Well you just have to hand it to her the delightful Karen pulled out all the stops today. She aimed, threw and bull’s-eye hit the target dead centre. Had my Pic line put in today. She is good and besides she had to be on good behaviour today after the last time she convinced me to have a Venflon instead. It was the usual thing of loads of waiting around for other people like x-ray etc as they have to check it’s in the right place then the doctor has to give his valued opinion too which was down to the good ole Sam today. I think the offer of a few quid might have swayed his decision a bit though as they say money talks ha ha!! Arms a bit sore now though so having to try and type by keeping my right arm out straight which is quite weird it sort of makes the screen on the laptop a good 6 inches further away which means I have to wear my specs.
Some news on the old Hair front too. Had a phone call from the Wig Lady as she is aptly known around the old Cancer Circles ha ha. She has asked me to contact a wig company in Cardiff to go and get one fitted. So I will be trying to arrange to get there sometime next week to get my new hair which should be fun. I pity the poor woman she won’t know what’s hit her when I get there ha ha!! A nice little blue number I think.
Well peeps I apologise for the shortness of today’s helping but my arm is a bit sore from having the Pic done and I’m trying to type with my right arm straight which is quite hard to do, you want to try it sometime. So I’ll love you and leave you and hopefully yapp on a bit more tomorrow. OH NO I hear you cry!!!
See Ya!!
Thursday, March 30
Wednesday, March 29
a Good Natter!!
Went to the Dental department at the Heath this morning. I wasn’t really feeling up to it to be honest but due to me being in and out of hospital so much over the last few months if I didn’t go this would be probably the 4th cancellation which is not a good idea and besides I look forward to chatting to the Dentist Elaine. She is nice and that coming for me about a dentist really is something as I have been petrified of them all my life till I got to see her. I think if I would have seen her years ago I probably would not be sitting here with this pile of plastic in my gob enabling me to chew on anything. She didn’t do much just a few running repairs to some fillings in my remaining few teeth but it looks to be honest like I will end up loosing them too over the next few months as they are very weak due to large fillings and also the chemicals affecting the calcium and the enamel on them.
Had a visit today from the lovely Chris, she’s the George Thomas Nurse that comes to see me every once in while when I’m at home. She’s a real sweetheart and so helpful in fact all the people I have dealt with at George Thomas are great there’s Lorraine the social worker and of course the delightful Sarah the councillor and even the receptionists who as far as I am aware all volunteer are lovely and helpful too. Well I haven’t managed to see Chris for ages as I’ve been in hospital so much so we had loads of stuff to catch up on, like a pair of old wives gossiping over the garden fence ha ha!! She’s a really good sounding board too, to try out ideas on as well as her expertise in the various felids of nursing such as Cancer Care as well as Chest Wards has helped a lot. I was talking to her about this latest treatment that Merlin is on about that I mentioned yesterday and she was quite fascinated with that prospect and said she had some patients in mind that would benefit from such a thing. In a typical caring fashion too I offered my services to the students that are attached to them at the moment too. Well you know what I’m like I’ll chat to anyone who will listen and besides mine is such an unusual case what with all the complications that they wont get a better specimen so to speak!! One quite interesting thing that she came up with which I’ve toyed with the thought on occasions in the past is the possibility in the future of maybe being considered for a Heart & Lung Transplant which sounds a bit drastic I know but if you think along the lines that I have the potential of maybe another 25 employability and the cost of the tax payer paying my benefits for that period of time at least then it may be worth it. The main health problems with me are by far my chest and then my heart so it would kill 2 birds with one stone you see. Maybe I will mention it to Dr Gelder the chest consultant when is see him next month if I remember that is you know what my mind is like!!
The builders are ½ done now they have finished the kitchen at last and are on their way to doing the bathroom too. So sadly I Have to manage till tomorrow without a bathroom, and before you start to counger up all
sorts of visions of poor old me having to use a potty or peeing in next doors hedges don’t panic I got a downstairs loo thank god although peeing in next doors hedges sounds like fun I might have to just go and try that one ha ha.
Okay I’m off to get some rest ready for tomorrow as I’m having the pic line in hopefully but the delectable Karen.
See Ya!!
Had a visit today from the lovely Chris, she’s the George Thomas Nurse that comes to see me every once in while when I’m at home. She’s a real sweetheart and so helpful in fact all the people I have dealt with at George Thomas are great there’s Lorraine the social worker and of course the delightful Sarah the councillor and even the receptionists who as far as I am aware all volunteer are lovely and helpful too. Well I haven’t managed to see Chris for ages as I’ve been in hospital so much so we had loads of stuff to catch up on, like a pair of old wives gossiping over the garden fence ha ha!! She’s a really good sounding board too, to try out ideas on as well as her expertise in the various felids of nursing such as Cancer Care as well as Chest Wards has helped a lot. I was talking to her about this latest treatment that Merlin is on about that I mentioned yesterday and she was quite fascinated with that prospect and said she had some patients in mind that would benefit from such a thing. In a typical caring fashion too I offered my services to the students that are attached to them at the moment too. Well you know what I’m like I’ll chat to anyone who will listen and besides mine is such an unusual case what with all the complications that they wont get a better specimen so to speak!! One quite interesting thing that she came up with which I’ve toyed with the thought on occasions in the past is the possibility in the future of maybe being considered for a Heart & Lung Transplant which sounds a bit drastic I know but if you think along the lines that I have the potential of maybe another 25 employability and the cost of the tax payer paying my benefits for that period of time at least then it may be worth it. The main health problems with me are by far my chest and then my heart so it would kill 2 birds with one stone you see. Maybe I will mention it to Dr Gelder the chest consultant when is see him next month if I remember that is you know what my mind is like!!
The builders are ½ done now they have finished the kitchen at last and are on their way to doing the bathroom too. So sadly I Have to manage till tomorrow without a bathroom, and before you start to counger up all
sorts of visions of poor old me having to use a potty or peeing in next doors hedges don’t panic I got a downstairs loo thank god although peeing in next doors hedges sounds like fun I might have to just go and try that one ha ha.
Okay I’m off to get some rest ready for tomorrow as I’m having the pic line in hopefully but the delectable Karen.
See Ya!!
Tuesday, March 28
Had some pretty good news earlier. As I was saying yesterday that I went to see Merlin and he was going to contact the Dermatologist to try and get them to see me ASAP, well, he’s managed to do it yet again he’s got me an appointment this Friday. I don’t know how he does it but he’s good.
I don’t know if you’ve seen the press and the news today but a subject close to my heart has reared its ugly head again and that’s Hospital Parking Charges. Unless you’re blind you will all know my feelings on this subject. I was pretty mad at the BBC though as they have sort of lead the way by using the Freedom Of Information Act to obtain figures of parking income from English Hospital but didn’t think to include Welsh Hospitals in their questioning. It got me thinking which as you know can prove to be very dangerous to anyone within a reasonable distance to me, this Freedom Of Information Thing could be quite fun. Sort of a chance to legally pester the various government departments for useless information. The beeb were making such a thing of one particular NHS Trust in Birmingham which made over a million in charges which I’m sure Cardiff and the Vale won’t be far off that. When you think about some Leukaemia patients including myself for a long time are having to come in at least 5 days a week and at a minimum of £2.10 a time and more like double that because of the length of stay it soon mounts up. I know that the trusts first response would be to say that they do in fact supply a weekly reduced parking voucher for such patients, BUT there are certain criteria you must follow, they are, you must park in the Multi Story Car Park which is the furthest Car Park from the Hospital and the Porters will not come out that far if you need wheelchair assistance and what if you are attending other clinics in the outlying buildings how are you supposed to get to them?? The walk from the Multi Story to the Concourse will take around 15 minutes or in my case probably around 2 days that’s if I make it at all in my state, then you have to get to whatever department it is you need which could be another 15 minute walk, so is this really practical???? I THINK NOT!! Another madly annoying thing is that Judith’s sister who is an accountant was involved in the initial study into car parking charges when they were planning to send out tenders to private companies to run it and she was saying that even at 20p an hour they would stand to make a profit so the charges now are a real insult. Thankfully the other hospital that I attend at Llandough is currently not charging for Disabled Badge Holders although the parking Contractor from the heath has just taken over control of them so I recon it is only a matter of time before that changes.
So if anyone has any good ideas as to what I should pester the poor under worked government departments about feel free to let me know in the comments if you like. I got a few to get on with at least.
See Ya!!
I don’t know if you’ve seen the press and the news today but a subject close to my heart has reared its ugly head again and that’s Hospital Parking Charges. Unless you’re blind you will all know my feelings on this subject. I was pretty mad at the BBC though as they have sort of lead the way by using the Freedom Of Information Act to obtain figures of parking income from English Hospital but didn’t think to include Welsh Hospitals in their questioning. It got me thinking which as you know can prove to be very dangerous to anyone within a reasonable distance to me, this Freedom Of Information Thing could be quite fun. Sort of a chance to legally pester the various government departments for useless information. The beeb were making such a thing of one particular NHS Trust in Birmingham which made over a million in charges which I’m sure Cardiff and the Vale won’t be far off that. When you think about some Leukaemia patients including myself for a long time are having to come in at least 5 days a week and at a minimum of £2.10 a time and more like double that because of the length of stay it soon mounts up. I know that the trusts first response would be to say that they do in fact supply a weekly reduced parking voucher for such patients, BUT there are certain criteria you must follow, they are, you must park in the Multi Story Car Park which is the furthest Car Park from the Hospital and the Porters will not come out that far if you need wheelchair assistance and what if you are attending other clinics in the outlying buildings how are you supposed to get to them?? The walk from the Multi Story to the Concourse will take around 15 minutes or in my case probably around 2 days that’s if I make it at all in my state, then you have to get to whatever department it is you need which could be another 15 minute walk, so is this really practical???? I THINK NOT!! Another madly annoying thing is that Judith’s sister who is an accountant was involved in the initial study into car parking charges when they were planning to send out tenders to private companies to run it and she was saying that even at 20p an hour they would stand to make a profit so the charges now are a real insult. Thankfully the other hospital that I attend at Llandough is currently not charging for Disabled Badge Holders although the parking Contractor from the heath has just taken over control of them so I recon it is only a matter of time before that changes.
So if anyone has any good ideas as to what I should pester the poor under worked government departments about feel free to let me know in the comments if you like. I got a few to get on with at least.
See Ya!!
Monday, March 27
Off To See The Wizard!!
Managed to tear myself out of bed in time to go up the hospital to see Merlin for my 18 month check up. I think actually this is the first time I have not been an inpatient when this appointment comes up ha ha. I had to go a bit early so that I could the lovely Ailsa about having a pic line put in. I went with the intention of probably not having one put in but in speaking to her I changed my mind. One of the main reasons that I would not have one is that they only used to last about a month so it wouldn’t be worth the risk but apparently the new ones now have some sort of clip which keeps it in place better and that it can last 6-8 months so it would be beneficial as I’m sure that I will be back in that time. The other thing is that it will need to be flushed once a week which Judith will be able to do at home thankfully so I can remain having to go to the day unit every 2 weeks thankfully. The meeting with Merlin was quite informative as well. I mentioned to him that I was really suffering with the GVHD of the skin at the moment. He tried to get hold of the dermatologist whilst I was there but he is on leave today unfortunately but assures me that he will speak to him tomorrow and stress the urgency of the situation and try and get them to start this PUVA treatment as soon as possible. He was also talking about Plan G too ( well I’m up to that now after trying so many different things so far). He went to a conference apparently last week in Germany where there was this particular company who manufacture machines that are quite similar to the Stem Cell harvesting machines. They work in such a way that you are connected up and your t-cells are harvested and mixed with some form of chemical solution then given back to you. The fascinating thing is that the cells that they actually give back to you are to all intent and purpose dead cells but they somehow trigger the rogue cells that are causing the GVHD to sort of stop attacking you. It is especially successful in case like mine that is predominately a skin problem and also is good at preventing GVHD too which is a bonus. So if the PUVA doesn’t work out there is something else on the horizon. The main stumbling block maybe that these machines are not cheap so they are in limited supply around the country. I will need to be connected up twice a week to start which will involve probably travelling out of Wales to get treatment which is not practical although he did say that he will bring it up at the next haematologists meeting he will be going to next week to discuss the possibilities of the trust purchasing one so we will have to see. In the meantime if anyone feels generous enough to donate one to the hospital I’m sure it will be gratefully received. Maybe all those that are thinking of donating to the various political parties but worried about being named I’m sure that the department will be happy to take your money and not want your name ha ha!! Well as far as the pic line is concerned unfortunately Ailsa was having major problems trying to get one in to another patient so I opted to go back to the day unit on Thursday for the Lovely Karen to put one in for me and she better be good as well as she owes me one after the last blinking episode.
