Wednesday, March 15

I Can See!!!

Hey are things really this clear and focused then??  Been and picked up my glasses this morning and of course I wouldn’t settle for just any old glasses it had to be a Designer pair by Quicksilver.  The receptionist had been primed by Judith to have a go about my facial growth (I’ve decided to have a go at growing a goatee) and she did just that too ha ha !!  Well I sat in the chair and was handed the glasses by the Boss (only the finest service for me see!!!)  I put them on and was gob smacked at how clear things were. I can’t remember when I could see that clearly last if ever??  Well I went of to explore this new world that had been opened up to me.  I had a busy day today and dragged the daughter Tara along with me for the ride; in fact she actually volunteered to come Mad Fool!!!  

First port of call was my Friendly Computer Store to pick up a monitor.  My sister has kindly lent me one but I cant get on with the brightness and contrast for some reason and the other alternative is to have a lend of my mum’s old one which is only a 15” one and I recon I won’t get on with it after being used to at least 17”.  Besides it’s about time I get a new monitor anyhow.  Well got there and to my dismay they had run out but there will be more stock arriving either Friday or Monday so I’ll have to wait.

Next, off to PC (Rip Off) World to pick up some ink for the printer. It’s only a stop gap till the cartridges I ordered online come in a few days. Prob is Tara needs to print off some stuff before then.  Would you believe it no Cheap ones there only a genuine Canon one at a cost of £13.  When you think that I am awaiting delivery of 8 Black and 6 Coloured Compatible inks £17 Including Delivery you can see what I mean by rip off cant you.  Tara was eying up the latest copy of Sage Accounting too as she will be studying it next year, quite reasonable I thought at only £500 an absolute Bargain.

Then off to the butchers.  It’s my Cousin Jacqueline’s fault really. She popped in with my auntie Josie to see me in hospital yesterday morning as they were up there for a couple of appointments and I just happened to mention the fact I can’t get T-Bone Steak anywhere as she knew cos she’s mad enough to read this pile of rubbish regularly,( You really need to get a life Jacqueline) she said the butchers by me sells that so me being me I just had to go get some didn’t I ?  The thing to bear in mind is that the butcher is some 25 miles away from me ha ha.  Well I looked around when I got in there and was beginning to become despondent as I couldn’t see any anywhere.  I asked for some Lamb Cutlets for tonight and when she said “anything else?” I said “I don’t suppose you sell T-Bone Steak do you?” “Yes” she said, “How Many Do You Want?” well I could have kissed her there and then.  So the butcher went out the back and brought out this complete rack of beef and I was tempted to buy the blinking lot ha ha.   I settled for 2 pieces. I mentioned to the young lady about my being unable to find it anywhere and that I’ve had to come so far and she thought I was mad. Yep, That I Am Alright!!!!!  So a big big thank you to Jacqueline first of all and also a name check for the bestest butcher The Meat Market in Countisbury Avenue, Llanrumney, Cardiff.  I will be back don’t you worry.

Well last but not least on this epic journey its off to my favourite store Tesco’s of course for a few odds and ends for the next couple of days and as usual I wanted something from the beginning, the middle and the end of the store Grrrrrrr!!!  At least I managed to drive straight into a Disabled Parking Space which for this store is highly unusual so thumbs up for Tesco’s for a change.

I need a rest after all this running around today but at least I got my steak yipeeeeeeee!!! Only problem is now I will have to look at it till Friday as I need to use up the Seafood in the fridge by tomorrow so I will be doing a nice Seafood Chowder then I will look forward to my delicious T-Bone Steak on Friday, If I can wait that long that is????

See Ya !!


Anonymous said...

See i told you we have everything in Llanrumney ha ha by the way the butchers is actually called "Porkys" enjoy your steak...


Anonymous said...

Found butcher in Barry that sells T bone Steak
first one is:- Hopkins in High Street Barry (he is on the internet)
second one is:- VSM Meat supplies The back of Ty-hafan Cardiff road.
not sure but I think they will deliver.
I am back on line at last catching up on all your blogs, lots of reading to do.

Jonny5 said...

hey thank you peeps and welcome back to the land of the insane mother dearest and i'm sure i been in that high street butchers and he said no. i will be going in ther on monday and asking.