Tuesday, May 9

Ready, Steady, No Go!!

Up bright and early today for my trip into Heath Towers for the start of the PUVA treatment. I’ve been waiting as you know an absolute lifetime for this to start. I arrived about ½ hour before my appointment time as the parking there is a nightmare. Well to my surprise they have actually made a further must be around 25 spaces available including 2 Disabled Bays which you might think I would be over the moon about but to be perfectly honest I’M NOT!! The reason being that whoever had designed these must really be stupid as they are painted up in such a way that they are one behind the other. What I mean is if someone parks in the first one then someone else comes along and parks in the other space, the first car would have great difficulty getting out if not nigh on impossible. As I was sat there who should decide to be walking around checking the new part of the car park, but the man who was responsible for actually allocating the area and the man who is responsible for the monitoring of the spaces with the plans in their hands too. Well I’m not one to pass up a prime opportunity like that and decided to have a word about it. To my surprise when I pointed out pretty major fault they were like dumb struck and took a lifetime to see my point. When the penny finally dropped they scratched their heads and said we shall have to do something about that I think, Well YES!!!! I thought to myself, jeeeeez where do they find these people????

Right onto the PUVA. I sat waiting in the waiting room and bang on time the sister came to take me through. She set about explaining all the ins and outs of the treatment such as the various methods they use etc… Apparently there are 2 methods of giving you the required photosensitive drug needed to be taken before each treatment. Either via tablet for which needs to be taken 2 hours before and surprise surprise causes nausea in a lot of people, and the other way is a 15 minute soak in a warm bath with the drug added to the water just before having the treatment which would need to be taken there. For some reason Dr Finlay had me down to take the tablet form. When she asked which I would prefer I thought to myself, lets see, Throwing Up or a nice Soak In A Bath For 15 mins???? No bloody competition Throwing Up Wins hands down NOT!!!! She had to go and get the Registrar’s approval and left me alone for a minute. She returned and said that the doctors thought the bath solution would be okay. Right she asked if I would like to get started today then, well of course I blinking would what a stupid question!!! She started to run the bath for me and we were chatting away and all of a sudden all these bits started to appear on the top of the water. There were only a few to start with but as it was going on there were more and more appearing. It appears they were coming from the water. Apparently they are doing a lot of building work upstairs which might be the cause. We decided that as we were not quite sure what the stuff was that it was not too safe or hygienic to have the bath so therefore I NEVER GOT TO START AFTER ALL!!! I’ve got to go back on Friday when hopefully they will have sorted it by then.

My blinking skin is really painful today and my chest is quite wheezy too so I’m not having a very good day all in all. I think that maybe the immunosuppressant that I was on prior to going into hospital must have been having some effect after all as they had stopped them whilst I was in there and don’t plan on restarting them for another 2 weeks and my skin has become worse again. I just hope that this time will soon fly and I’ll get back on them. As far as my chest is concerned I think it’s just down to the change in weather mainly as rain one minute and sun the next doesn’t help at all. It’s quite annoying though as I’ve got this bloody annoying rattle constantly in the back of my throat which won’t clear at all so instead of just sounding like a normal breath I constantly sound like I’m snoring when I’m wide awake or asleep, yeah that’s a blinking laugh SLEEP, I got no chance of that in this state. I’ll be lucky to get ½ hour.

I guess its time again to get plastering on the moisturiser all over again. You won’t believe how hard and painful and blinking tiring it is to just do that fairly simple task. I guess it takes me a good 30 – 40 minutes. I have to do it in small areas at a time as I really get out of breath quickly. GOD WHAT AM I LIKE?? A BLINKING MAN OF 80 YRS OF AGE I RECON.

See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable - well almost! If you didn't laugh - you'd cry!!! When I had my second transplant, the first three days in my little isolation room I had no hot water - it was the same the weekend after. Do the people that p[lan these thnings think that everyone shoves off for the weekend?

Jonny5 said...

yep!! I'm thining of selling my story to the makers of "Comedy Strip Presents" as i recon it would be a huge success and Ade Edmondson would make a great Jonny too

Anonymous said...

Hey Cous
AAArrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!! someone needs to get their act together. we were at the same clinic on Monday for Craig and we also said how STUPID!! the new car parking was. I was also annoyed that one idiot had taken up two disabled parking spaces by parking over the both
Lets hope the water prob is sorted by friday imagine the peeps in the wars having to drink that !!!
c ya Cous