I want to thank a few of the Florence Nightingales today too first of all Sheri for not even trying to get blood from me as she didn’t want to ruin my only good vein that’s left and secondly to the Ever delightful Cath
For not hurting me (much) when she did take blood and sorry for keeping moving away promise ha ha ha!!
Okay enough rambling for one day.
See ya!!
I want to thank a few of the Florence Nightingales today too first of all Sheri for not even trying to get blood from me as she didn’t want to ruin my only good vein that’s left and secondly to the Ever delightful Cath
For not hurting me (much) when she did take blood and sorry for keeping moving away promise ha ha ha!!
Okay enough rambling for one day.
See ya!!
Sunday, March 26
Mc Fag
Well the weekend is here yet again. It seems to have come around super fast this week for some reason.
To be honest with you I am starting to get a little bit worried lately about all this cash for questions stuff that our Non Corrupt politicians are embroiled in at the moment. The reason which is that I rightly or wrongly lent my local MP a fiver when he was a bit hard up a couple of years ago but I did say at the time that I would only do it if my name would remain anonymous. Well now the government are demanding the disclosure of all the Conservatives money givers and mine will obviously be included so my name will be headline news around here!!! And to be honest I don’t need the publicity and the media camped out on my door.
Good on Scotland too. As you may be aware Scotland today have introduced a ban on Smoking in all Enclosed Public Places such as pubs and cafĂ©’s and even some types of bus stops too from today. Don’t get me wrong I have smoked nearly all my life till around a year ago probably 30-40 a day. Due to my chest problems really it was a case of smoke or breathe and I guess breathing won the contest. I’m not one of these ex-smokers who rants and raves about passive smoking and stuff but to be honest I just can’t even think about going into a Pub of Restaurant etc that people are smoking in as it really does hamper my breathing so much so that I literally can’t breathe on a bad day. This is quite annoying at times as it’s not my fault and it’s as I have said on numerous occasions yet another choice that I have been robbed of. The Cardiff and the Vale Health Authority brought in a blanket ban on smoking in and around all there buildings about 3 months ago now. The problem is now that all the smokers congregate around the main entrance to the hospital for their last puff before going in along with the patients and relatives who have managed to nip out for a puff and its like walking out on the programme “Stars In Their Eyes” and I’m half expecting to hear tonight Mathew I’m going to be??? It really is that smoky and I just can’t hold my breath for that long so end up having to take a big gulp of nicotine which always results in me coughing like a Coal Miner. The funny thing is where they stand there are No Smoking signs everywhere and saying that a Fine of up to £2000 will be imposed if caught one of which has an ashtray fixed to the wall which they all use to stub out there fags ha ha!! If only they would not stand there I would be happy. There are loads of places they can stand where it wouldn’t affect me. Take today for example we went over the local golf club for a delicious Mothers day Dinner just the 2 of us along with everyone else obviously. We met up with some friends over there who were eating at the same time so sat with them while we waited. They both smoked and Judith does obviously and although they are really considerate and don’t smoke nowhere near as many when I’m around and blow their smoke in the opposite direction it still gets on my chest which is frustrating as I really want to be there enjoying myself and stuff. It was well worth the trip though as the food was out of this world. All good home cooking and served by the daughter too which is a bonus ha ha as she was waitressing. The only way that I can see the Scotland thing falling apart is in that it is not enforceable by the police as you would think but be the councils who will be providing inspectors who will be making spot checks on premises which if found to be allowing smoking will be fined £2500 and the customer fined £50. So we’ll have to wait and see how it will work in practice I guess.
I can’t wait to get to see Merlin tomorrow as for the last few days my skin has got a lot worse again. It feels like it is about 5 sizes too small for me so it’s really tight. My stomach feels like there is an alien trying to break free from it and my legs are horrendous and extremely itchy. They still haven’t started the PUVA treatment which should make a difference I hope but to be honest I’m having to resort to other ways to alleviate the pain and discomfort which is not ideal as I’ve tried all sorts of potions and pills in the past with no effect. Hopefully he will be to chase them up and at least be able to offer me some respite in the meantime.
To be honest with you I am starting to get a little bit worried lately about all this cash for questions stuff that our Non Corrupt politicians are embroiled in at the moment. The reason which is that I rightly or wrongly lent my local MP a fiver when he was a bit hard up a couple of years ago but I did say at the time that I would only do it if my name would remain anonymous. Well now the government are demanding the disclosure of all the Conservatives money givers and mine will obviously be included so my name will be headline news around here!!! And to be honest I don’t need the publicity and the media camped out on my door.
Good on Scotland too. As you may be aware Scotland today have introduced a ban on Smoking in all Enclosed Public Places such as pubs and cafĂ©’s and even some types of bus stops too from today. Don’t get me wrong I have smoked nearly all my life till around a year ago probably 30-40 a day. Due to my chest problems really it was a case of smoke or breathe and I guess breathing won the contest. I’m not one of these ex-smokers who rants and raves about passive smoking and stuff but to be honest I just can’t even think about going into a Pub of Restaurant etc that people are smoking in as it really does hamper my breathing so much so that I literally can’t breathe on a bad day. This is quite annoying at times as it’s not my fault and it’s as I have said on numerous occasions yet another choice that I have been robbed of. The Cardiff and the Vale Health Authority brought in a blanket ban on smoking in and around all there buildings about 3 months ago now. The problem is now that all the smokers congregate around the main entrance to the hospital for their last puff before going in along with the patients and relatives who have managed to nip out for a puff and its like walking out on the programme “Stars In Their Eyes” and I’m half expecting to hear tonight Mathew I’m going to be??? It really is that smoky and I just can’t hold my breath for that long so end up having to take a big gulp of nicotine which always results in me coughing like a Coal Miner. The funny thing is where they stand there are No Smoking signs everywhere and saying that a Fine of up to £2000 will be imposed if caught one of which has an ashtray fixed to the wall which they all use to stub out there fags ha ha!! If only they would not stand there I would be happy. There are loads of places they can stand where it wouldn’t affect me. Take today for example we went over the local golf club for a delicious Mothers day Dinner just the 2 of us along with everyone else obviously. We met up with some friends over there who were eating at the same time so sat with them while we waited. They both smoked and Judith does obviously and although they are really considerate and don’t smoke nowhere near as many when I’m around and blow their smoke in the opposite direction it still gets on my chest which is frustrating as I really want to be there enjoying myself and stuff. It was well worth the trip though as the food was out of this world. All good home cooking and served by the daughter too which is a bonus ha ha as she was waitressing. The only way that I can see the Scotland thing falling apart is in that it is not enforceable by the police as you would think but be the councils who will be providing inspectors who will be making spot checks on premises which if found to be allowing smoking will be fined £2500 and the customer fined £50. So we’ll have to wait and see how it will work in practice I guess.
I can’t wait to get to see Merlin tomorrow as for the last few days my skin has got a lot worse again. It feels like it is about 5 sizes too small for me so it’s really tight. My stomach feels like there is an alien trying to break free from it and my legs are horrendous and extremely itchy. They still haven’t started the PUVA treatment which should make a difference I hope but to be honest I’m having to resort to other ways to alleviate the pain and discomfort which is not ideal as I’ve tried all sorts of potions and pills in the past with no effect. Hopefully he will be to chase them up and at least be able to offer me some respite in the meantime.
Friday, March 24
Phone Calls!!
It’s been a day of phone calls and shopping today. It started off first thing this morning about 7.45 with a phone call from a call centre somewhere to ask whether my daughter Tara actually lives here which I found quite unusual being that time of the morning, a bit early I thought?? I guess the Psychiatry department at the hospital don’t start that early cos they didn’t ring till around 10.30 ha ha!! This is from a referral which the delightful Una, who incidentally is still not back at the helm, had made what must have been about 5 or 6 months ago, good quick service see, Don’t these people know who I am?? Do you think it would be a good idea to tell the shrink when I get to see her/him next month about this blog? I recon they would probably section me on the spot ha ha!! Which I guess some of you think is long overdue too..
Next department to enter the Frey was the Pulmonary Rehab Unit at Llandough Hospital where I had gone to be assessed a few months back. They have decided in their wisdom to give me a start date for my 8 week course of rehabilitation for my chest. The thing is that it is 3 half days a week, mon, weds and fri, so jonny is going to be a busy boy when you think that I attend the Day Unit on a Tuesday so that leaves me Thursday to search for another department that I can pester. The idea of the rehab is to increase the amount of oxygen I can get from my lungs through the use of exercise and learning new breathing techniques etc which should be good although I have been warned that the average age of people in these classes is between 65 and 75. So I will be joining the wrinklies, maybe there will be some nice rich widow that takes a fancy to me you never know??
Well after all that initial excitement to the day I went bathroom shopping with Judith. Well I guess we had to get a move on as they are coming to fit it on Monday or Tuesday along with the kitchen worktop which has proved to be a bit of a nightmare actually. The worktop we decided that we wanted was not in stock at our local diy superstore so I sent Judith off home with the bathroom and I went looking at another branch to see if they had one. Arggggggg no they didn’t have one too I was beginning to panic now so I called into a couple of other diy places and no one had anything like it. So I went off to partake of my favourite past time. Guess what that is??? Yeah you are clever… shopping at Tesco’s. As I was in Penarth I went there which I don’t like doing as a rule. I think a blind person must have designed the stock layout there as there don’t seem to be any order to it. It like all jumbled up so if like me you sort of only go down an aisle if you need something off the list you have no choice here as you don’t really know what is down there till to go down there if you see what I mean. For example they have salad mixed in with fruit and also the potatoes are in between the oranges and apples????? Well after walking around the store twice to do my shopping you can imagine I was not the happiest teddy. To top it all I was in the middle of shopping when Judith rang to ask me if I had picked up the tub of sugar soap when we were at B&Q which I hadn’t so when I had finished the shopping I had to drive all the way back there to get it just what I needed. But you know what these people are like if I didn’t get it today they will deny all knowledge tomorrow and that would be £5 down the drain. When I got home I had a brain wave, I know it happens as much as a leap year…. I thought I will ring around the different stores to see if any of them had this worktop in stock. After hours of phone calls and listening to some mind numbing switchboard music I was told by a lovely shop assistant that the reason that no one has got this worktop is that it is a special order one and will actually take up to 28 to get it. OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn’t the first bloody shop tell me that it would have saved me a lot of headaches etc. Grrrrrrr they are going down in my black book a close second in the annoying stakes to Tesco’s.
After all that excitement today I have decided to give the jog around the block a miss and instead I will have to shut my eyes and dream that I am doing it ha ha ha!!! I might exercise my right arm a bit though when I have a little tipple later.
Right I’m off.
See Ya!!
