Tuesday, May 23

I Should Have Stayed In Bed!!

Up fairly early today as I thought I would go for a drive into Cardiff just for a few odds and ends. I stopped off to hand my prescription into the Doctors and was so pleased to see that the old receptionist was back. At least I know it will be done and ready to pick up the long list of drugs from the chemist tomorrow. Anyway off I trundle into Cardiff. I only needed to go to 2 places. One was the indoor market in the town centre and the other was to the Chinese supermarket just outside town. There is some limited parking outside the market as in there is an unloading area right outside where I can park with the badge and nip in for a minute. I only wanted some stir fry stuff from the first butchers as you go through the door. So it should only take me a minute or two, well maybe a little longer the speed I can walk. This butcher makes up the most delicious stir fry’s and they are fairly cheap too and make it not worth trying to make your own. Well I turned up and just as I was expecting really there was nowhere to park. I sort of waited around for a while in the hope that someone would go soon but after 20 minutes I gave up and decided that I would try to see if I could get a place in the Shopmobility car park and borrow one of their scooters to get me back to the market as it was a little too far for me to make it otherwise. Well I pulled in and the attendant came out to the car. I asked if they had a scooter available only for about ½ hour or so. He asked whether I have been before to which I replied that I had a few times and the last was probably about 6 months ago. He went inside and had a chat to another bloke which I could see through the window then came back and said no sorry not today. Oh No!!! I looked over to the right and saw 4 scooters sat there doing nothing too, I recon he just didn’t like the look of me for some reason. Ah well off to the Chinese supermarket to see if I could at least do that so it wasn’t a complete waste of time. I stopped off at a hole in the wall to get some money out on the way and even that was broken and wouldn’t give out any money. By now I was beginning to think the whole world was against me today. I finally managed to park in a bus lane outside the Chinese supermarket as I wasn’t planning to be that long. I wanted to pick up a few odds and ends. Stuff like some Dim Sum and spring rolls and a few sauces and spices and stuff. Its fatal me going to places like this as I just want to buy it all. Well basket in hand I headed off around the shop and started to fill it up slowly. I got to the spring rolls and stuff at last and noticed a sign saying only cash and cheques accepted strictly no cards at all. OH NO!!!!! I knew that I only had about £6 in cash on me and even by my rough mathematics my basket was worth probably around £20 already so I had to go back around putting almost all of it back apart from a few items that I intended to use for tonight’s meal. How bloody annoying!!! Well after just about scraping together enough to pay for what I needed I headed off back to the sanctuary of my car where at least there I knew that no one would be against me!!

Well after my exiting unsatisfying trip I couldn’t wait to get home as by know I was getting a bit desperate for a good lashing of cream on the skin as It felt like there were a load of aliens trying their best to fight their way out of any available pores. I had to stop off briefly at Tesco’s on the way to pick up some ribs before finally getting home. No sooner than I was through the door that I was beginning to strip off in preparation for the cream, I couldn’t get it on quick enough. Thankfully after a while they began to work and the itchiness started to ease off a bit but the pain from the stretching of the skin is always there really and it’s hard to get relief from that. Sometimes sitting sort of bent double if you see what I mean helps as the worse area is around my waist and tops of my thigh’s which is why standing up straight is soooo painful.

Okay I’m off to watch some more Big Brother. Sad Or What!!!!! Get that blinking Shabaz out of there for god sakes!!!!!!!!

See Ya!!


Anonymous said...

Hya cous
Is this treatment doing any good yet!!

Big Brother !!!!
We thought our family was wierd....
but Shabaz!!!!!!
C ya meeeeee

Jonny5 said...

Not realy working yet need to give it a few months before i might see any difference which is anoying.