Friday, March 24

Phone Calls!!

It’s been a day of phone calls and shopping today.  It started off first thing this morning about 7.45 with a phone call from a call centre somewhere to ask whether my daughter Tara actually lives here which I found quite unusual being that time of the morning, a bit early I thought??  I guess the Psychiatry department at the hospital don’t start that early cos they didn’t ring till around 10.30 ha ha!!  This is from a referral which the delightful Una, who incidentally is still not back at the helm, had made what must have been about 5 or 6 months ago, good quick service see, Don’t these people know who I am??   Do you think it would be a good idea to tell the shrink when I get to see her/him next month about this blog?  I recon they would probably section me on the spot ha ha!!  Which I guess some of you think is long overdue too..

Next department to enter the Frey was the Pulmonary Rehab Unit at Llandough Hospital where I had gone to be assessed a few months back.  They have decided in their wisdom to give me a start date for my 8 week course of rehabilitation for my chest.  The thing is that it is 3 half days a week, mon, weds and fri, so jonny is going to be a busy boy when you think that I attend the Day Unit on a Tuesday so that leaves me Thursday to search for another department that I can pester.  The idea of the rehab is to increase the amount of oxygen I can get from my lungs through the use of exercise and learning new breathing techniques etc which should be good although I have been warned that the average age of people in these classes is between 65 and 75.  So I will be joining the wrinklies, maybe there will be some nice rich widow that takes a fancy to me you never know??

Well after all that initial excitement to the day I went bathroom shopping with Judith.  Well I guess we had to get a move on as they are coming to fit it on Monday or Tuesday along with the kitchen worktop which has proved to be a bit of a nightmare actually.  The worktop we decided that we wanted was not in stock at our local diy superstore so I sent Judith off home with the bathroom and I went looking at another branch to see if they had one.   Arggggggg no they didn’t have one too I was beginning to panic now so I called into a couple of other diy places and no one had anything like it.  So I went off to partake of my favourite past time.  Guess what that is???    Yeah you are clever…   shopping at Tesco’s.  As I was in Penarth I went there which I don’t like doing as a rule.  I think a blind person must have designed the stock layout there as there don’t seem to be any order to it.  It like all jumbled up so if like me you sort of only go down an aisle if you need something off the list you have no choice here as you don’t really know what is down there till to go down there if you see what I mean.  For example they have salad mixed in with fruit and also the potatoes are in between the oranges and apples?????  Well after walking around the store twice to do my shopping you can imagine I was not the happiest teddy.  To top it all I was in the middle of shopping when Judith rang to ask me if I had picked up the tub of sugar soap when we were at B&Q which I hadn’t so when I had finished the shopping I had to drive all the way back there to get it just what I needed. But you know what these people are like if I didn’t get it today they will deny all knowledge tomorrow and that would be £5 down the drain.  When I got home I had a brain wave, I know it happens as much as a leap year….  I thought I will ring around the different stores to see if any of them had this worktop in stock.  After hours of phone calls and listening to some mind numbing switchboard music I was told by a lovely shop assistant that the reason that no one has got this worktop is that it is a special order one and will actually take up to 28 to get it.  OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn’t the first bloody shop tell me that it would have saved me a lot of headaches etc.  Grrrrrrr they are going down in my black book a close second in the annoying stakes to Tesco’s.

After all that excitement today I have decided to give the jog around the block a miss and instead I will have to shut my eyes and dream that I am doing it ha ha ha!!!  I might exercise my right arm a bit though when I have a little tipple later.

Right I’m off.

See Ya!!

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