Sunday, June 4

Weekends Here Again!!

This week seems to have flown by and it’s the weekend already. I guess apart from the fact I quite often go shopping on a Saturday the only other difference is that I won’t have an appointment at the hospital to go to. Isn’t that strange the only time I used to think at the weekend as being different is when I used to work as that was always Monday to Friday so the weekend was very different and sort of a relaxing time.

Well anyhow as the weather was supposed to be lovely on Saturday we decided to go for a stroll around the Continental Market at Newport for an hour or two. Well what I mean by taking a stroll is that Judith will be strolling whilst pushing me in the wheelchair ha ha!! I love these sorts of markets and each stall is so inviting me to spend spend spend… this one was very busy too, due to the good weather I think, full of all things like Cheese’s, Meats, Biscuits, Clothing, Ice Creams, Soaps etc etc etc……. I was very well behave which is not like me at all and all I bought was 3 things. I bought a lovely Cream Coloured Chinese Embroidered short sleeved jacket, some Wild Boar and Stilton Sausages and also a Wild Boar Burger to eat there and then. The burger was quite disappointing actually and I hope the sausages are not when I get round to cooking them!! We spent a while wandering around then had a cuppa and made our way back home because all of a sudden I began not feeling too well. I came across all dizzy and felt a bit sickly too. Judith got me a glass of nice cold water which seemed to help a bit. I’m not too sure what caused it although it might be due to being out in the sun for too long as it really was hot which would explain how the water had helped. In saying that though I haven’t felt quite right for a few days and I have been coughing a lot more than usual today and yesterday and I have had this niggle in my throat of and on. Maybe I have an infection brewing although my temperature is fine. I will have to keep an eye on it and let the Wizard know when I go and see him tomorrow, maybe he can put me on some sort of antibiotic to prevent it from starting or getting any worse.

Talking about tomorrow I have to make a mad dash from the PUVA over to see the Wizard as I stupidly made the mistake of having them too close together. The PUVA is at 11.30 and the Wizard is at 12.30. Puva can take up to an hour by the time I finish putting on all the creams and potions etc after my 17 seconds in the Tardis and I have to get back to the car and drive over to the main hospital and try and get parked there which is usually a nightmare. Ah well I guess it will be fun if nothing else NOT!!!

All I hope is that the usual nurse is back in the PUVA department tomorrow as if the other one is there she will no doughty stop me from having it because I look a bit red or something. I think if she does I will suggest to the Wizard that it is pointless me going to the PUVA sessions as I quite often can not have the treatment done (when that one nurse is there) and besides that its all that hassle and it aint working at all so what’s the point really??

You know in saying that I recon I haven’t scratched my legs and stomach and back nowhere near as much today and come to think of it I haven’t had to put on any cream since first thing this morning either which I very VERY unusual indeed. Maybe the Cyclosporine is starting to work as it can’t be the PUVA as I haven’t had any for a week now??

Nah I won’t start thinking like that as I will probably wake up in the middle of the night with this eternal itch which just won’t go away as usual.

Still the fight continues my friends and in the words of my new found buddy it’s “Onwards and Upwards”!!!

See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

Good news on the itching - maybe it is the PUVA kicking in - or the Cyclosporin taking effect. However, my theory is that it is "The Speckled Hen" - so if I were you, I'd have another one just to see!

Talking of Cyclosporin, I have discovered I have a box and a half to take back to the pharmacy - maybe I should try Ebay instead... (only joking!)

Jonny5 said...

Hey you've started me thinking of a great little side line as far as Ebay is concerned what with all the spare steroids etc etc i could make a fortune ha ha!!

i think it may well be the Ciclosporin taking effect, well i blking hope so although as far as i know it wont cure the skin tightness but i guess it should at least stop it getting worse in fact i'm not sure what will happen then if the puva doesnt work maybe they will have to like cut me open and sew in an extra few inches of skin and muscle around my stomach so i can stand up straight. i will have to remember to mention that to the Wizard when i see him again in a fortnight..