Next department to enter the Frey was the Pulmonary Rehab Unit at Llandough Hospital where I had gone to be assessed a few months back. They have decided in their wisdom to give me a start date for my 8 week course of rehabilitation for my chest. The thing is that it is 3 half days a week, mon, weds and fri, so jonny is going to be a busy boy when you think that I attend the Day Unit on a Tuesday so that leaves me Thursday to search for another department that I can pester. The idea of the rehab is to increase the amount of oxygen I can get from my lungs through the use of exercise and learning new breathing techniques etc which should be good although I have been warned that the average age of people in these classes is between 65 and 75. So I will be joining the wrinklies, maybe there will be some nice rich widow that takes a fancy to me you never know??
Well after all that initial excitement to the day I went bathroom shopping with Judith. Well I guess we had to get a move on as they are coming to fit it on Monday or Tuesday along with the kitchen worktop which has proved to be a bit of a nightmare actually. The worktop we decided that we wanted was not in stock at our local diy superstore so I sent Judith off home with the bathroom and I went looking at another branch to see if they had one. Arggggggg no they didn’t have one too I was beginning to panic now so I called into a couple of other diy places and no one had anything like it. So I went off to partake of my favourite past time. Guess what that is??? Yeah you are clever… shopping at Tesco’s. As I was in Penarth I went there which I don’t like doing as a rule. I think a blind person must have designed the stock layout there as there don’t seem to be any order to it. It like all jumbled up so if like me you sort of only go down an aisle if you need something off the list you have no choice here as you don’t really know what is down there till to go down there if you see what I mean. For example they have salad mixed in with fruit and also the potatoes are in between the oranges and apples????? Well after walking around the store twice to do my shopping you can imagine I was not the happiest teddy. To top it all I was in the middle of shopping when Judith rang to ask me if I had picked up the tub of sugar soap when we were at B&Q which I hadn’t so when I had finished the shopping I had to drive all the way back there to get it just what I needed. But you know what these people are like if I didn’t get it today they will deny all knowledge tomorrow and that would be £5 down the drain. When I got home I had a brain wave, I know it happens as much as a leap year…. I thought I will ring around the different stores to see if any of them had this worktop in stock. After hours of phone calls and listening to some mind numbing switchboard music I was told by a lovely shop assistant that the reason that no one has got this worktop is that it is a special order one and will actually take up to 28 to get it. OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn’t the first bloody shop tell me that it would have saved me a lot of headaches etc. Grrrrrrr they are going down in my black book a close second in the annoying stakes to Tesco’s.
After all that excitement today I have decided to give the jog around the block a miss and instead I will have to shut my eyes and dream that I am doing it ha ha ha!!! I might exercise my right arm a bit though when I have a little tipple later.
Right I’m off.
See Ya!!
Thursday, March 23
Dare I utter those words I ask myself?? Oh what the heck.. I’m actually having a good day today health wise that is. I feel quite fine although I did have a bit of a headache when I got up this morning although that was somewhat down to partaking of a few too many last night I think. But thankfully that cleared with the help of some pills but don’t tell the nurses mind they’ll kill me. I did make sure my temperature was fine before I took them honestly. Hey at least you can think yourselves lucky I wouldn’t have come in this morning because of a temperature ha ha!!
I had the delightful and extremely wonderful Matron or should I say Ward Sister/Manageress HEATHER (with the Pig Tails) on the phone earlier to enquire about the possibility of putting in another PIC Line on Monday when I go to see Merlin at the Day Unit. She was saying that she had been reading this load of tripe and that she was disgusted that I had not mentioned her name and how wonderful she is so here goes… HEATHER YOU ARE WONDERFULL!!! He he!! How much did you say you would pay me again?? The thing is if she is being brainwashed from reading all this rubbish she is sure going to pass it on to all her nurses oh my god I think I’ve opened a Pandora’s Box haven’t I?? I will have to see when I go on Monday to see the delightful and very steady handed I hope Ailsa (I apologise if I’ve spelt it wrongly honestly) whether she can do it for one which I’m sure she can as Old Gusher my one last remaining accessible Vein is pumping out well at the moment and whether it will be worth it as I’m not receiving treatment through it at the moment only the usual weekly blood test. The Pic line is an amazing thing when you need it not least of all the fact that it keeps the army of Blood Suckers away with their Javelins coming to suck you dry every day you’re an inpatient and the endless flow of antibiotics etc that I seem to need whenever I go in but there is a downside too such as increased risk of infection and Blood Clots etc along with the dangers of actually placing one in too so its not to be taken likely at all. The problem with me is my veins have had it really through all the treatments I’ve had and they are really struggling each time I have to have a Venflon in as you’ve read in the past, sometimes up to 6 or 7 attempts to get one in then it only lasts around 24 hours instead of the usual 3 days so there is good cause to have one in really but we’ll have to see what happens on Monday and I’ll let you know. Ailsa if you’re reading this ABSOLUTELY NO DRINKING ON SUNDAY NIGHT RIGHT!!!! I don’t want any shakes on Monday thank you very much.
Okay on a much sadder note I have to let you know that there looks very seriously like I might have a pretty disastrous problem of the feathered kind. I got up this morning and Blue (one of my oldest duckies) was lying in the bath all limp after jumping to his end from the bathroom shelf. He’s had a bit of a runny nose for a few days but seemed to respond to the doses of Lemsip and Night Nurse I been giving him until today that is. Well the Vet has had to report it to the authorities and they are testing for something called Bird Flu I think he said. He told me to keep all my birds indoors and make sure they wrap up warm too. I don’t have a problem keeping em indoors it’s the out doors they don’t like. I’ve dished out the extra woolly jumpers and they do look smart. See I knew that one day all them Salvation Army cast offs would come in handy although they do stink a bit. Well they have been in the cupboard for about 25 years. I’ll have to keep you posted on the results.
Okay that’s enough for anyone to have to endure in one day so I’ll run along now and dream up some more rubbish for tomorrow.
See Ya!!
I had the delightful and extremely wonderful Matron or should I say Ward Sister/Manageress HEATHER (with the Pig Tails) on the phone earlier to enquire about the possibility of putting in another PIC Line on Monday when I go to see Merlin at the Day Unit. She was saying that she had been reading this load of tripe and that she was disgusted that I had not mentioned her name and how wonderful she is so here goes… HEATHER YOU ARE WONDERFULL!!! He he!! How much did you say you would pay me again?? The thing is if she is being brainwashed from reading all this rubbish she is sure going to pass it on to all her nurses oh my god I think I’ve opened a Pandora’s Box haven’t I?? I will have to see when I go on Monday to see the delightful and very steady handed I hope Ailsa (I apologise if I’ve spelt it wrongly honestly) whether she can do it for one which I’m sure she can as Old Gusher my one last remaining accessible Vein is pumping out well at the moment and whether it will be worth it as I’m not receiving treatment through it at the moment only the usual weekly blood test. The Pic line is an amazing thing when you need it not least of all the fact that it keeps the army of Blood Suckers away with their Javelins coming to suck you dry every day you’re an inpatient and the endless flow of antibiotics etc that I seem to need whenever I go in but there is a downside too such as increased risk of infection and Blood Clots etc along with the dangers of actually placing one in too so its not to be taken likely at all. The problem with me is my veins have had it really through all the treatments I’ve had and they are really struggling each time I have to have a Venflon in as you’ve read in the past, sometimes up to 6 or 7 attempts to get one in then it only lasts around 24 hours instead of the usual 3 days so there is good cause to have one in really but we’ll have to see what happens on Monday and I’ll let you know. Ailsa if you’re reading this ABSOLUTELY NO DRINKING ON SUNDAY NIGHT RIGHT!!!! I don’t want any shakes on Monday thank you very much.
Okay on a much sadder note I have to let you know that there looks very seriously like I might have a pretty disastrous problem of the feathered kind. I got up this morning and Blue (one of my oldest duckies) was lying in the bath all limp after jumping to his end from the bathroom shelf. He’s had a bit of a runny nose for a few days but seemed to respond to the doses of Lemsip and Night Nurse I been giving him until today that is. Well the Vet has had to report it to the authorities and they are testing for something called Bird Flu I think he said. He told me to keep all my birds indoors and make sure they wrap up warm too. I don’t have a problem keeping em indoors it’s the out doors they don’t like. I’ve dished out the extra woolly jumpers and they do look smart. See I knew that one day all them Salvation Army cast offs would come in handy although they do stink a bit. Well they have been in the cupboard for about 25 years. I’ll have to keep you posted on the results.
Okay that’s enough for anyone to have to endure in one day so I’ll run along now and dream up some more rubbish for tomorrow.
See Ya!!
Wednesday, March 22
A Quiet Day!!
Today is what they call in “The Trade” as a quiet news day. What’s all that about then “The Trade” hey what blinking trade??? Anyhow… Not a lot has been happening today really apart from the much awaited Chancellors Budget Speech that is and to be honest there wasn’t much of any significance in there just the usual things like, money on fags and a freeze on spirits. More road tax on gas guzzling 4x4 monsters. Some extra cash for children and not much really for pensioners and people like me, Nutters that is!!!!! So really I guess not even worth talking about!!
We’re looking to have some work done around the house at the moment such as fitting a new Bathroom and new worktops and Hob & Hood in the Kitchen. Prior to being robbed of my health by the dreaded lurgy I would not have thought twice about taking on this work myself, in fact I along with Judith’s help of course just prior to this had replaced the entire kitchen from top to bottom on our own. It may take us slightly longer than a builder say may take but I recon you will not tell the difference in the end result as we would take our time and do the job properly. The point is that now because of my condition and the fact the job is really way too much for Judith to do on her own we are having to get a builder in to do the job at a cost of around £600 and that’s only for labour as we will be providing all materials involved. All this on top of the extra outgoings like Travel Expenses, drug expenses, adaptations that the NHS or Local Social Services will not provide, even down to all the extra phone calls to the hospital etc and the additional food consumed due to the Steroids I’m on is never taken into account. If you consider that I probably bring in about a 1/3 of my meagre salary prior to this too it all leads to a pretty major headache at times. It makes you mad because they have deemed that due to our circumstances and income we are what is known as a Low Income Family ( Well What A Surprise!!!!!) there is little or no help with these cost apart from applying for grants from the likes of George Thomas Hospice or Macmillan etc which although provide an extremely amazing worthwhile service are obviously over subscribed and the little funds available could be more well spent elsewhere on much more needy things.
Having said all this I have been very fortunate to have had a pretty amazing team fighting my corner so to speak from Nurses, Social Worker, Macmillan & George Thomas Nurses & Councillors etc and Doctors too. They have never ceased to amaze me with their ability to get results and their commitment to my care in whatever form it may take. But it makes me think, what sort of service all those people out there going through similar things who have not asked for such help are getting. Sadly t is not generally offered per say!! And to be honest both Me and Judith had to fight damn hard to get the service that I now have apart from the Doctors & Nurses at the hospital that is who Obviously give the same high standard of care and support to all their patients. I know after speaking to the Ward Sister the last time I was in The Big House that the next thing they are trying to combat is this very same matter and in a form something like a ward councillor I think who hopefully will be able to let patients know what sort of help is available to them and from whom so things should be changing in the future which can only be praised Well Done!!!!
I better go tend to my ducks, I’ll catch you guys later.
See Ya !!
We’re looking to have some work done around the house at the moment such as fitting a new Bathroom and new worktops and Hob & Hood in the Kitchen. Prior to being robbed of my health by the dreaded lurgy I would not have thought twice about taking on this work myself, in fact I along with Judith’s help of course just prior to this had replaced the entire kitchen from top to bottom on our own. It may take us slightly longer than a builder say may take but I recon you will not tell the difference in the end result as we would take our time and do the job properly. The point is that now because of my condition and the fact the job is really way too much for Judith to do on her own we are having to get a builder in to do the job at a cost of around £600 and that’s only for labour as we will be providing all materials involved. All this on top of the extra outgoings like Travel Expenses, drug expenses, adaptations that the NHS or Local Social Services will not provide, even down to all the extra phone calls to the hospital etc and the additional food consumed due to the Steroids I’m on is never taken into account. If you consider that I probably bring in about a 1/3 of my meagre salary prior to this too it all leads to a pretty major headache at times. It makes you mad because they have deemed that due to our circumstances and income we are what is known as a Low Income Family ( Well What A Surprise!!!!!) there is little or no help with these cost apart from applying for grants from the likes of George Thomas Hospice or Macmillan etc which although provide an extremely amazing worthwhile service are obviously over subscribed and the little funds available could be more well spent elsewhere on much more needy things.
