Thursday, March 9

Just popped out for a bit.

Just popped out for a bit!!

Hiya all I’ve managed to get myself back into hospital due to my chest for a change NOT!!!  It appears that the Pseudomonas has become resistant to all the usual Oral Medications they usually put me on so I’ve had to come in to have some stronger IV Antibiotics.  I’ve hopefully explained to Judith how to upload this when she gets home and I guess if you’re reading it then its worked fine. I have every faith in her in fact she is getting a bit of a whiz kid on the putes now I’m well impressed.

I was thinking the other day whilst listening to the latest Album offering from Andre Boccelli the Italian Opera singer if you don’t know who I mean, that, I wonder how he gets his inspiration whilst singing the various arias and operatic tunes etc…  He has such a soft and yet powerfully distinctive voice unlike a lot of other tenors who have quite harsh voices and always with such passion and feeling too.  I hear you say “well I guess you’re trained etc etc”, well yes but I find myself that in order to get like the real emotional juices flowing it helps to be able to visualise what you’re singing about. For example take say the great Elgar piece Jerusalem, I always envision rolling hills and valleys of bright green lush English countryside, and also like all the colours in something like The Toreador with the bull fighters bright red cape etc.  You catch my drift??  Well bearing in mind the fact that Andre is in fact Blind although I’m not sure whether from birth or not it must be difficult to have the same passionate inspiration.  We seem to live in a very visual environment I think, what with all the adverts pumped at us alone from every conceivable angle with all there catchy graphics all designed to make you part with your money in some shape or form.  I can’t for one moment even start to think what it must be like to live in complete darkness and to have never known light!!!

Well that’s all for today folks hopefully I’ll managed to write some more garbage in the next couple of days to attempt to entertain you.

Toodle Pip!!

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