Thursday, June 1

Answers At Last!!

Remember I told you the other day about the problems I had trying to get Voriconozole from the GP instead of the hospital and all because it was too expensive?? Well when I was up my mum’s on the weekend we decided to look up some prices of my drugs and what an eye opener it was too!! One of the nebuliser’s that I’m on is about £3,000 a month or so and some of the others are in the hundreds per month too so there was no surprise that they refused although in saying that Voriconozole is not as expensive as the nebuliser.

I managed to get an appointment through the lovely Chris from George Thomas, she really is an angel, with the Senior Partner of the GP Practice this afternoon to get to the bottom of whether they can and would for that matter refuse to give me drugs on the principle of cost alone.

It was a very informative meeting of minds actually and helped to ease my mind a lot. The deal is that when I am given a prescription at the hospital and actually get the drugs from the hospital pharmacy then it comes out of the hospitals budget so to speak whereas if I get it from the GP then it comes out of their budget. The problem that the GP has is there are a number of drugs that for one reason or another the Local Health Board will not let them prescribe and even at times some drugs can only be dispensed by a hospital pharmacist and not a local chemist etc. He did not have any direct answer to why they may or may not have refused to give me the Voriconozole only that it cost around £1,000 for 28 tablets and because of its strength may not be available for him to prescribe and also the Local Health Board would refuse to allocate extra funding for such a thing.

The upshot of this all I think is to either get all the drugs prescribed at the hospital dispensed from the hospital pharmacy and all others that are already on repeat prescriptions etc from the GP if need be. It might be an idea when the Wizard prescribes anything new maybe to ask if the drug is expensive or restricted in any way along with the usual, does it make me sick?? How often?? Before or after food?? Etc etc etc…..

I am really suffering now from the skin condition. It really is getting noticeably worse as in I need to walk with a definite stoop,, hell in fact I’m almost doubled up in half to be able to walk which causes lots of lower back pain and still makes breathing very difficult. I know I am going up to see the Wizard next Monday and as usual I will bow down to his better judgement although in saying that I will stress the fact STRONGLY!!!! That this really is reducing the quality of my life beyond all recognition. It will be getting to the point very very soon that I will need to use the wheelchair for all things outside of the house meaning that I will need to be pushed around everywhere as there is no way I would be able to push myself, and as far as around the house is concerned, well lets just say the new bed I have ordered will be used a lot more than usual as I will have to stay in it a lot longer as getting up and downstairs will become too painful as well as too dangerous due to falling etc.. The very thought of loosing even more independence again is quite daunting. I know everyone is so lovely and can’t do enough for me but the thought of having to let them instead of doing for myself is hard at times. You know even things like my little trips to Tesco’s for my Stuffed Chicken Thighs from the Deli Counter and also looking for the reduced stuff will have to go. I guess there will be one good thing in that if I can’t get downstairs to cook I won’t keep raiding the fridge for snacks all day long and as a result I won’t put on as much weight in the process.

Besides all this I need to get out and about occasionally just to get inspiration for things to write to you lot about although there are a number of you who will be thinking Ahh a chance to get some normal thoughts for a change, I’m sorry to disappoint you people as I have a store of thoughts to use up in the meantime, probably enough to last at least the next Millennium Ha Ha Ha!!!! Tough Luck!!..

Okay after all that I’m off for a bit of Online Retail Therapy to cheer me up, let’s see how quick I can spend My Daughter Tara’s Inheritance Ha Ha Ha!!!

See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

Hope the wizard (Merlin? Gandalf?) can sort something out for the skin - sounds as if it needs some stronger pills and potions - Professor Snape?

Seriously, hope they come up with something effective - fingers crossed...

Jonny5 said...

Yeah me too Peter!!! The Ciclosporin that they have started me on should eventually do the trick along with the PUVA but they need to start me on such a low dose and work up to the optimum dosage because of possible Kidney and Heart problems etc that it will take a number of months to hopefully start to see any diference.

All good things to those that wait i suppose!!

See Ya!!