Sunday, March 26

Mc Fag

Well the weekend is here yet again. It seems to have come around super fast this week for some reason.

To be honest with you I am starting to get a little bit worried lately about all this cash for questions stuff that our Non Corrupt politicians are embroiled in at the moment.   The reason which is that I rightly or wrongly lent my local MP a fiver when he was a bit hard up a couple of years ago but I did say at the time that I would only do it if my name would remain anonymous.  Well now the government are demanding the disclosure of all the Conservatives money givers and mine will obviously be included so my name will be headline news around here!!! And to be honest I don’t need the publicity and the media camped out on my door.

Good on Scotland too.  As you may be aware Scotland today have introduced a ban on Smoking in all Enclosed Public Places such as pubs and cafĂ©’s and even some types of bus stops too from today.  Don’t get me wrong I have smoked nearly all my life till around a year ago probably 30-40 a day. Due to my chest problems really it was a case of smoke or breathe and I guess breathing won the contest.  I’m not one of these ex-smokers who rants and raves about passive smoking and stuff but to be honest I just can’t even think about going into a Pub of Restaurant etc that people are smoking in as it really does hamper my breathing so much so that I literally can’t breathe on a bad day.  This is quite annoying at times as it’s not my fault and it’s as I have said on numerous occasions yet another choice that I have been robbed of.  The Cardiff and the Vale Health Authority brought in a blanket ban on smoking in and around all there buildings about 3 months ago now.  The problem is now that all the smokers congregate around the main entrance to the hospital for their last puff before going in along with the patients and relatives who have managed to nip out for a puff and its like walking out on the programme “Stars In Their Eyes” and I’m half expecting to hear tonight Mathew I’m going to be???  It really is that smoky and I just can’t hold my breath for that long so end up having to take a big gulp of nicotine which always results in me coughing like a Coal Miner.  The funny thing is where they stand there are No Smoking signs everywhere and saying that a Fine of up to £2000 will be imposed if caught one of which has an ashtray fixed to the wall which they all use to stub out there fags ha ha!!  If only they would not stand there I would be happy. There are loads of places they can stand where it wouldn’t affect me.  Take today for example we went over the local golf club for a delicious Mothers day Dinner just the 2 of us along with everyone else obviously.  We met up with some friends over there who were eating at the same time so sat with them while we waited.  They both smoked and Judith does obviously and although they are really considerate and don’t smoke nowhere near as many when I’m around and blow their smoke in the opposite direction it still gets on my chest which is frustrating as I really want to be there enjoying myself and stuff.  It was well worth the trip though as the food was out of this world.  All good home cooking and served by the daughter too which is a bonus ha ha as she was waitressing.  The only way that I can see the Scotland thing falling apart is in that it is not enforceable by the police as you would think but be the councils who will be providing inspectors who will be making spot checks on premises which if found to be allowing smoking will be fined £2500 and the customer fined £50.  So we’ll have to wait and see how it will work in practice I guess.

I can’t wait to get to see Merlin tomorrow as for the last few days my skin has got a lot worse again.  It feels like it is about 5 sizes too small for me so it’s really tight.  My stomach feels like there is an alien trying to break free from it and my legs are horrendous and extremely itchy.  They still haven’t started the PUVA treatment which should make a difference I hope but to be honest I’m having to resort to other ways to alleviate the pain and discomfort which is not ideal as I’ve tried all sorts of potions and pills in the past with no effect.  Hopefully he will be to chase them up and at least be able to offer me some respite in the meantime.

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