Saturday, March 11

An Interesting Day A

An Interesting Day All Told

Been quite an interesting day today.  Didn’t start off too well though as the canula they put in started to hurt meaning more stabbings to put another one in which happened a bit later on In the day twice cos the first one only lasted a couple of hours till it started to hurt.  My veins used to be so good before this entire blinking thing started now it’s like the proverbial trying to get blood from a stone.  Tried allsorts to get them to pop up and say hi like even plunging my hand and arm in hot water to make the veins to stand up but between you and me I recon they no what’s coming and are sitting there thinking “You must be daft if you think I’m gonna stick my head out of this bunker. Remember the Zulu’s??”  

Managed to convince one of the nurses to have a look at my blog yesterday and without having to inflict any physical violence too, makes a change.  I’d better watch what I say from now on NOT!!  For those of you that know me already will know that I tend to speak first then think later and hey is there any other way to be????

SO EVERYONE SAY A BIG HI TO BETHAN !!!!!   Welcome to my sane world ha ha ha.

Saw The Wizard today Dr Wilson.   He Said I got some news which I’m not sure is good or bad so I’m not sure what you will think, well that makes two of us then!!  He said that it is not the Pseudomonas that has caused this bout of coughing etc, at least not on its own cos I have gone and picked up the Influenza B Virus too which would explain why the Anti-Biotic they put me on didn’t work.  Typical me really if its there to be had I want it!!  The funny thing is that I have had 2 Flu Jabs and a Pneumonia Jab this year already but apparently it only covers Influenza A and not B.  Just my blinking luck.  But hell at least I won’t catch the Bird Flu because the treatment is a course of Tami flu ha ha ha!!   I could be a rich man if I flogged this stuff along with the steroids I’m on too !!  Had a good long chat to the doc and Judith was here too which really helped as she wanted to ask a few things too and the way my memory is I never remember to ask them.  The upshot really is that he fully expect these visits back and fore the hospital for infections etc will be a permanent thing in the future and the thing is to try and reduce the frequency through some drug intervention along with some physio when I’m well enough for it to make a difference.  This is quite a big thing to take on board I recon its like time to really have to let go of the dream of running the London Marathon once and for all ha ha, No, But Seriously,  the future prospect of this becoming my way of life and not being able to walk more than a few hundred yards on an very VERY good day is quite hard to come to terms with.  Another slice of independence gone.  But it needs to be dealt with either way as this is not going to go away.  The good news is that as far as the Leukaemia is concerned there is only slightly more of a chance of it coming back than any other normal person if there is such a being I ain’t met any yet, maybe I ought to get out more.  Judith I think got a lot from it although I haven’t spoken to her about it much as she had to get back to work straight afterwards.

Right I’m off to formulate a Life Plan  : )

See Ya !!

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