sick! Even now just the thought of the smell of it...

More beer...!

Anonymous said...

hi John.just been reading your blog about the heated vibrating mattresses you want me to get for the ward,its sub-tropical up there at the mo as it is (despite the new air conditioning units)without having heated beds as well!!! i know your a bit of an ice-maiden (well you have got female dna now) but really, even you would find it a bit warm if you were unlucky enough to pay us a visit again. by the way, glad not to have seen you for a while,in the nicest way of course. take care, "penelope"

Ruth said...

Yes, Peter, I agree I am slacking at the mo. I've been meaning to write for weeks but just can't get my head around it. Where is brother dearest anyway??!!?? It's not like him to miss comments and he hasn't posted since Friday. Tut Tut. It always worries me if he misses a few days coz it often means he is in Heath Towers again. I think I had better give him a call. See ya.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ruth - yes I was beginning to think the same thing... especially given the theme of the last post.

Jonny5 said...

Hi peeps i am still around honest just that i haven't felt quite up to doing anything for a few days now, in fact i haven't even turned on the computer till now for a few days which is so not like me at all.

I did have a phone call from one of The Wizards helpers telling me that they have found a nasty in the sample i gave them last monday and i have to start on another anti-biotic for 7 days to clear it up so maybe things will start to get a bit better although the sickness i think is down to the Cyclosporin so i will have to try and get on top of that pretty sharpish as i'm not suffering like i did before.

Hey Penelope it's been nice not to have seen you too Ha Ha!! i do pity you all having to work in that furnace it must be pretty horrific. I tell you what might be an idea is Free Galaxy Ice Creams and nice cool Chilled Cocktails too for all the staff and patients. I'm sure with your powers of pursuation you could manage to pull that off!!

By the way are you any nearer to filling that vacancy yet?? and did you decide to go for it yourself???

I am sorry Peter and Ruth for worrying you both. i promise i won't do it again until next time that is!!

See Ya!!