I Made A Bo Bo!!
The long awaited parcel arrived at the door today, you know the one that I said was
going To include my Legal Copy of Windows XP. I couldn't wait to tear open the
package, it was Like Christmas had come early but I had to restrain myself as I had
to go shopping otherwise We wouldn't be eating today. By the time I had done that
and picked up the daughter From college it was getting on for mid afternoon and still
I wasn't allowed to play with my new Toys as Judith came home from work needing
nourishment. Please can I go play now I was Pleading with the inner john, the one
who just loves nothing better than pulling things to bits and putting them back
together, which usually involves being left with a few screws and Bits and bobs
which seem to just appear from somewhere. You see what didn't help matters was
that during the morning I had a couple of chats with my Sister (She who giveth Curly
Hair), and me Cousin Jaclyn who both added fuel to my fire by talking about
Computers. So you see it ain't all my fault is it? So eventually Judith said something
like,” Shall we get on with it then?", well my response I think was quite clear and
precise. I legged it upstairs quicker than Lynford Christie doing the 100 Metres.
Well the new computer for next door was first job. I set about installing Windows
and in the mean time went to check on something from the site I bought the Copy
of windows from. To my Horror I discovered that the version that I had decided to
pay half towards (£30) was in fact only for 1 Computer and not the 5 I was
convinced it was for meaning that once it was loaded on the new Computer for
next door it was as useless to me in a legal way of speaking as the copy I was
currently using. So I’ve now paid £30 for something that I could have copied for
about 30p for a blank cd. I'm not a happy bunny at all now. So off in search of a
new Activation Crack I suppose then as the computers need to be wiped as they
are in a bit of a mess. I guess the moral of this tale is Make sure you read the
Article desciption and small print before you agree to spend out. See Ya!!
Friday, September 30
Wednesday, September 28
Dial-Up Ha Ha Ha!!!
I’m so glad I’m not on Dial-Up because there’s been no stopping me. Making the most of my Freebie cheers BT. To be honest with you I’ve not done a lot of anything all day. There are some that would say well ain’t that just a normal day for you and my reply would be no sometimes I get up at 9am instead of 8am. Only when I gotta get to the hospital early mind you but it’s a change I guess. I’ve been spending most of yesterday and Today Moving a load of stuff from one pute to another so that I can copy it all to DVD. Things like Music and stuff that are spread out all over the place and duplicated like you won’t believe. It’s all in aid of the fact I got a Legal Copy of Windows XP arriving tomorrow and I will be putting it on the computers over the next few days so they will have to be wiped which is going to be a nightmare as there’s loads of stuff to try and keep and invariably you forget something and it’s usually quite important or hard to get again. So in a lot of ways I ain’t looking forward to it although I quite enjoy it really. His Computer has turned up next door as well so soon as the stuff arrives I better get on with so I’ll be fed up with blinking Windows installs over the next few days.
I hope all you lovely people will excuse me for not writing this a bit sooner but as you can see I been up to my eyes. Well you wait till next week when I’m up the Hospital Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday I’ll be sure and let you all have a piece of my mind that’s for sure. See Ya!!!
Monday, September 26
My Winter Coat!!
Well looks like winters on it's way well and trully now. Heatings been on a few times already and it blowing a gale out there at the moment. I thinks it's time that I started to let my hair try at least to Re-Grow. Since I had the Chemo the first time and it all fell out it hasn't been the same. What didn't help either was the Graft Versus Host Discease which knackered up my Hair Folicles so that when it actually Re-Grows there's no strength in the hair so it just falls back out. The problem is that it is starting to get a bit cold on the old bonce and i'f i'm honest I want to see if it still falls out. I could have made a few rugs out of the hair i've lost over the last couple of years. My Sister has a lot to answer for because prior to having her Bone marrow my hair was Blonde and Straight, well alright Blonde with lots of Grey bits in it and now thanks to her it is more Brown but blinking CURLY!!! I hate Curly hair!! so keeping it short i suppose i haven't had to look at it. The one blessing is that it takes so long to grow just a centimeter that it'll probably be time to shave it all off again for the Summer next year.
Also today i contacted our ISP, BT to try to get a Migration Code from them as our 12month contract with them is up this week and we are looking to go to another supplier for a better deal obviously. Well after explaining to about 5 different people in 5 different departments what it was that I wanted I finally got the right person. He did the usual thing Why are you leaving? blah blah blah then he offered me a free month to make up my mind. Well I know that I am going to change regardless but hey a free month is a free month so cheekily I said, "How about the Migration Code and a Free Month"? yes no problem he said as long as you use the code within 30 days that will be fine. So Download city here i come for about a fortnight, then off to a new supplier. It's a mine feild this Broadband thingy. So many different options and packages to choose from it's just a case of pull a name out the hat I think.
Right I got a date with a File Sharing Program see ya later !!!