Having said all this I have been very fortunate to have had a pretty amazing team fighting my corner so to speak from Nurses, Social Worker, Macmillan & George Thomas Nurses & Councillors etc and Doctors too. They have never ceased to amaze me with their ability to get results and their commitment to my care in whatever form it may take. But it makes me think, what sort of service all those people out there going through similar things who have not asked for such help are getting. Sadly t is not generally offered per say!! And to be honest both Me and Judith had to fight damn hard to get the service that I now have apart from the Doctors & Nurses at the hospital that is who Obviously give the same high standard of care and support to all their patients. I know after speaking to the Ward Sister the last time I was in The Big House that the next thing they are trying to combat is this very same matter and in a form something like a ward councillor I think who hopefully will be able to let patients know what sort of help is available to them and from whom so things should be changing in the future which can only be praised Well Done!!!!
I better go tend to my ducks, I’ll catch you guys later.
See Ya !!
Quiet News Day!!
Today is what they call in “The Trade” as a quiet news day. What’s all that about then “The Trade” hey what blinking trade??? Anyhow… Not a lot has been happening today really apart from the much awaited Chancellors Budget Speech that is and to be honest there wasn’t much of any significance in there just the usual things like, money on fags and a freeze on spirits. More road tax on gas guzzling 4x4 monsters. Some extra cash for children and not much really for pensioners and people like me, Nutters that is!!!!! So really I guess not even worth talking about!!
We’re looking to have some work done around the house at the moment such as fitting a new Bathroom and new worktops and Hob & Hood in the Kitchen. Prior to being robbed of my health by the dreaded lurgy I would not have thought twice about taking on this work myself, in fact I along with Judith’s help of course just prior to this had replaced the entire kitchen from top to bottom on our own. It may take us slightly longer than a builder say may take but I recon you will not tell the difference in the end result as we would take our time and do the job properly. The point is that now because of my condition and the fact the job is really way too much for Judith to do on her own we are having to get a builder in to do the job at a cost of around £600 and that’s only for labour as we will be providing all materials involved. All this on top of the extra outgoings like Travel Expenses, drug expenses, adaptations that the NHS or Local Social Services will not provide, even down to all the extra phone calls to the hospital etc and the additional food consumed due to the Steroids I’m on is never taken into account. If you consider that I probably bring in about a 1/3 of my meagre salary prior to this too it all leads to a pretty major headache at times. It makes you mad because they have deemed that due to our circumstances and income we are what is known as a Low Income Family ( Well What A Surprise!!!!!) there is little or no help with these cost apart from applying for grants from the likes of George Thomas Hospice or Macmillan etc which although provide an extremely amazing worthwhile service are obviously over subscribed and the little funds available could be more well spent elsewhere on much more needy things.
Having said all this I have been very fortunate to have had a pretty amazing team fighting my corner so to speak from Nurses, Social Worker, Macmillan & George Thomas Nurses & Councillors etc and Doctors too. They have never ceased to amaze me with their ability to get results and their commitment to my care in whatever form it may take. But it makes me think, what sort of service all those people out there going through similar things who have not asked for such help are getting. Sadly t is not generally offered per say!! And to be honest both Me and Judith had to fight damn hard to get the service that I now have apart from the Doctors & Nurses at the hospital that is who Obviously give the same high standard of care and support to all their patients. I know after speaking to the Ward Sister the last time I was in The Big House that the next thing they are trying to combat is this very same matter and in a form something like a ward councillor I think who hopefully will be able to let patients know what sort of help is available to them and from whom so things should be changing in the future which can only be praised Well Done!!!!
I better go tend to my ducks, I’ll catch you guys later.
See Ya !!
We’re looking to have some work done around the house at the moment such as fitting a new Bathroom and new worktops and Hob & Hood in the Kitchen. Prior to being robbed of my health by the dreaded lurgy I would not have thought twice about taking on this work myself, in fact I along with Judith’s help of course just prior to this had replaced the entire kitchen from top to bottom on our own. It may take us slightly longer than a builder say may take but I recon you will not tell the difference in the end result as we would take our time and do the job properly. The point is that now because of my condition and the fact the job is really way too much for Judith to do on her own we are having to get a builder in to do the job at a cost of around £600 and that’s only for labour as we will be providing all materials involved. All this on top of the extra outgoings like Travel Expenses, drug expenses, adaptations that the NHS or Local Social Services will not provide, even down to all the extra phone calls to the hospital etc and the additional food consumed due to the Steroids I’m on is never taken into account. If you consider that I probably bring in about a 1/3 of my meagre salary prior to this too it all leads to a pretty major headache at times. It makes you mad because they have deemed that due to our circumstances and income we are what is known as a Low Income Family ( Well What A Surprise!!!!!) there is little or no help with these cost apart from applying for grants from the likes of George Thomas Hospice or Macmillan etc which although provide an extremely amazing worthwhile service are obviously over subscribed and the little funds available could be more well spent elsewhere on much more needy things.
Having said all this I have been very fortunate to have had a pretty amazing team fighting my corner so to speak from Nurses, Social Worker, Macmillan & George Thomas Nurses & Councillors etc and Doctors too. They have never ceased to amaze me with their ability to get results and their commitment to my care in whatever form it may take. But it makes me think, what sort of service all those people out there going through similar things who have not asked for such help are getting. Sadly t is not generally offered per say!! And to be honest both Me and Judith had to fight damn hard to get the service that I now have apart from the Doctors & Nurses at the hospital that is who Obviously give the same high standard of care and support to all their patients. I know after speaking to the Ward Sister the last time I was in The Big House that the next thing they are trying to combat is this very same matter and in a form something like a ward councillor I think who hopefully will be able to let patients know what sort of help is available to them and from whom so things should be changing in the future which can only be praised Well Done!!!!
I better go tend to my ducks, I’ll catch you guys later.
See Ya !!
Tuesday, March 21
I've Been Had!!
For what seems like years, Eons in fact I have been coming back and fore at least once a week to the Hospital for whatever reason and almost religiously paying the minimum parking Fee of £2.10. The thing is I can claim it back so to be honest I only pay it out for a couple of hours then get it back the same day so I don’t mind. Lately I’ve noticed that there are more and more people who park in the disabled bays and just display their badges and don’t bother buying a ticket so I began to think well what the hell why bother. Well the answer to why bother I found out today. I GOT A BLOODY PARKING TICKET!!! He must have been hiding in the bushes waiting to pounce because when I got out of the car the time was 10.45am and the ticket was issued at 10.46am. Well when I finished my thing with the lovely Dr Ermesh I went over to the parking control office to try and plead all innocence. Unfortunately they informed me that they don’t have the authority to cancel the ticket and that I should write in and appeal so I’ll have to let you know what becomes of this later if I remember that is!!
If you like me have been watching the harrowing tale of the 6 men who have been taken very ill after taking part in a clinical trial and also of the 2 men who were given a placebo too as they must be suffering emotionally too, I cant help but think of the long term effect on people who volunteer for these types of things. More so I guess as this trial was directly involved in the treatment of Leukaemia and worked on the T-Cells which I have come to know a bit about in my journey along this twisty highway. It makes you think, what if over all these years other people had not come forward to volunteer their bodies so to speak to aid research?? Maybe I wouldn’t be here writing this now if it wasn’t for them. You see it’s not all that long ago that treatment of leukaemia was pretty basic to say the least and generally involved mostly palliative care rather than drug intervention. So I have a lot to thank these people for. speaking to one of the nurses at the day unit who incidentally is closely involved in the clinical trials and research here she was saying that the trials here would have already gone through the Phase One side of it which is what these men were taking part in and that there really are a lot of people that at the end of the day are only doing it for the money which sometimes can run in to a couple of thousand and in fact most have already spent it before they start. I suppose they are relying on people’s greed and as a result will always have an endless supply of people queuing up to volunteer. I must admit that quite a few years ago I was seriously thinking of doing just that when times were a bit hard although I seriously thought through the long term risks and health pros and cons and decided against it. Was it the right decision bearing in mind all I’ve been through the last couple of years? Well that’s the Million Dollar Question????
See Ya !!!
If you like me have been watching the harrowing tale of the 6 men who have been taken very ill after taking part in a clinical trial and also of the 2 men who were given a placebo too as they must be suffering emotionally too, I cant help but think of the long term effect on people who volunteer for these types of things. More so I guess as this trial was directly involved in the treatment of Leukaemia and worked on the T-Cells which I have come to know a bit about in my journey along this twisty highway. It makes you think, what if over all these years other people had not come forward to volunteer their bodies so to speak to aid research?? Maybe I wouldn’t be here writing this now if it wasn’t for them. You see it’s not all that long ago that treatment of leukaemia was pretty basic to say the least and generally involved mostly palliative care rather than drug intervention. So I have a lot to thank these people for. speaking to one of the nurses at the day unit who incidentally is closely involved in the clinical trials and research here she was saying that the trials here would have already gone through the Phase One side of it which is what these men were taking part in and that there really are a lot of people that at the end of the day are only doing it for the money which sometimes can run in to a couple of thousand and in fact most have already spent it before they start. I suppose they are relying on people’s greed and as a result will always have an endless supply of people queuing up to volunteer. I must admit that quite a few years ago I was seriously thinking of doing just that when times were a bit hard although I seriously thought through the long term risks and health pros and cons and decided against it. Was it the right decision bearing in mind all I’ve been through the last couple of years? Well that’s the Million Dollar Question????
See Ya !!!
A Quiet Day!!
Well it’s been a quiet day at the office so to speak lately so I thought I would give you peeps a break from my ramblings. I know that sounds like an excuse and to be honest you would be not be far from the truth. Damn I never could lie!!!
Alright then it’s been all of 2 days since my last helping of insanity for your perusal so here’s what’s going on in this head of mine!!!
Been really uneventful really. Did a bit of shopping mostly Online ( My Favourite type) although you sometimes just need to be able to see things like fruit and veg before you buy it but in saying that we’ve been lucky up till now in that each time it has been as we ordered. The main thing with Online Food Shopping is that I don’t get to fight for my Disabled Parking Space which I kind of miss every now and then which is why I try to get into the store at least once or twice a week for my entertainment ha ha ha.
I read today the local RAF Base across the road is bidding to become a Multi Service Training Academy which they recon will bring in around 5,000 jobs which makes a difference from the usual 500 coming or going as it usually is. It’s become a bit like this thing they tend to drag out for an airing every time there’s a quiet news day cos I lost count of the number of battalions that are supposed to be coming her and the number of job losses as well. Read about it here if you’re bored!!
Up to the slaughter house tomorrow for the appointment they cancelled last week yet another opportunity to show of my new specs and there may be the outside chance of my new hair being ready too which would be cool. I’ll have to let you know if it comes well in fact I will probably just post a glorious picture of myself.
Had a bit of a scare this evening. Well to be honest I haven’t felt right all day I been really tired and lethargic but I put it down to taking some sleeping pills last night which I try not to do often as they really affect the next day and besides Harveys Bristol Cream taste’s much nicer than a few pills ha ha ha!!. I felt a bit warm this evening, enough so that I took my temperature and it was a little high for me, up around 37.5 which is borderline going into hospital. I checked it again in an hour and it had come right back down and I didn’t feel that warm anymore when Judith turned the Radiator down so I think it was just down to the room being warm. So all you nurses reading this can breathe a sigh of relief as I won’t be coming in tonight. BUT, I demand your usual prompt and efficient service when I grace you with my presence tomorrow or you know what will happen you will be named and shamed on here for all the world to see Ha Ha Ha!!.
