Saturday, May 20

Not My Fault Honestly!!

I do apologise for not posting for a few days but it wasn’t my fault honestly. I’ve been having major difficulty in accessing the blog in order to post anything. For some strange reason m password had changed which is weird as I hadn’t done anything to bring this about. It had reverted to the original password that I was given when I set up the blog. I’ve been emailing Blogger for days and have tried all ways to get it sorted but after trying all the passwords I ever use I stumbled across the original set up email from Blogger and tried that password and Hey Presto!!! I was in.

Well I’ve not been wasting the spare time that I’ve had and have put it to good use in starting to build my own web site and plan to host the blog on there too so it might make a difference then. I thought it might be an idea to extend the blog so to speak into a web site with all sorts of relevant info on it but rest assured the blog will still remain as I know a lot of you are lost without your daily fix of madness and I would not to deprive you either. The other point is that due to space given really I’m a bit restricted as to what I can or can’t do and you all know I don’t like restrictions!!!! I have loads of whacky ideas as you might have thought and hopefully I will finish it soon and let you know so you can share in yet more madness. Hopefully there will be a section for the Ducks too as they are feeling a little left out at the moment and besides they need I need them to be happy as when they are happy they eat well and when they eat well they grow nice and fat. Just what I need for my Christmas Dinner next year. Yummy!!!!!!!

Due to the horrid weather the last few days my chest has not been too good, really wheezy and quite tight making breathing quite hard at times. I’ve not needed to resort to the oxygen although I probably should have at times but are too stubborn. My skin is, well let’s just say BLOODY PAINFULL AND TIGHT!!!! I am having so much grief with my skin which seems to be never ending. It hasn’t been helped this week by the receptionist at the GP surgery having a week off and the temp they have in hasn’t got a clue. I put in a prescription from the hospital on Tuesday for the doctor to write up for me. Usually when I do this it is sorted that day and taken over to the chemist next door and is ready for collection usually in the morning or at the most mid afternoon. Well when I rang on Thursday morning to see if it was ready she said no I can see it so it must not be and to ring back tomorrow (Friday) it should be done by then. The problem is that it was for the creams I use to give me some relief from the itchiness etc and I will be running out on Friday probably and would not want to try going all weekend without any. When I rang on Friday it still wasn’t ready and there was not going to be any doctor to sign it on Friday anyway, (it’s only like a little satellite surgery in the village). I frantically phoned the Chemist to see if the could do anything for me and thankfully the creams I need are all available without prescription although I have to mix the menthol in myself on one of them which is no heartache at least I have them now having had to pay for them. Hurry up back receptionist person whatever your name is I can’t take much more of her.

Right back to some more building and tweaking and things and I might do some work on the web site too ha ha!!

See Ya!!


Ruth said...

Glad to see you back online bro. You had me worried for a few days.
See you soon.

Anonymous said...

thank goodness it as only your blog that was under the weather.. i thought here we go again... but no not this time..
the things people do to avoid their fav cous birthday.. it's dreadful...
welcome back anyway

Jonny5 said...

You can always rely on me to keep you all on your toes!!!

Happy Belated Birthday Cous!!

All's well that end's well so they say!!