Saturday, October 15

5 Gas Bottles Standing On The Wall!!!!

My Chest has been dreadfull this last week mainly due to the change in weather. I've needed a fair bit of Oxygen for a change and in fact i panicked a bit this morning when i discovered that i was down to my last 1 1/2 bottles. So rang the Doc's to arrange for them to let the Chemist know to order me some for Monday. The Main prob is they only have them delivered on a Monday so i didn't want to miss it or there would be problems. Not done a great deal today really as it seems even simple things like getting from the sofa starts my chest off and is really quite hard work. Sounds weird don't it just standing up makes me need oxygen but at least as the week's gone on it's got slightly easier. Looks like Bud's settling in quite well and thanks to my sister i've managed to order him some Space Food that he's used to like This so at least he won't feel so home sick. Blue & Green been showing him around today all the places of interest and they all seem to be getting on really well which suprise's me a bit as the boy's, Blue & Green have sort of had the run of the place for a while and i thought that maybe now Bud's turned up they might gang up on him, but they been great and besides i think Bud could give as good as he gets. Righty oh i better try get some sleep if i can. See you guys tommorow. Be Good!!

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