Wednesday, May 10

What a nice day!!

It’s been a gorgeous day today. The sun has been all day and it’s been so warm too which makes a difference. After a bit of lung punishment, I mean shopping first thing I spent the afternoon sat out on deck watching the neighbour’s cat chasing flies around. You ought to try it I found it very therapeutic and relaxing. I guessed that a bit of sun might help with the skin too and the advantage is that at the moment the pollen count would be extremely low too so not much chance of hay fever yet.

I wish I could shift this blinking rattle in my throat too. No matter what I do it just seems to stay there. I’ve been doing the regular breathing exercises which haven’t helped much and for once I am actually taking ALL of the medications that I should be too.

In some ways the rattling is a minor problem compared to the skin tightness and itchiness. I REALLY AM SUFFERING!!! At the moment. Despite the almost continuous application of various creams and taking the right drugs there seems to be no relief that is apart from the odd glass of fall over liquid which is not the real answer. I’m thinking of maybe trying an acid bath as I recon that might help a bit, what do I have to loose I’m thinking??? My skin is so tight most of the times now that I can’t actually stand up straight. The straighter I get the more painful it becomes until it’s a case of straighten any more and I will pass out with the pain. It actually looks like I have a spinal curvature problem at times. Sometimes I nearly get there after a good dolloping and soaking of whatever moisturiser is to hand, currently I think I’m on a mixture of Nivea and L’Oreal. Only the finest for this Heavenly Body!!!

I was surfing around a bit today too and I came across this interesting FREE service for Women Cancer Patients. Check it out HERE. It’s a great idea to give Cancer patients a chance to get pampered and spoilt and I guess acknowledgement that they are still attractive and pretty and I guess Female even though they are loosing their hair and weight etc etc. I’m only guessing mind you as although I now have my sister’s Bone Marrow I don’t have many female thoughts MUCH HA HA HA!!!!!! In fact I’m quite jealous really as there is not the same thing for the men although there is a link to their Male Orientated site which is full of some useful information. Ms Pitstop if you’re reading this, this is the sort of thing that I was thinking about as far as advice for new patients etc is concerned along with the emotional stuff etc. There appears to be sessions run monthly at the main Cancer treating hospital Velindre in Cardiff but I don’t see why patients from around couldn’t go there or even arranging for a regular session to be held at Heath Towers maybe?? You can count me in for a good old pampering session. I can’t wait to try on the latest Lippy and stuff as I like to keep up with the latest trends you know me!!!

Right I’m off to watch my weekly cookery lesson The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Book.

See Ya!!

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