Monday, November 6

rest and relaxation

A full day of rest and relaxation was called for yesterday, not that I have much choice in here on the week ends, what with every department closing down and because of being in lock up not a lot of people come in either.   Oh poor you I hear you all cry but I don’t meant to search for sympathy buy hey it is a nice feeling sometimes, isn’t it?  

I knew when the nurse came in, in the morning that not a lot was going to happen.  She had asked if my dressings needed to be changed which I told her “Yes, Every Day” as I have told her before.  She turned round to me and said those words I hear far too often these day and they are, “I will do it if I get time to, but I am very busy”.  Mmmm I might allow you to do it if I feel like it should be my reply really but no, I kept my cool and just explained that I don’t care who does them or what time they get done but they will be changed today sometime as I will not let them go back to how they were.  They are healing up quite nicely now at last.  

I was gutted too this weekend.  I was thinking that as it was Bonfire Night there would be loads of fireworks being let off and seeing as I have this elevated view pretty much over all of Cardiff right out to the Barrage really, that I would have a great free firework display.  I did see quite a few going off which was nice and I also somehow got the smell of gunpowder in the room as well as I guess there must be so much in the air that it found it’s way in.  The main downside is that you don’t quite get the Booms and Bangs and Whoosh’s of them going off, and you don’t get the hotdogs with stewed onions too and Jacket Spuds cooked in the embers, there’s nothing quite like them and however hard you try you will never replicate it in the oven etc with lashings of Anchor Butter, it’s got to be Anchor.  

I guess you’ve all heard by now that Saddam Hussein has been found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging.   I guess there was never going to be any other outcome but this.  It does throw up a lot of issues though.  The whole point of the trial as far as I was led to believe was that he be tried under Iraqi law and by a jury of his peers, which it appears to have been, all be it probably a lot of intervention from Bush and Blair amongst others.  The Death Sentence, more so the Hanging does bring up some issues.  I suppose as westerners our attitude in the main would be that of let the evil man spend the rest of his days under lock and key and isolated,(a bit like me ha ha!) and play into his plan and hang him so he becomes some sort of martyr.  The outcry had started almost immediately on the verdict being given those for and those against all shouting there corners or points of view.  My feeling is this, not that it is worth anything but it fills the blog if nothing else,  that’s, if the whole idea was for the Iraqi Judicial System to deal with this then the Iraqi sentencing  should be included in that too as it comes as one complete package.  It’s like in some ways you get caught for shoplifting in Great Britain and found guilty by a Judge and Jury yet you are sentenced according to Tibetan Law “They Chop Off 1 Of Your Hands”.  Is this acceptable?????? I think not.  So as he has been convicted and sentenced under Iraqi law the sentence of Hanging should be carried out whatever our beliefs opinions are.  Is it right for us to force our culture and beliefs on another nation/culture??    I think however the outcome will probably involve Saddam spending the rest of his days in some form of prison where he will be able to continue to inflict his dictatorship views on people and doubtless still have access to the finer things in life.  Some punishment I know??

Merlin should be back from his jaunt today too so I am looking forward to his visit.  My chest has been a whole lot more wheezier this week end and in fact it is far more wheezy than it was when I first came in.  I’ve not  had much relief at all and the bags under my eyes are now builders sacks and getting really heavy.  I did have a brief chat with The Emerald King yesterday when he popped in about it but want to try and talk to Merlin too.  That’s about this Light machine thingy that I really must get the name for that might help in the GVHD skin problem.  I know that The Emerald King was saying that really at the moment my main problem is my chest and this treatment will do nothing for that at all but in some ways the skin problem is having a large effect on my breathing capabilities so it will help and the fact is also why cant I have treatment for both at the same time as I did with PUVA??  After all, the light treatment is non evasive which I could do with after all the drugs that have been pumped down me lately and the cyclosporine for the overall GVHD and the possible GVHD of my lungs that they have been talking about could continue alongside this.  My chest has pretty much been this way for a few years now sometimes better sometimes worse and an improvement would be really nice, however I don’t think we can simply just put the GVHD on a back burner for now till they sort out my chest as  it is fairly intolerable now and also playing a big part in my physical weakness and inabilities.  So fingers crossed for me that I can convince Merlin of this.

Okay off to prepare.

See Ya!!

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