Wednesday, November 8


This is about right for the attitude of the slop stirrer department at the moment.  Listen to the latest saga you’ll have a good laugh if nothing else.

Yesterday lunchtime came and went with only the interruption of some sort of spicy flavoured ish rock hard ball of meat coloured thingy’s, swimming in a watery sea of darkish brown dishwater, I mean gravy, well it was supposed to be and scattered loosely with these tiny green what can only be described as little stones that were supposed to be peas.  Actually they tasted like what you would imagine that the dried peas would taste like if you ate them raw and not soaked them.  Maybe that’s what they had done, I don’t know.  Then again it might be their take on Nouvell Cuisine.  Well after forcing down about half of 1 of these ball things that were apparently supposed to be faggots, Ha Ha Ha, I grabbed some of my crisps for my lunch and a few grapes till Judith came in with a snack for me later.  One of the nurses came in to see if I was still alive after my ordeal of lunch and asked, “Did you get your questionnaire from the slop stirrer”?  “No I didn’t. When was this then”? “This lunchtime” she says.  Ohhhhh do I smell a rat???  No they wouldn’t be that stupid to miss me out would they??.  The nurse went off in search of my questionnaire but for one reason or another got carried away on other things and never did return with it.  Anyhow as you can imagine I was beginning to write this blog already in my mind as they seem to constantly have the ability of shooting themselves in the foot and who was I not to take advantage of this free material??  Well later on when the slop stirrer came around I asked her where my questionnaire was and she said they had run out up the other end, meaning the Transplant end of the ward.  Apparently they had only given her 10 questionnaires for what must be around 25 or so patients on the ward at the moment.  What bloody use is that???  How will they get a fair picture if they don’t give them out to everyone, whether good or bad?  The other thing is that a lot of the problems are to do with well over cooked food due to it being sat under the heaters on the trolley for ages and the other point is about not having much choice.  Well as because of the temperature issues etc the Transplant end is always served first at mealtimes etc so they always start off with the widest choice and then there’s the likes of me that are served last due to be up the other end and the risk of passing on my bugs and germs to other patients, therefore I pretty much get what no one else wanted or as I have said over cooked etc etc…  

I know I should feel a bit guilty at the moment.  As at least in my case they have, or rather one slop stirrer called Sue (She really is a darling and spoils me rotten) has gone out of her way to go around other wards that she works on and borrowed whatever ready meals she could get her hands on just for me, but I don’t to be honest.  I have only ever asked for good nutritious warm food and if that means they have to spend a fortune getting me that, then that’s their problem isn’t it?  I should have asked for a Fortnum’s & Masons Hamper really shouldn’t I?  Or maybe some Marks and Spencer ready meals.  Have you ever tried them they are bloody gorgeous although rather pricey?  

Well I suppose it all adds towards the overall information gathered on the gloomy service in here which I will be trying to pursue later.

Lunch will be bloody gorgeous today as it is coming via courier, Judith, fresh from Asda’s chilled salad bar.  Yummmyyyyy!!!!

I had a brief flying visit from Merlin around supper time last night for a quick natter.  I used this time to obviously re emphasise my thoughts on the idea of having this light treatment for the GVHD.  He seemed pretty much in total agreement with me about trying a drug free approach for now although we will have to see what comes from the Pow Wow later on.  So fingers and anything else you can physically cross for me that my telepathy works later on, as I intend to try and send them my thoughts telepathically.  Who knows it might work??

On a horrible note too I had a horrific encounter relayed to me from one of the nurses last night that has just had her young Daughter dragged through hell and back needlessly at Llandough Hospital over the last few days.  I felt so sorry for her as they really seemed to have made matters a whole lot worse, and mainly just because of there lack of patient care etc.  Things like, standing around laughing and joking with one another outside the room when her poor daughter is vomiting beyond believe and in obvious need of attention.  I will have to see her again later on to try and go through the whole thing with her because to be honest so much had happened and I don’t want to get things wrong and  she was so emotional, rightly so, that I just wanted to give her time to talk it through and not sit like a journalist saying stop let me catch up etc etc.   I really felt sorry for her she is such a sweetie.  At least, no thanks to the staff there though, she is making a good recovery at home now.

Right catch you all tomorrow hopefully,

See Ya!!

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