Right off to bed before I fall of this chair Hick….Hick…..
See Ya !!
Alright then it’s been all of 2 days since my last helping of insanity for your perusal so here’s what’s going on in this head of mine!!!
Been really uneventful really. Did a bit of shopping mostly Online ( My Favourite type) although you sometimes just need to be able to see things like fruit and veg before you buy it but in saying that we’ve been lucky up till now in that each time it has been as we ordered. The main thing with Online Food Shopping is that I don’t get to fight for my Disabled Parking Space which I kind of miss every now and then which is why I try to get into the store at least once or twice a week for my entertainment ha ha ha.
I read today the local RAF Base across the road is bidding to become a Multi Service Training Academy which they recon will bring in around 5,000 jobs which makes a difference from the usual 500 coming or going as it usually is. It’s become a bit like this thing they tend to drag out for an airing every time there’s a quiet news day cos I lost count of the number of battalions that are supposed to be coming her and the number of job losses as well. Read about it here if you’re bored!!
Up to the slaughter house tomorrow for the appointment they cancelled last week yet another opportunity to show of my new specs and there may be the outside chance of my new hair being ready too which would be cool. I’ll have to let you know if it comes well in fact I will probably just post a glorious picture of myself.
Had a bit of a scare this evening. Well to be honest I haven’t felt right all day I been really tired and lethargic but I put it down to taking some sleeping pills last night which I try not to do often as they really affect the next day and besides Harveys Bristol Cream taste’s much nicer than a few pills ha ha ha!!. I felt a bit warm this evening, enough so that I took my temperature and it was a little high for me, up around 37.5 which is borderline going into hospital. I checked it again in an hour and it had come right back down and I didn’t feel that warm anymore when Judith turned the Radiator down so I think it was just down to the room being warm. So all you nurses reading this can breathe a sigh of relief as I won’t be coming in tonight. BUT, I demand your usual prompt and efficient service when I grace you with my presence tomorrow or you know what will happen you will be named and shamed on here for all the world to see Ha Ha Ha!!.
Right off to bed before I fall of this chair Hick….Hick…..
See Ya !!
Saturday, March 18
I'm Out!!

Hey check out the specks.
I forgot to mention at the start of the last post that I have in fact been released from the great slaughter house. I guess it would have become a bit obvious as you read through the posting what with me going here and there but then again if you are reading this stuff you may not be of sound mind and body.
Well yes I am out and spreading my gospel according to lunatics to anyone who will listen whether it be voluntarily or under duress ha ha ha!
Not a lot has been happening since I got out really I have been trying to regain some level of breathing that does not rely on oxygen. I was all set to go back to the day unit on Thursday till I got a phone call on Wednesday to say that there was no need for me to go and that I should go back next Tuesday instead. This was all well and good I thought but I then had to try get an appointment with the local GP as I will run out of drugs by Tuesday so I didn’t save a great deal after all never mind.
Finally got to have my T-bone steak on Friday WOW!!! That was really worth the wait too. It was absolutely delicious. Nothing fancy just a bit of salt and pepper and some onions and mushrooms to go with it. Mmmmmmm!!!!!
We’ve decided to start as a family the latest diet thing which is The GI Diet.It’s pretty much a Low Carb thing although it seems to be more edible than the previous ones and includes a lot of foods that we eat anyway even a steak now and then thank god!! Lots of Chicken and Fish and Salad and Veg all of which I love. So we’ll see how it goes. I don’t really need to loose any weight although I must try and cut down on the fat as due to the steroids its all storing around my midriff which is growing by the minute and as my skin is still so tight from the GVHD it is really uncomfortable in fact blinking painful. The other benefit of this is that there is a great book by Anthony Worrell Thompson on the GI Diet and he happens to be one of my favourite Celebrity Chefs too and has come up with some very interesting dishes to try.
Okay I’m off to have my Lentil and Bulgar Wheat Stew see ya later!!!!
Wednesday, March 15
I Can See!!!
Hey are things really this clear and focused then?? Been and picked up my glasses this morning and of course I wouldn’t settle for just any old glasses it had to be a Designer pair by Quicksilver. The receptionist had been primed by Judith to have a go about my facial growth (I’ve decided to have a go at growing a goatee) and she did just that too ha ha !! Well I sat in the chair and was handed the glasses by the Boss (only the finest service for me see!!!) I put them on and was gob smacked at how clear things were. I can’t remember when I could see that clearly last if ever?? Well I went of to explore this new world that had been opened up to me. I had a busy day today and dragged the daughter Tara along with me for the ride; in fact she actually volunteered to come Mad Fool!!!
First port of call was my Friendly Computer Store to pick up a monitor. My sister has kindly lent me one but I cant get on with the brightness and contrast for some reason and the other alternative is to have a lend of my mum’s old one which is only a 15” one and I recon I won’t get on with it after being used to at least 17”. Besides it’s about time I get a new monitor anyhow. Well got there and to my dismay they had run out but there will be more stock arriving either Friday or Monday so I’ll have to wait.
Next, off to PC (Rip Off) World to pick up some ink for the printer. It’s only a stop gap till the cartridges I ordered online come in a few days. Prob is Tara needs to print off some stuff before then. Would you believe it no Cheap ones there only a genuine Canon one at a cost of £13. When you think that I am awaiting delivery of 8 Black and 6 Coloured Compatible inks £17 Including Delivery you can see what I mean by rip off cant you. Tara was eying up the latest copy of Sage Accounting too as she will be studying it next year, quite reasonable I thought at only £500 an absolute Bargain.
Then off to the butchers. It’s my Cousin Jacqueline’s fault really. She popped in with my auntie Josie to see me in hospital yesterday morning as they were up there for a couple of appointments and I just happened to mention the fact I can’t get T-Bone Steak anywhere as she knew cos she’s mad enough to read this pile of rubbish regularly,( You really need to get a life Jacqueline) she said the butchers by me sells that so me being me I just had to go get some didn’t I ? The thing to bear in mind is that the butcher is some 25 miles away from me ha ha. Well I looked around when I got in there and was beginning to become despondent as I couldn’t see any anywhere. I asked for some Lamb Cutlets for tonight and when she said “anything else?” I said “I don’t suppose you sell T-Bone Steak do you?” “Yes” she said, “How Many Do You Want?” well I could have kissed her there and then. So the butcher went out the back and brought out this complete rack of beef and I was tempted to buy the blinking lot ha ha. I settled for 2 pieces. I mentioned to the young lady about my being unable to find it anywhere and that I’ve had to come so far and she thought I was mad. Yep, That I Am Alright!!!!! So a big big thank you to Jacqueline first of all and also a name check for the bestest butcher The Meat Market in Countisbury Avenue, Llanrumney, Cardiff. I will be back don’t you worry.
Well last but not least on this epic journey its off to my favourite store Tesco’s of course for a few odds and ends for the next couple of days and as usual I wanted something from the beginning, the middle and the end of the store Grrrrrrr!!! At least I managed to drive straight into a Disabled Parking Space which for this store is highly unusual so thumbs up for Tesco’s for a change.
I need a rest after all this running around today but at least I got my steak yipeeeeeeee!!! Only problem is now I will have to look at it till Friday as I need to use up the Seafood in the fridge by tomorrow so I will be doing a nice Seafood Chowder then I will look forward to my delicious T-Bone Steak on Friday, If I can wait that long that is????
See Ya !!
First port of call was my Friendly Computer Store to pick up a monitor. My sister has kindly lent me one but I cant get on with the brightness and contrast for some reason and the other alternative is to have a lend of my mum’s old one which is only a 15” one and I recon I won’t get on with it after being used to at least 17”. Besides it’s about time I get a new monitor anyhow. Well got there and to my dismay they had run out but there will be more stock arriving either Friday or Monday so I’ll have to wait.
Next, off to PC (Rip Off) World to pick up some ink for the printer. It’s only a stop gap till the cartridges I ordered online come in a few days. Prob is Tara needs to print off some stuff before then. Would you believe it no Cheap ones there only a genuine Canon one at a cost of £13. When you think that I am awaiting delivery of 8 Black and 6 Coloured Compatible inks £17 Including Delivery you can see what I mean by rip off cant you. Tara was eying up the latest copy of Sage Accounting too as she will be studying it next year, quite reasonable I thought at only £500 an absolute Bargain.
Then off to the butchers. It’s my Cousin Jacqueline’s fault really. She popped in with my auntie Josie to see me in hospital yesterday morning as they were up there for a couple of appointments and I just happened to mention the fact I can’t get T-Bone Steak anywhere as she knew cos she’s mad enough to read this pile of rubbish regularly,( You really need to get a life Jacqueline) she said the butchers by me sells that so me being me I just had to go get some didn’t I ? The thing to bear in mind is that the butcher is some 25 miles away from me ha ha. Well I looked around when I got in there and was beginning to become despondent as I couldn’t see any anywhere. I asked for some Lamb Cutlets for tonight and when she said “anything else?” I said “I don’t suppose you sell T-Bone Steak do you?” “Yes” she said, “How Many Do You Want?” well I could have kissed her there and then. So the butcher went out the back and brought out this complete rack of beef and I was tempted to buy the blinking lot ha ha. I settled for 2 pieces. I mentioned to the young lady about my being unable to find it anywhere and that I’ve had to come so far and she thought I was mad. Yep, That I Am Alright!!!!! So a big big thank you to Jacqueline first of all and also a name check for the bestest butcher The Meat Market in Countisbury Avenue, Llanrumney, Cardiff. I will be back don’t you worry.
Well last but not least on this epic journey its off to my favourite store Tesco’s of course for a few odds and ends for the next couple of days and as usual I wanted something from the beginning, the middle and the end of the store Grrrrrrr!!! At least I managed to drive straight into a Disabled Parking Space which for this store is highly unusual so thumbs up for Tesco’s for a change.
I need a rest after all this running around today but at least I got my steak yipeeeeeeee!!! Only problem is now I will have to look at it till Friday as I need to use up the Seafood in the fridge by tomorrow so I will be doing a nice Seafood Chowder then I will look forward to my delicious T-Bone Steak on Friday, If I can wait that long that is????
See Ya !!
Tuesday, March 14
Hair Today Gone Tomorrow
Hair Today Gone Tomorrow!!
As I guess a lot of you will recall all the bodily parts this dreaded lurgy has cruelly raped me of. Such things as Lung Function well Barely being able to breathe unaided at times and exercise being totally out the question, then there’s the Hearing, Teeth, Eyesight and the loss of hair including my famous Dennis Healy Eyebrows ha ha!!
Well instead of just sitting back and letting it get away with it, well why bloody should I? I’ve tried to get back some of it all be it in an artificial way maybe, like False Teeth and Hearing Aids and Glasses and as for my lungs well apart from the oxygen there isn’t a lot I can do on that score. But up till now I’ve sort of just lived with the fact that I will prob never again have a full head of hair as due to the Chemo and the many bouts of Graft Versus Host Disease I’ve had and are having it seems to have irretrievably damaged my hair follicles in such a way that my hair is trying its hardest to grow back in what can only be described as a monks style. Nothing on top and at the back just like a ring around the side and as well when it does manage to grow it actually comes back Ginger and Curly unlike my Straight and Blonde hair prior to this thanks to my Sister. I’ve got this what can only be described as a Gorbachev Splat on top of my head too as the GVHD has messed around with the pigmentation in my skin something rotten more so on my head and face. My face at times can look like I’ve fallen asleep in the sun with my face under a colander.
