Monday, May 1

Annoying sickness.

I’m not sure why but I seem to have developed this annoying sickness problem. Despite taking anti-sickness tablets regularly the last few evenings strangely enough at about the same time too 9pm ish I have started of by coughing then end up vomiting. Sorry for all you squeamish people reading this, but how else would you describe such a thing?? It’s quite strange in that I don’t feel sick at all. I do have this feeling of acid heartburn sort of. Like the food and drink is having trouble going down properly which usually results in a soreish throat. I’m not too sure whether it is to do with one of the medications that they have out me on but in saying that as far as I know I have been on all of them before without these symptoms. I will just have to keep an eye on it and if it hasn’t cleared up when I next go and see Merlin I will bring it up then, not literally though!!!!ha ha ha !!!

I was thinking earlier how such a small insignificant piece of glass with some silver liquid inside it can take control over ones life. ARGGGGGGG!!!!! I’ve managed to successfully not use such sayings as one does this and one does that as I bloody hate them, until now that is but it looks about right in this instance I think so I will let it go just this time though, so make the most as you have my full permission to shoot me down in flames if you ever see such a phrase appearing on here in the future. Anyhow back to the thermometer. One thing you have to come to terms with when faced with an illness such as mine is that your temperature is the only real accurate way to tell whether you have any sign of an infection etc and as such you have to regularly keep an eye on it at least morning and night. Quite often you will find as I have on many many occasions that you may feel really well yet have a high temperature which would require a visit to Heath Towers for some servicing. Sometimes however it’s used just to confirm what your body is telling you as throughout all of this I have learnt the ability to listen to my body which to be honest I never gave a second thought to before all this. I find though that you need the combination of the two to be accurate because quite of ten my body decides to play annoying tricks with me as in I might feel like I’m burning up and have got a case of the shivers starting, so, I’m beginning to think here goes another trip is on the way. But before getting on the phone to call up Heath Towers to be told the same old thing usually which is, surprise surprise there are no beds available and I need to go straight to the Meat Market (A&E) not a pleasant place at the best of times, I grab the glass lollipop and ram it under my tongue for a minute or so. Sitting there waiting for answer yes or no seems to always take a lifetime. Finally you pull it out and have a look and funny enough each time you feel unwell and your temperature is normal I always have to put it back in for a minute or two because I just don’t believe it. Stupid I know how can a piece of glass lie???? Well you never know do you????

I just thought I haven’t coughed much at all today which is a good sign I guess. Still not eating much which is annoying although I suppose it’s helping with the skin tightness as my stomach is not having to expand much to cater for the likes of T-Bone Steak which was screaming at me from the freezer when I went in to find some sort of microwave junk for dinner. I’ve decided that they will have to wait till I really feel up to them as they are too good to waste. A kind of dangling carrot so to speak.

Looking forward to my PUVA tomorrow although there is this element of delving into the unknown it cant make things worse can it. I’m looking forward to the tan if nothing else ha ha!!

For some reason I seem to be sleeping really well at the moment too since coming home. I’m having a good 8hours which is pretty amazing for me. It’s probably down to the medication I think as one of the side effects of both the Anti-Sickness and the Pain Killers is tiredness etc not that I’m complaining.

Walking a little better too today although in saying that it’s still taking me a good minute or two to actually stand up straight due to the tightness and pain etc… I’m trying to remember to do my exercises to build up my legs etc. I guess tomorrow will give me some indication as to how much better or worse I am when I try to walk around when I go for the PUVA.

See Ya!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered what happened to the steaks...

Keep them in that freezer until a good occasion - then enjoy to the max!

Hope the sickness gets resolved - maybe the medics will prescribe an anti-acid...

Keep smiling - onwards and upwards....!