Wednesday, May 17

Busy Bee!!

Up bright and early today, well in fact way too early. I was wide awake at 4am after only managing to drop off at around 12.30am. Don’t you just hate when that happens?? I needed to be up and out by around 8.15ish as I had a dental appointment at Heath Towers followed by my second lot of PUVA and that way I may just be able to get a parking space at the Dental Hospital. Ahhhh rush hour traffic MY FAVOURITE!!!!!! In the end I got there and parked just 5 minutes before my appointment time which was cutting it fine. It’s a case of some regular maintenance with the few remaining teeth I have left so she did a couple of minor fillings and we’ve arranged another appointment for a fortnights time when she is going to add another tooth to my bottom denture to make up for one that fell out a while ago. This is going to be a bit of a pain as I have to get there for a 9am appointment to make the impressions etc then leave my denture with them and go back the same day at 4pm to have it fitted etc. it’s a bit far and a waste of petrol coming back home in between so I might see if my Mum & Dad wouldn’t mind baby sitting me for a few hours.

Right, back to the motor and a quick dash over to the other side of the hospital to try and get parked near the Dermatology Department for my PUVA. It was just my luck that you couldn’t get any 2 departments further away from one another probably around ½ mile drive!!! I was expecting the usual hassle to get a parking space especially as they have a really busy clinic on a Wednesday morning but to my astonishment the car park was like a ghost town and I managed to park in one of them spaces that I put a picture on here of the other day right by the door. I was in plenty of time too as I was expecting problems when I arranged the appointment and decided to leave as much time as possible in between appointments to allow for any hassles. Well after sitting in the car listening to the radio for an hour it was time to go. I didn’t feel quite as worn out as last week surprisingly after struggling up to first floor although in saying that I couldn’t sit down quick enough when I finally got there!!! Well time had come to go have my bath in readiness for the big Sun Tardis!! Does this sound strange to you right?? The longer I’m sat soaking in the bath, the more my skin feels dry. It doesn’t make sense to me as I would think that the water would sort of soak in somewhat and maybe even soften the skin. When I get out my skin is SOOOOO PAINFULLLLLL!!!!!!!!! It’s extremely dry and tight and I can’t start slapping the creams on till I’ve had my dose of rays. I was impressed when she said that as I had not had any adverse reactions to the last treatment she could increase my time spent sunbathing today. WOW!!!! I thought, till she told me I could have15 seconds instead of the 11 I had last time. I guess every little helps I suppose and besides the thought of having to stand in there with extremely sore skin for 2 minutes without relief is not something to look forward to is it.

Once I had splashed all the lotions and potions on it felt a lot easier and I headed of home via my favourite store to get something for tea. You would think at times if you were to search through our rubbish bags (if your that way inclined), that we were loaded and liked the finer things in life as far as cuisine is concerned but I always go straight to reduced section in the fridges where you can pick up a lot of that stuff at half price due to the date running out today which if you are buying for today is ideal. I find their Finest range is what appears most of all too which is usually delicious stuff.

I was on my home finally through the pouring rain when all of a sudden one of my front wiper blades decided to become attacked and just hung on over the arm causing the metal arm to rub against the screen so I had to pull in on side of the road. I had a look and the little piece of plastic that joins the blade to the arm had disappeared so I had to call out the RAC to come and fix it whilst I was parked at the side of the road. They took all my details and then gave me the good news “It Might Be Up To 75 Minutes”!!!!!!!!! I decide to try and pull a fast one and say that my chest was not too clever and I had left home without my oxygen so I needed to get home as soon as possible just in case and he said he would try and get it sorted as quick as possible for me. Well 45 minutes later the lovely RAC man came and fixed it for me with a cable tie to hold it on as the only fitting he had was slightly too loose so was in danger of doing the same thing again.

So in all what started off as a fairly good day just sort of got worse in the end. Never mind tomorrows another day isn’t it.

See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

Nothing posted since Wednesday!?!?
If you don't post tomorrow I'm ringing the hospital to see if you are in. Always a worry when you don't post for a few days.

Ruth said...

Oooops that last post was me. It didn't register my name.