Well I finally decided yesterday, I know I’m gonna have a wig. Why not? They will provide you with 2 to get on with on the NHS. So I asked to see the wig books on the ward yesterday and they were all laughing at me and looking at me in a very strange way. They NEVER get asked by male patients apparently for a wig which I don’t find that unusual I guess although there surely must be men out there that are more conscious than myself about there appearance?? Yeah I know that most develop like me a good range of hats, one for all occasions bit like my grand mother used to be. Well surprise, surprise there were no Men’s designs in sight so I had to trawl through all the Women’s ones and try and find one I can adapt. I’ve always fancied the sort of surfer look you know the one all one length to the shoulder slightly wavy and blonde, but the thought of having to try and grow my fringe for years to catch up to the rest of my hair always put me off so I never bothered. Well this is my chance I thought!! So trawling through I had the choice of well one actually as there were a few that were the right sort of thing but the fringes had all been cut quite short which defeats the object really. The one I choose is way too long in fact I think it’s the longest one in the book probably comes to halfway down my back but it was the only one with a full length fringe and a wave to it so it will have to be styled and well cut back to suit my demure face anyway!!! I choose the colour too its called Butterscotch Blonde, not far from my previous colour I think but then my eyesight is knackered don’t forget!! I just got to wait for the “Wig Lady” to contact me now when it’s ready to come and fit it I guess and then I will probably go through it with her about the exact thing that I’m after if this one can’t be adapted to my requirements that is. Then there’s the subject of the second wig now my mind is racing!!!! I think it’s going to be a toss up between a nice Electric Blue Number or a Bright Pink Mohican to go with my Lipstick and High Heels on the weekend thanks to my Sisters Stem Cells..
See Ya!!
As I guess a lot of you will recall all the bodily parts this dreaded lurgy has cruelly raped me of. Such things as Lung Function well Barely being able to breathe unaided at times and exercise being totally out the question, then there’s the Hearing, Teeth, Eyesight and the loss of hair including my famous Dennis Healy Eyebrows ha ha!!
Well instead of just sitting back and letting it get away with it, well why bloody should I? I’ve tried to get back some of it all be it in an artificial way maybe, like False Teeth and Hearing Aids and Glasses and as for my lungs well apart from the oxygen there isn’t a lot I can do on that score. But up till now I’ve sort of just lived with the fact that I will prob never again have a full head of hair as due to the Chemo and the many bouts of Graft Versus Host Disease I’ve had and are having it seems to have irretrievably damaged my hair follicles in such a way that my hair is trying its hardest to grow back in what can only be described as a monks style. Nothing on top and at the back just like a ring around the side and as well when it does manage to grow it actually comes back Ginger and Curly unlike my Straight and Blonde hair prior to this thanks to my Sister. I’ve got this what can only be described as a Gorbachev Splat on top of my head too as the GVHD has messed around with the pigmentation in my skin something rotten more so on my head and face. My face at times can look like I’ve fallen asleep in the sun with my face under a colander.
Well I finally decided yesterday, I know I’m gonna have a wig. Why not? They will provide you with 2 to get on with on the NHS. So I asked to see the wig books on the ward yesterday and they were all laughing at me and looking at me in a very strange way. They NEVER get asked by male patients apparently for a wig which I don’t find that unusual I guess although there surely must be men out there that are more conscious than myself about there appearance?? Yeah I know that most develop like me a good range of hats, one for all occasions bit like my grand mother used to be. Well surprise, surprise there were no Men’s designs in sight so I had to trawl through all the Women’s ones and try and find one I can adapt. I’ve always fancied the sort of surfer look you know the one all one length to the shoulder slightly wavy and blonde, but the thought of having to try and grow my fringe for years to catch up to the rest of my hair always put me off so I never bothered. Well this is my chance I thought!! So trawling through I had the choice of well one actually as there were a few that were the right sort of thing but the fringes had all been cut quite short which defeats the object really. The one I choose is way too long in fact I think it’s the longest one in the book probably comes to halfway down my back but it was the only one with a full length fringe and a wave to it so it will have to be styled and well cut back to suit my demure face anyway!!! I choose the colour too its called Butterscotch Blonde, not far from my previous colour I think but then my eyesight is knackered don’t forget!! I just got to wait for the “Wig Lady” to contact me now when it’s ready to come and fit it I guess and then I will probably go through it with her about the exact thing that I’m after if this one can’t be adapted to my requirements that is. Then there’s the subject of the second wig now my mind is racing!!!! I think it’s going to be a toss up between a nice Electric Blue Number or a Bright Pink Mohican to go with my Lipstick and High Heels on the weekend thanks to my Sisters Stem Cells..
See Ya!!
Monday, March 13
Why Do I Do It??
Why Do I Do It??
How come I always let people convince me of things? All through school I remember things from my School reports saying things like John is easily led and stuff.
My veins are shot due to the treatments I have been on and the amount of abuse they get each time I have to come in. Because of the anti-biotics they need to give me I have to have what’s called a Venflon in. The idea is that they usually last for 3 days before needing changing but me being me they only ever last around a day or so. Well I’ve had 4 put in as many days so I asked yesterday if I could have what is called a Pic Line put in which is a much more robust version that goes into a much bigger vein up near your heart so the risk of it needing changing are a lot less and in fact I once had one of these in for around 2 months. There are a lot more risks involved such as infection and clotting etc but for me it’s a calculated gamble really. Well when I found out yesterday that I was only going to have to have 2 more days of iv anti-biotics I let the nurse who was going to do the Pic line talk me into letting her put another Venflon in in a much juicier vein. Her words were “I Will Guarantee That It Will Last The Weekend” so like a mug I fell for it, hook line and sinker. Not even 24 later here I am having it taken out and yet another 2 attempts to try and replace it with another one which will no doubt only last another 24 hours. You wait till I see her next week she’s in for a good arse kicking Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well another fascinating day in store at Heath Towers. I’m in training for the coughing Olympics at the moment. I’m taking part in the marathon and to be honest I think I broke my own world record last night, it must have been at least 6 hours with no refreshment breaks too. I don’t know if its just me but there seems to be loads of staff on this morning not that it makes any difference to me as I’m stuck in this blinking Goldfish Bowl and they don’t come in here just wave through the window and occasionally throw in the bread and water. In fact they only seem to come in when they want to inflict some more pain on me ha ha ha!! I’m like an exhibit in a freak show it feels like!!
Just put myself through the usual 80 minute torture that is Wales Rugby team trying to see how many different ways they can humiliate themselves by playing others who can actually play the game. How come a team can win the Grand Slam (that is to those who don’t know what that means is they beat all other 5 countries) one year then the next get beaten by them all with an almost identical team???? I think they must have been abducted by aliens during the off season and replaced by robots or something or maybe last year was a dream, Well Was It???
Right enough of this rubbish I’m off to catch up on some sleep
See Ya!!
How come I always let people convince me of things? All through school I remember things from my School reports saying things like John is easily led and stuff.
My veins are shot due to the treatments I have been on and the amount of abuse they get each time I have to come in. Because of the anti-biotics they need to give me I have to have what’s called a Venflon in. The idea is that they usually last for 3 days before needing changing but me being me they only ever last around a day or so. Well I’ve had 4 put in as many days so I asked yesterday if I could have what is called a Pic Line put in which is a much more robust version that goes into a much bigger vein up near your heart so the risk of it needing changing are a lot less and in fact I once had one of these in for around 2 months. There are a lot more risks involved such as infection and clotting etc but for me it’s a calculated gamble really. Well when I found out yesterday that I was only going to have to have 2 more days of iv anti-biotics I let the nurse who was going to do the Pic line talk me into letting her put another Venflon in in a much juicier vein. Her words were “I Will Guarantee That It Will Last The Weekend” so like a mug I fell for it, hook line and sinker. Not even 24 later here I am having it taken out and yet another 2 attempts to try and replace it with another one which will no doubt only last another 24 hours. You wait till I see her next week she’s in for a good arse kicking Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well another fascinating day in store at Heath Towers. I’m in training for the coughing Olympics at the moment. I’m taking part in the marathon and to be honest I think I broke my own world record last night, it must have been at least 6 hours with no refreshment breaks too. I don’t know if its just me but there seems to be loads of staff on this morning not that it makes any difference to me as I’m stuck in this blinking Goldfish Bowl and they don’t come in here just wave through the window and occasionally throw in the bread and water. In fact they only seem to come in when they want to inflict some more pain on me ha ha ha!! I’m like an exhibit in a freak show it feels like!!
Just put myself through the usual 80 minute torture that is Wales Rugby team trying to see how many different ways they can humiliate themselves by playing others who can actually play the game. How come a team can win the Grand Slam (that is to those who don’t know what that means is they beat all other 5 countries) one year then the next get beaten by them all with an almost identical team???? I think they must have been abducted by aliens during the off season and replaced by robots or something or maybe last year was a dream, Well Was It???
Right enough of this rubbish I’m off to catch up on some sleep
See Ya!!
Saturday, March 11
An Interesting Day A
An Interesting Day All Told
Been quite an interesting day today. Didn’t start off too well though as the canula they put in started to hurt meaning more stabbings to put another one in which happened a bit later on In the day twice cos the first one only lasted a couple of hours till it started to hurt. My veins used to be so good before this entire blinking thing started now it’s like the proverbial trying to get blood from a stone. Tried allsorts to get them to pop up and say hi like even plunging my hand and arm in hot water to make the veins to stand up but between you and me I recon they no what’s coming and are sitting there thinking “You must be daft if you think I’m gonna stick my head out of this bunker. Remember the Zulu’s??”
Managed to convince one of the nurses to have a look at my blog yesterday and without having to inflict any physical violence too, makes a change. I’d better watch what I say from now on NOT!! For those of you that know me already will know that I tend to speak first then think later and hey is there any other way to be????
SO EVERYONE SAY A BIG HI TO BETHAN !!!!! Welcome to my sane world ha ha ha.
Saw The Wizard today Dr Wilson. He Said I got some news which I’m not sure is good or bad so I’m not sure what you will think, well that makes two of us then!! He said that it is not the Pseudomonas that has caused this bout of coughing etc, at least not on its own cos I have gone and picked up the Influenza B Virus too which would explain why the Anti-Biotic they put me on didn’t work. Typical me really if its there to be had I want it!! The funny thing is that I have had 2 Flu Jabs and a Pneumonia Jab this year already but apparently it only covers Influenza A and not B. Just my blinking luck. But hell at least I won’t catch the Bird Flu because the treatment is a course of Tami flu ha ha ha!! I could be a rich man if I flogged this stuff along with the steroids I’m on too !! Had a good long chat to the doc and Judith was here too which really helped as she wanted to ask a few things too and the way my memory is I never remember to ask them. The upshot really is that he fully expect these visits back and fore the hospital for infections etc will be a permanent thing in the future and the thing is to try and reduce the frequency through some drug intervention along with some physio when I’m well enough for it to make a difference. This is quite a big thing to take on board I recon its like time to really have to let go of the dream of running the London Marathon once and for all ha ha, No, But Seriously, the future prospect of this becoming my way of life and not being able to walk more than a few hundred yards on an very VERY good day is quite hard to come to terms with. Another slice of independence gone. But it needs to be dealt with either way as this is not going to go away. The good news is that as far as the Leukaemia is concerned there is only slightly more of a chance of it coming back than any other normal person if there is such a being I ain’t met any yet, maybe I ought to get out more. Judith I think got a lot from it although I haven’t spoken to her about it much as she had to get back to work straight afterwards.
Right I’m off to formulate a Life Plan : )
See Ya !!
Been quite an interesting day today. Didn’t start off too well though as the canula they put in started to hurt meaning more stabbings to put another one in which happened a bit later on In the day twice cos the first one only lasted a couple of hours till it started to hurt. My veins used to be so good before this entire blinking thing started now it’s like the proverbial trying to get blood from a stone. Tried allsorts to get them to pop up and say hi like even plunging my hand and arm in hot water to make the veins to stand up but between you and me I recon they no what’s coming and are sitting there thinking “You must be daft if you think I’m gonna stick my head out of this bunker. Remember the Zulu’s??”
