Thursday, November 2

More Of The Same!!

I’M BLOODY FUMING!! And no prizes for guessing what about.

Yep you got it the bloody Slop Stirrers again.

Today was going to be a quiet, calm blog as nothing of any note happened yesterday so I was stuck about what to write.  I know I am going over to Llandough later on and I was going to go through a lot of the issues/problems I have had over there in the past, but no, thanks to the slop stirrers I have been given yet more t complain about.

Well after a pretty good night sleep I sat back while the Heath Towers Express rolled through.  Last on the list is the slop trolley.  As a rule I don’t tend to eat breakfast much, I prefer as I have said in the past to have a piece of toast around mid morning.  Today however as I was awake quite early and so managed to take my pills earlier than usual I was going to have my usual 1 piece of Brown Toast and 2 Butters.  I always, always, always have the same.  Well I waited and waited and waited till 9am then I buzzed the nurse to see if they had missed me again but was thinking, no they wouldn’t do that, not after all the complaining I have done recently, surely they are not that stupid.   Sadly, THEY ARE!!!!!  The nurse informed me that she had been ages ago.  As you can imagine I was rather unhappy to say the least.  The nurse went off to find her and ask her to come back and sort it out for me. Okay calm down I was thinking to myself there might be some genuine excuse after all although I can’t think of any that would satisfy my anymore as they have used them all now.  20 minutes later the nurse I had asked came back and asked whether she had been to which I replied “NO” although in a more graphical manner than that.  I had vaguely heard her knock next door and apologise to the patient in there for missing them and I guess subsequently went off to get them their order.  I waited thinking that she will be in now and a minute, stupid git I should have known better.  Why is it that it’s always bloody me??  Have I been that naughty in the past??  So the nurse Paul, a tall stout chap who always reminds me that he should have been in The Young One’s with Rick Mayel and co, ha ha ha.!!  came back and said that as far as she was concerned there was a nurse with me who told them that I didn’t want anything.  Well the only nurses to be in before this were all at about 7am and unless they have changed the timings they do their run I don’t’ think that is the truth.  Hell I know it isn’t.  When she popped her finally through the door she said,”oh no it wasn’t him no”.  That I take it was my apology because it was the only bloody one I got.  She asked what I wanted and I told her, “ONE PIECE OF BROWN TOAST AND 2 BUTTERS PLEASE”.  Along with this I tempted fate by asking if she could also bring me from the white fridge in the kitchen a bottle of Banana Smoothy which my wife had put there along with another 7 or 8 others.  They all have my name on them and they are in the bottom.  Well off she went.  10 minutes later she returned with 3 pieces of brown toast and 3 butters and 2 marmalades, and no Smoothy.  What a bloody waste of money as I will only eat 1 piece and 2 butters that’s enough for me.  If I wanted bloody 3 pieces I would have asked for bloody 3 pieces.  She explained that both she and a nurse had looked for the Smoothy but could not find any.  I assured her that there should be at 7 of them there in a carrier bag in the bottom of the white fridge.   Wow!!  Surprise, surprise the nurse came back with a bottle shortly afterwards.  No wonder they are forced into having to buy in sub standard quality food to serve up when they are needlessly throwing away loads of stuff that can be avoided.  Take breakfast for example. They ask you what you want.  If you ask for toast they ask you do you want butter, do you want marmalade and sometimes how many pieces.  You might as well say 25 pieces of pink and green spotted toast, 13 margarines and 89 strawberry jams because you are always going to be given the same 2 pieces 3 butters and 2 marmalades although I think she put on an extra one today to say sorry.  I would have much more proffered a verbal one though if it’s all the same by you.  This is not just a breakfast thing it’s every meal.  I find that I very very rarely get exactly what I ask for and this is after they have repeated it back to me too.  Would you accept this type of service if you were at a restaurant, or even at a dodgy greasy Joe’s for that matter?  I rather think like me you wouldn’t.  What is the difference really between that and this?  In some ways I have paid for this service by paying my taxes etc so I would like at least a half descent service please.

I know Penelope has been on the case this week and in fact she has even told the supervisor of the blog and asked her to read that before she comes to see me.  This was on Monday I believe it was and it’s now Thursday and seeing as I won’t be here this afternoon and I am due hopefully to go home tomorrow I doubt she will come now.  I would strongly suggest that she does mind you as if she doesn’t I will pursuing these matters very strongly when I get out and have a whole lot of time on my hands.  At least now she has a chance of easing the explosion.  In a lot of ways mind I have heard all the excuses in the past and don’t think for one minute she will come up with anything new.

At least I know that today’s lunch and supper will be nice.  That’s only because Judith is picking me up at lunchtime ad bringing me back later which will probably be around supper time, therefore lunch will be in Tesco’s on the way to Llandough and supper may well be a beefeater if I can convince Judith to stop at one, depending on time obviously, or failing that probably a Mc Donald’s or KFC or something equally as healthy.  Penelope I was only kidding really I will be a good boy and ask the slop stirrers to make me a nice lunch box to take with me, honestly I will…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo cous

Firstly an answer to the question "Have I been a naughty boy in the past" well where do I start ha ha
I have thought of a solution to your slop stirrer problem. Try putting some sort of electric current devise outside your room. then each time the slop stirrers walk over it POW!!! I think they will remember you then.It will be a case of "oh yes we must give john his lovely dinner freshly cooked and piping hot. .... Now you can wake from your dream lol
Take care
fav cous