Saturday, March 4

Well contrary to popular belief i am still alive, well in spirit more than body i guess!!! although there are those that might strongly argue the case for the opposite ha ha. I been so busy the last few weeks what with having another trip to the slaughter house for a few harrowing days then really not feeling up to even turning this thing on which is not like me at all. Then all of a sudden things started to pick up a bit and i was thrust into Computer Man Mode as in building and repairing which is more like it although when you get to installing Windows XP and all the bits and bobs for the umpteenth time it does start to get you down a bit but hey it's all experience so they say. Isn't it weird you can build a computer from scratch in about an hour all together abd then it takes almost twice as long install all the Minimum required software so bloody frustrating. Bill Gates got a lot to answer for in my opinion!!! Well if anyone else want to add to my woes and purchase a £300 computer hand built with my fine shaky hands then feel free to ask.

Ah yes my health whats been happening there lately then?? let me see?? well i went back in for a chest infection which goes without sayibg for me really although it really took it out of me this time as i never got chance to recover from being in the last time . I had the most terrifying experience in some time whilst in there too which did not help. Another friend of mine was brought in the night before i was due to come home complaing of pains in his neck and shoulder and shortness of breath etc. He came in about 8pm and was quite chatty although he was in some obvious pain. He is as deaf as a post without his aids and he only had one in which didn't help as they had to shout at him to get any answers etc. Anyhow, as the evening went on it was obvious that he was having more and more pain by the screams that were coming from behind the now closed curtains the doctors and nurses were in and out to him giving him more and more morphine then around 12 he took a turn for the worse and the nurse that came in to see to hime pushed the alarm button and all of a sudden there doctors and nurses running from all directions. he had gone into cardiac arrest as the blood clot that they had suspected that he had, had in fact moved from his upper chest to his brain or his heart i guess cutting off the blood flow. They were pumping on his chest and using the breathing machine thingy for around an hour trying to resusitate him. All the while i'm laying in the bed next to all this only i guess about 6ft away praying for him and absolutely terrified. He finally died at 1.30am and the most horrific thing is i could actually hear his last breath as he was very wheezy and heard the doctors calling an end too and stating the time of death etc etc. It reallt shook me up for days i couldn't sleep and kept having these flashbacks and stuff really scary.

Okay i better get on with finishing off this last Computer then and then i can relax a bit before the next load desends on me and all the visits to the hospital and stuff next week too.

See all ya later and i do promise to not stay away for long either ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

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