Managed to convince one of the nurses to have a look at my blog yesterday and without having to inflict any physical violence too, makes a change. I’d better watch what I say from now on NOT!! For those of you that know me already will know that I tend to speak first then think later and hey is there any other way to be????
SO EVERYONE SAY A BIG HI TO BETHAN !!!!! Welcome to my sane world ha ha ha.
Saw The Wizard today Dr Wilson. He Said I got some news which I’m not sure is good or bad so I’m not sure what you will think, well that makes two of us then!! He said that it is not the Pseudomonas that has caused this bout of coughing etc, at least not on its own cos I have gone and picked up the Influenza B Virus too which would explain why the Anti-Biotic they put me on didn’t work. Typical me really if its there to be had I want it!! The funny thing is that I have had 2 Flu Jabs and a Pneumonia Jab this year already but apparently it only covers Influenza A and not B. Just my blinking luck. But hell at least I won’t catch the Bird Flu because the treatment is a course of Tami flu ha ha ha!! I could be a rich man if I flogged this stuff along with the steroids I’m on too !! Had a good long chat to the doc and Judith was here too which really helped as she wanted to ask a few things too and the way my memory is I never remember to ask them. The upshot really is that he fully expect these visits back and fore the hospital for infections etc will be a permanent thing in the future and the thing is to try and reduce the frequency through some drug intervention along with some physio when I’m well enough for it to make a difference. This is quite a big thing to take on board I recon its like time to really have to let go of the dream of running the London Marathon once and for all ha ha, No, But Seriously, the future prospect of this becoming my way of life and not being able to walk more than a few hundred yards on an very VERY good day is quite hard to come to terms with. Another slice of independence gone. But it needs to be dealt with either way as this is not going to go away. The good news is that as far as the Leukaemia is concerned there is only slightly more of a chance of it coming back than any other normal person if there is such a being I ain’t met any yet, maybe I ought to get out more. Judith I think got a lot from it although I haven’t spoken to her about it much as she had to get back to work straight afterwards.
Right I’m off to formulate a Life Plan : )
See Ya !!
Bored Bored Bored
Bored Bored Bored,
The problem with being in here is really how to pass the time of day apart from sleeping that is. I know I got the Freeview and the laptop full of Music to play around with nut I’m not a great TV Lover at home and in fact spend little time playing with the computer and most of my time on the internet. It seems to be all or nothing in here too. First thing in the morning and I mean first thing, bout 6.30 till 9 am is all go with nurses in and out every couple of minutes for various things then there’s a break then till the doctors come around lunchtime. Then its sort of just quiet the rest of the day with a bit of a flurry around tea time what with food and drugs then nothing till around midnight for the last IV of the day. It always annoys me why the rush first thing in the morning. Especially seeing as they start at 6.30 and breakfast usually arrives around 8.30 they still can’t manage to get the tablets that you need to take before food or on an empty stomach to you before breakfast. Thankfully I sort out my own medication that way I know what I’m getting and I get it at the right time. Well on past experience it is very wise as I lost count of the times I have been given wrong medication, probably by accident rushing etc etc…
I must stop eating these damn crisps especially as the steroids I’m on cause you to retain fat around your middle and believe me my middle is growing pretty rapidly. I’m addicted to blinking Walkers Sensations they’re absolutely gorgeous but are in large packets so you just have to eat them all or else they will go off. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it Ha Ha Ha !!!
Jude managed to bring in my own pillow from home yesterday which helps as these here are like sleeping on stone slabs. She managed to bring in my bestest favourite pillow cases today too. Winnie The Poo and a Spacemen one and Bob The Builder always makes people laugh and smile.
I’m having Steak Withdrawal Symptoms too since coming in here. I sort of got into the habit of searching for the elusive T-Bone Steak and after not being able to find one anywhere in the supermarkets or butchers ending up buying another cut maybe 3 or 4 times a week, Well it is a good source of iron and other essentials I need to stay healthy. Besides from that I need the practise of cooking them to try and get the timing exactly right because when I do manage to find the T-Bone I don’t want to over cook it do I?? Saying that I still like it dripping with blood so I guess that might be hard to do as it’s only in the pan for about 3 minutes in total ha ha ha!! I’m thinking of writing a book called 100 Ways To Cook Steak. A recent sort of adapted concoction from a Jamie Oliver book is an accompaniment of Shallots and Chestnut Mushrooms cooked in a little Butter with Chilli, Garlic and Ginger, Fry till they soften and the mushrooms absorb back all the juices then add some Marmalade and cook for a further 2 or 3 minutes to sort of caramelise Mmmmmmmmm Scrumptious !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah well back to my over done Lamb Roast dinner I guess no blinking substitute although I suppose it is food at least in the broadest meaning of the word.
See Ya !!
The problem with being in here is really how to pass the time of day apart from sleeping that is. I know I got the Freeview and the laptop full of Music to play around with nut I’m not a great TV Lover at home and in fact spend little time playing with the computer and most of my time on the internet. It seems to be all or nothing in here too. First thing in the morning and I mean first thing, bout 6.30 till 9 am is all go with nurses in and out every couple of minutes for various things then there’s a break then till the doctors come around lunchtime. Then its sort of just quiet the rest of the day with a bit of a flurry around tea time what with food and drugs then nothing till around midnight for the last IV of the day. It always annoys me why the rush first thing in the morning. Especially seeing as they start at 6.30 and breakfast usually arrives around 8.30 they still can’t manage to get the tablets that you need to take before food or on an empty stomach to you before breakfast. Thankfully I sort out my own medication that way I know what I’m getting and I get it at the right time. Well on past experience it is very wise as I lost count of the times I have been given wrong medication, probably by accident rushing etc etc…
I must stop eating these damn crisps especially as the steroids I’m on cause you to retain fat around your middle and believe me my middle is growing pretty rapidly. I’m addicted to blinking Walkers Sensations they’re absolutely gorgeous but are in large packets so you just have to eat them all or else they will go off. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it Ha Ha Ha !!!
Jude managed to bring in my own pillow from home yesterday which helps as these here are like sleeping on stone slabs. She managed to bring in my bestest favourite pillow cases today too. Winnie The Poo and a Spacemen one and Bob The Builder always makes people laugh and smile.
I’m having Steak Withdrawal Symptoms too since coming in here. I sort of got into the habit of searching for the elusive T-Bone Steak and after not being able to find one anywhere in the supermarkets or butchers ending up buying another cut maybe 3 or 4 times a week, Well it is a good source of iron and other essentials I need to stay healthy. Besides from that I need the practise of cooking them to try and get the timing exactly right because when I do manage to find the T-Bone I don’t want to over cook it do I?? Saying that I still like it dripping with blood so I guess that might be hard to do as it’s only in the pan for about 3 minutes in total ha ha ha!! I’m thinking of writing a book called 100 Ways To Cook Steak. A recent sort of adapted concoction from a Jamie Oliver book is an accompaniment of Shallots and Chestnut Mushrooms cooked in a little Butter with Chilli, Garlic and Ginger, Fry till they soften and the mushrooms absorb back all the juices then add some Marmalade and cook for a further 2 or 3 minutes to sort of caramelise Mmmmmmmmm Scrumptious !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah well back to my over done Lamb Roast dinner I guess no blinking substitute although I suppose it is food at least in the broadest meaning of the word.
See Ya !!
Thursday, March 9
TV Charges.
Hi only me again.
I thought I would rant on today about a subject that’s close to my heart and happens to be in the news a bit at the moment too. That is one of the NHS or more specifically of the services such as Parking and Television & Phone charges.
I’m sure I probably mentioned it before in a previous blog about the extortionate Parking Charges at the Hospital. They charge a Minimum of £2.10 for 4 hours rising to around £6 I believe for up to 24 hours. As a rule it annoys me to pay each time I have to come back and fore the day unit and dentist and stuff, but at least then I can claim it back the same day as expenses due to the benefits I am on so it’s a sort of false payment really. When I’m an in patient though which you might have worked out by yourselves now is fairly often and usually quite lengthy it’s a different matter as the same service is not offered to Judith so she has to pay £2.10 each day she comes in to see me which is usually 6 days a week. It doesn’t make much sense that to me?? Surely if it is decided that due to our joint Low Income I am allowed to claim expenses such as parking and fuel costs etc, my wife who is on the same joint income as me OBVIOUSLY!!! Should be able too?????? The main problem at this particular hospital is that like a lot of others I guess they’ve sort of handed it over to a private company to manage and as a result they are obviously after a big profit margin. Across town in the same city the other Main Hospital currently has FREE PARKING for Disabled Badge Holders and all others pay just 80p although in saying that the last time I went up there they were in the process of handing that one over to same company as here so the prices won’t stay that way for long although I read in the news today the government are to announce that they will be advising hospitals to not make a profit from running car parking so things may change although I doubt it very much!!
This next one is just as big a scam too and that is the TV/Radio/Phone charges in here and around the country too as I’ve been reading. The service hear is being run by the dreaded Patientline and are coming in for some real stick in the press at the moment and bloody rightly so if you ask me. The TV is charged at £3.50 A DAY and the phone is charged as following, to make out going calls its 10p a minute but people ringing you are charged a whopping 49 a minute, daylight robbery. When I was first diagnosed, for a short spell I think of only a couple of weeks, Judith was unable to come in and see me due to her having a nasty cold she was ringing every day and the phone bill was something like £200 !!!!! How can they justify charging such a huge amount that’s like mobile rates, in fact it’s probably worse than them!! As far as the TV is concerned I did for a long time used to pay for the TV as to be honest there was no alternative to the boredom of having nothing to watch and the day room TV is as good as useless. A 3 inch screen is pretty hard to see though and you can see by the channel line up that its really aimed at the children and teenager with quite a few children’s channels which to be honest don’t really do a lot for me. Despite what some reports have said there is pressure put on the ward staff/management to not allow people to bring in TV’s etc and the only ones really allowed are for those patients undergoing Transplants as they are guaranteed a lengthy stay more often than not. They have however never said anything about bringing a Laptop in and as mine is now fitted with the super duper Freeview thingy I can give them my 2 finger salute usually reserved for those idiots who insist on parking in Disabled Parking Bays with no badge Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scum Of The Earth!!!!! The thing that makes me laugh is that it was only about a fortnight ago I was hearing that Patientline were actually running at a loss ha ha ha so prices may have to rise Mmmmmmmm Good move I think not!!
God, I’m out of puff now after that little rant I better let you guys get back to reality and remember that a jab in the back of the ankles from a madly driven wheelchair hurts like hell, SO GET OUT MY BLINKING WAY!!!!!
See Ya!
I thought I would rant on today about a subject that’s close to my heart and happens to be in the news a bit at the moment too. That is one of the NHS or more specifically of the services such as Parking and Television & Phone charges.
I’m sure I probably mentioned it before in a previous blog about the extortionate Parking Charges at the Hospital. They charge a Minimum of £2.10 for 4 hours rising to around £6 I believe for up to 24 hours. As a rule it annoys me to pay each time I have to come back and fore the day unit and dentist and stuff, but at least then I can claim it back the same day as expenses due to the benefits I am on so it’s a sort of false payment really. When I’m an in patient though which you might have worked out by yourselves now is fairly often and usually quite lengthy it’s a different matter as the same service is not offered to Judith so she has to pay £2.10 each day she comes in to see me which is usually 6 days a week. It doesn’t make much sense that to me?? Surely if it is decided that due to our joint Low Income I am allowed to claim expenses such as parking and fuel costs etc, my wife who is on the same joint income as me OBVIOUSLY!!! Should be able too?????? The main problem at this particular hospital is that like a lot of others I guess they’ve sort of handed it over to a private company to manage and as a result they are obviously after a big profit margin. Across town in the same city the other Main Hospital currently has FREE PARKING for Disabled Badge Holders and all others pay just 80p although in saying that the last time I went up there they were in the process of handing that one over to same company as here so the prices won’t stay that way for long although I read in the news today the government are to announce that they will be advising hospitals to not make a profit from running car parking so things may change although I doubt it very much!!
