Wednesday, October 18

A New Dawn!!

Well after a pretty uneventful day all in all it has actually turned into a quite positive day in the end.

After a day of nothingness really where to be honest apart from the over the top special service provided by the slop stirrers ( thanks Dale for giving them a kick up the bum) and the visit from the physio for the usual daily, lets see just how much of a mess we can make of him, session not a lot to report. That is until this evening.

I had a rather interesting visit from one of the newest Registrar’s a lovely bubbly Irish lady who looks like she has just stepped out of a Come Visit Ireland commercial all fresh and wavy hair ha ha..

Well over the last few days she has mentioned a few things as regards treatments that might have some benefits for me which has sparked a new found feeling that maybe just maybe she might be onto a winner in some way or another and lets face it when things get to the level that they have done with me you sort will try just about anything that might help.  She explained to me that as usual I had been the centre of attention at the weekly Pipe Smoking Convention where all the Elders and their underlings attempt to put the world to rights as well as try and come up with some ideas as to how to treat patients while they’re at it.

Some of the symptoms especially those connected with the Bronchiecsasis which I now have on my right lung as well as my left are very similar to those shown by people suffering from Cystic Fibrosis which I already knew from the past because the physio treatment has been the same, lots of chest compression exercises etc to try and remove the build up of phlegm from the lungs.  This is not a new approach or in fact a miracle diagnosis but what follows is certainly not something that has been discussed or tried with myself certainly and that is, along with the physio aspect of the treatment they are going to treat me medically the same as if I were a cystic fibrosis patient too.  This has in fact already started as they are not hanging around in that they have changed over my Anti-biotic to another Penicillin based one that should cover a lot more bugs that may be lurking in there.  I guess the down side of this is that they like to give around 14 days worth so it looks like I may be here a while yet which to be honest I was half expecting anyhow.  Along with this they are going to give me a dose of Immunoglobulin which acts as a kind of boost to your immune system helping it to fight off infections by itself and not rely on Merlin’s Potions so much.  The other major part of this new approach is quite a new experience for me too and I think might just be the key to whether this works or not.  That is, they intend to bring me back in regularly to both top up the Anti-biotics via IV and also to top up the Immunoglobulin and all when I am well and not wait till I end up coming in with some infection or other.  Shifting the emphasis on being Pro-Active instead of the usual Re-Active which will be refreshing change I think and am looking forward to it very optimistically.  The way I look at it is that I was going to be coming in anyway as I said for one infection or another so the actual visiting will not be any different its just the thought of being well when I come in that is appealing to me.

So at last maybe there is something positive starting to happen and who knows it might just work.

So in the words of a dear friend Onwards & Upwards.

See Ya!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi John,

Just got round to reading all the latest posts properly! How familiar your current experiences sound! Especially the food. In fact I was moved to write a specific page on my blog about food - which the dietician printed off and sent to the catering manager! I'm not sure it made much difference though! (apart from making me feel better!)

It sounds as if the physio is making a difference - good news - maybe that lung function will creep up a few years! Fingers crossed!

Hang on in there - get that spade ready - Onwards and Upwards (it's the way to go!)