This next one is just as big a scam too and that is the TV/Radio/Phone charges in here and around the country too as I’ve been reading. The service hear is being run by the dreaded Patientline and are coming in for some real stick in the press at the moment and bloody rightly so if you ask me. The TV is charged at £3.50 A DAY and the phone is charged as following, to make out going calls its 10p a minute but people ringing you are charged a whopping 49 a minute, daylight robbery. When I was first diagnosed, for a short spell I think of only a couple of weeks, Judith was unable to come in and see me due to her having a nasty cold she was ringing every day and the phone bill was something like £200 !!!!! How can they justify charging such a huge amount that’s like mobile rates, in fact it’s probably worse than them!! As far as the TV is concerned I did for a long time used to pay for the TV as to be honest there was no alternative to the boredom of having nothing to watch and the day room TV is as good as useless. A 3 inch screen is pretty hard to see though and you can see by the channel line up that its really aimed at the children and teenager with quite a few children’s channels which to be honest don’t really do a lot for me. Despite what some reports have said there is pressure put on the ward staff/management to not allow people to bring in TV’s etc and the only ones really allowed are for those patients undergoing Transplants as they are guaranteed a lengthy stay more often than not. They have however never said anything about bringing a Laptop in and as mine is now fitted with the super duper Freeview thingy I can give them my 2 finger salute usually reserved for those idiots who insist on parking in Disabled Parking Bays with no badge Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scum Of The Earth!!!!! The thing that makes me laugh is that it was only about a fortnight ago I was hearing that Patientline were actually running at a loss ha ha ha so prices may have to rise Mmmmmmmm Good move I think not!!
God, I’m out of puff now after that little rant I better let you guys get back to reality and remember that a jab in the back of the ankles from a madly driven wheelchair hurts like hell, SO GET OUT MY BLINKING WAY!!!!!
See Ya!
Just popped out for a bit.
Just popped out for a bit!!
Hiya all I’ve managed to get myself back into hospital due to my chest for a change NOT!!! It appears that the Pseudomonas has become resistant to all the usual Oral Medications they usually put me on so I’ve had to come in to have some stronger IV Antibiotics. I’ve hopefully explained to Judith how to upload this when she gets home and I guess if you’re reading it then its worked fine. I have every faith in her in fact she is getting a bit of a whiz kid on the putes now I’m well impressed.
I was thinking the other day whilst listening to the latest Album offering from Andre Boccelli the Italian Opera singer if you don’t know who I mean, that, I wonder how he gets his inspiration whilst singing the various arias and operatic tunes etc… He has such a soft and yet powerfully distinctive voice unlike a lot of other tenors who have quite harsh voices and always with such passion and feeling too. I hear you say “well I guess you’re trained etc etc”, well yes but I find myself that in order to get like the real emotional juices flowing it helps to be able to visualise what you’re singing about. For example take say the great Elgar piece Jerusalem, I always envision rolling hills and valleys of bright green lush English countryside, and also like all the colours in something like The Toreador with the bull fighters bright red cape etc. You catch my drift?? Well bearing in mind the fact that Andre is in fact Blind although I’m not sure whether from birth or not it must be difficult to have the same passionate inspiration. We seem to live in a very visual environment I think, what with all the adverts pumped at us alone from every conceivable angle with all there catchy graphics all designed to make you part with your money in some shape or form. I can’t for one moment even start to think what it must be like to live in complete darkness and to have never known light!!!
Well that’s all for today folks hopefully I’ll managed to write some more garbage in the next couple of days to attempt to entertain you.
Toodle Pip!!
Hiya all I’ve managed to get myself back into hospital due to my chest for a change NOT!!! It appears that the Pseudomonas has become resistant to all the usual Oral Medications they usually put me on so I’ve had to come in to have some stronger IV Antibiotics. I’ve hopefully explained to Judith how to upload this when she gets home and I guess if you’re reading it then its worked fine. I have every faith in her in fact she is getting a bit of a whiz kid on the putes now I’m well impressed.
I was thinking the other day whilst listening to the latest Album offering from Andre Boccelli the Italian Opera singer if you don’t know who I mean, that, I wonder how he gets his inspiration whilst singing the various arias and operatic tunes etc… He has such a soft and yet powerfully distinctive voice unlike a lot of other tenors who have quite harsh voices and always with such passion and feeling too. I hear you say “well I guess you’re trained etc etc”, well yes but I find myself that in order to get like the real emotional juices flowing it helps to be able to visualise what you’re singing about. For example take say the great Elgar piece Jerusalem, I always envision rolling hills and valleys of bright green lush English countryside, and also like all the colours in something like The Toreador with the bull fighters bright red cape etc. You catch my drift?? Well bearing in mind the fact that Andre is in fact Blind although I’m not sure whether from birth or not it must be difficult to have the same passionate inspiration. We seem to live in a very visual environment I think, what with all the adverts pumped at us alone from every conceivable angle with all there catchy graphics all designed to make you part with your money in some shape or form. I can’t for one moment even start to think what it must be like to live in complete darkness and to have never known light!!!
Well that’s all for today folks hopefully I’ll managed to write some more garbage in the next couple of days to attempt to entertain you.
Toodle Pip!!
Monday, March 6
You What??
Hiya peeps, now no comments on the fact I have managed to actually write this thing more than once in a month but I been baddy and had a genuine letter from my mother excusing me too.
Picture this scenario if you will??
You come home from a hard day at the office and thankfully as you were running late you find your beloved partner has cooked dinner for you and its there waiting on the table all nice and hot. Mmmmmm. You start eating and chatting about your day etc and your partner turns around and says “ By the way dear I paid off the £350,000 Mortgage today with some money I just managed to find well in fact was given by a friend”. You just carry on munching away and don’t even think of questioning, HELL, DEMANDING WHERE THE HELL DID HE GET THAT SORT OF MONEY FROM????? I ask you?? I for certain would want to know the ins and outs just in case I had to tell the police that she was with me all night and not as they are trying to say she was robbing some bank somewhere ha ha ha!! If you are completely lost as to what the hell I’m on about check this out HERE
Been a bit busy yesterday and today finishing off the Computers and I think there all finally done. Its time to sit down and relax. No blinking chance hospital john springs into action tomorrow doh! I need a day with the shredder too as I seem to have this enormous pile of documents and stuff to render useless, well you never know these days you cant be too careful Harry Hill fell foul of the buggers and for a princely sum too look HERE
Right off to cook my Steak now see ya later dudes.
Picture this scenario if you will??
You come home from a hard day at the office and thankfully as you were running late you find your beloved partner has cooked dinner for you and its there waiting on the table all nice and hot. Mmmmmm. You start eating and chatting about your day etc and your partner turns around and says “ By the way dear I paid off the £350,000 Mortgage today with some money I just managed to find well in fact was given by a friend”. You just carry on munching away and don’t even think of questioning, HELL, DEMANDING WHERE THE HELL DID HE GET THAT SORT OF MONEY FROM????? I ask you?? I for certain would want to know the ins and outs just in case I had to tell the police that she was with me all night and not as they are trying to say she was robbing some bank somewhere ha ha ha!! If you are completely lost as to what the hell I’m on about check this out HERE
Been a bit busy yesterday and today finishing off the Computers and I think there all finally done. Its time to sit down and relax. No blinking chance hospital john springs into action tomorrow doh! I need a day with the shredder too as I seem to have this enormous pile of documents and stuff to render useless, well you never know these days you cant be too careful Harry Hill fell foul of the buggers and for a princely sum too look HERE
Right off to cook my Steak now see ya later dudes.
Saturday, March 4
Well contrary to popular belief i am still alive, well in spirit more than body i guess!!! although there are those that might strongly argue the case for the opposite ha ha. I been so busy the last few weeks what with having another trip to the slaughter house for a few harrowing days then really not feeling up to even turning this thing on which is not like me at all. Then all of a sudden things started to pick up a bit and i was thrust into Computer Man Mode as in building and repairing which is more like it although when you get to installing Windows XP and all the bits and bobs for the umpteenth time it does start to get you down a bit but hey it's all experience so they say. Isn't it weird you can build a computer from scratch in about an hour all together abd then it takes almost twice as long install all the Minimum required software so bloody frustrating. Bill Gates got a lot to answer for in my opinion!!! Well if anyone else want to add to my woes and purchase a £300 computer hand built with my fine shaky hands then feel free to ask.
Ah yes my health whats been happening there lately then?? let me see?? well i went back in for a chest infection which goes without sayibg for me really although it really took it out of me this time as i never got chance to recover from being in the last time . I had the most terrifying experience in some time whilst in there too which did not help. Another friend of mine was brought in the night before i was due to come home complaing of pains in his neck and shoulder and shortness of breath etc. He came in about 8pm and was quite chatty although he was in some obvious pain. He is as deaf as a post without his aids and he only had one in which didn't help as they had to shout at him to get any answers etc. Anyhow, as the evening went on it was obvious that he was having more and more pain by the screams that were coming from behind the now closed curtains the doctors and nurses were in and out to him giving him more and more morphine then around 12 he took a turn for the worse and the nurse that came in to see to hime pushed the alarm button and all of a sudden there doctors and nurses running from all directions. he had gone into cardiac arrest as the blood clot that they had suspected that he had, had in fact moved from his upper chest to his brain or his heart i guess cutting off the blood flow. They were pumping on his chest and using the breathing machine thingy for around an hour trying to resusitate him. All the while i'm laying in the bed next to all this only i guess about 6ft away praying for him and absolutely terrified. He finally died at 1.30am and the most horrific thing is i could actually hear his last breath as he was very wheezy and heard the doctors calling an end too and stating the time of death etc etc. It reallt shook me up for days i couldn't sleep and kept having these flashbacks and stuff really scary.
Okay i better get on with finishing off this last Computer then and then i can relax a bit before the next load desends on me and all the visits to the hospital and stuff next week too.
See all ya later and i do promise to not stay away for long either ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
Ah yes my health whats been happening there lately then?? let me see?? well i went back in for a chest infection which goes without sayibg for me really although it really took it out of me this time as i never got chance to recover from being in the last time . I had the most terrifying experience in some time whilst in there too which did not help. Another friend of mine was brought in the night before i was due to come home complaing of pains in his neck and shoulder and shortness of breath etc. He came in about 8pm and was quite chatty although he was in some obvious pain. He is as deaf as a post without his aids and he only had one in which didn't help as they had to shout at him to get any answers etc. Anyhow, as the evening went on it was obvious that he was having more and more pain by the screams that were coming from behind the now closed curtains the doctors and nurses were in and out to him giving him more and more morphine then around 12 he took a turn for the worse and the nurse that came in to see to hime pushed the alarm button and all of a sudden there doctors and nurses running from all directions. he had gone into cardiac arrest as the blood clot that they had suspected that he had, had in fact moved from his upper chest to his brain or his heart i guess cutting off the blood flow. They were pumping on his chest and using the breathing machine thingy for around an hour trying to resusitate him. All the while i'm laying in the bed next to all this only i guess about 6ft away praying for him and absolutely terrified. He finally died at 1.30am and the most horrific thing is i could actually hear his last breath as he was very wheezy and heard the doctors calling an end too and stating the time of death etc etc. It reallt shook me up for days i couldn't sleep and kept having these flashbacks and stuff really scary.
Okay i better get on with finishing off this last Computer then and then i can relax a bit before the next load desends on me and all the visits to the hospital and stuff next week too.
See all ya later and i do promise to not stay away for long either ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
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