Well looks like winters on it's way well and trully now. Heatings been on a few times already and it blowing a gale out there at the moment. I thinks it's time that I started to let my hair try at least to Re-Grow. Since I had the Chemo the first time and it all fell out it hasn't been the same. What didn't help either was the Graft Versus Host Discease which knackered up my Hair Folicles so that when it actually Re-Grows there's no strength in the hair so it just falls back out. The problem is that it is starting to get a bit cold on the old bonce and i'f i'm honest I want to see if it still falls out. I could have made a few rugs out of the hair i've lost over the last couple of years. My Sister has a lot to answer for because prior to having her Bone marrow my hair was Blonde and Straight, well alright Blonde with lots of Grey bits in it and now thanks to her it is more Brown but blinking CURLY!!! I hate Curly hair!! so keeping it short i suppose i haven't had to look at it. The one blessing is that it takes so long to grow just a centimeter that it'll probably be time to shave it all off again for the Summer next year.
Also today i contacted our ISP, BT to try to get a Migration Code from them as our 12month contract with them is up this week and we are looking to go to another supplier for a better deal obviously. Well after explaining to about 5 different people in 5 different departments what it was that I wanted I finally got the right person. He did the usual thing Why are you leaving? blah blah blah then he offered me a free month to make up my mind. Well I know that I am going to change regardless but hey a free month is a free month so cheekily I said, "How about the Migration Code and a Free Month"? yes no problem he said as long as you use the code within 30 days that will be fine. So Download city here i come for about a fortnight, then off to a new supplier. It's a mine feild this Broadband thingy. So many different options and packages to choose from it's just a case of pull a name out the hat I think.
Right I got a date with a File Sharing Program see ya later !!!
Sunday, September 25
Retail Therapy!!
It was going to be one of them peacefull relaxing days today, you know the one's i'm on about where you don't plan to do anything or go anywhere just the basics like eating and stuff. Sort of like a normal day for me. I got up ready to spend most of the day on the computer and just generally doing nothing, that is until Judith came back from next door after finishing repairing his computer, she getting a right little Techie !! and she said that he wants me to look for a new base unit for him as he's finally realised that his has had it really. I love spending other peoples money and i was never one to turn down a challenge. So Laptop on my Lap,( Where else would it be?) i delved into the World Wide Web to see what bargains I could find. 1st stop on my list the wonderfull Ebay. I love this site, more so the E Shops. Within about 5 mins I found a perfect match to the requirements, so after printing the item page out I went in search of a better deal. After about 2 hours of searching i could not beat the Price for that spec computer. So he came over in a short while and we set about paying for it with his money of course. We then went looking for a Keyboard and mouse which was found easily and very very cheaply on Ebuyer, it was only just over £7 inc vat for a Keyboard, Mouse and Speakers so we just had to have it for that price. When he went i felt quite drained like i'd actually been trawling the streets looking for a bargain not sat on my bum at home. We managed to jointly buy a Legal Copy of Windows XP Home as well which is a first for me as I don't think I have ever had a Legal Copy before. No more dodgy Updates and stuff.
Here's a bit of totally useless information for you. I bought a jar of gorgeous Beetroot In Vinegar you know the one i mean. You buy it for christmas and end up chucking it out about April when you rediscover it at the back of the fridge. Well I really fancied it with some salad on the weekend and Judith likes it too. I thought when I got home on Friday I would have a little taster and you know what, i couldn't open the blinking jar it was rock solid. Judith had a go when she came home and since then a few people have tried but to no avail. I'm going to take it back tommorow and exchange it, I prob won't want to eat it then though Ha ha!! Right off to bed to watch the rest of the Delia Week-end on UK TV Food Nite!!
It was going to be one of them peacefull relaxing days today, you know the one's i'm on about where you don't plan to do anything or go anywhere just the basics like eating and stuff. Sort of like a normal day for me. I got up ready to spend most of the day on the computer and just generally doing nothing, that is until Judith came back from next door after finishing repairing his computer, she getting a right little Techie !! and she said that he wants me to look for a new base unit for him as he's finally realised that his has had it really. I love spending other peoples money and i was never one to turn down a challenge. So Laptop on my Lap,( Where else would it be?) i delved into the World Wide Web to see what bargains I could find. 1st stop on my list the wonderfull Ebay. I love this site, more so the E Shops. Within about 5 mins I found a perfect match to the requirements, so after printing the item page out I went in search of a better deal. After about 2 hours of searching i could not beat the Price for that spec computer. So he came over in a short while and we set about paying for it with his money of course. We then went looking for a Keyboard and mouse which was found easily and very very cheaply on Ebuyer, it was only just over £7 inc vat for a Keyboard, Mouse and Speakers so we just had to have it for that price. When he went i felt quite drained like i'd actually been trawling the streets looking for a bargain not sat on my bum at home. We managed to jointly buy a Legal Copy of Windows XP Home as well which is a first for me as I don't think I have ever had a Legal Copy before. No more dodgy Updates and stuff.
Here's a bit of totally useless information for you. I bought a jar of gorgeous Beetroot In Vinegar you know the one i mean. You buy it for christmas and end up chucking it out about April when you rediscover it at the back of the fridge. Well I really fancied it with some salad on the weekend and Judith likes it too. I thought when I got home on Friday I would have a little taster and you know what, i couldn't open the blinking jar it was rock solid. Judith had a go when she came home and since then a few people have tried but to no avail. I'm going to take it back tommorow and exchange it, I prob won't want to eat it then though Ha ha!! Right off to bed to watch the rest of the Delia Week-end on UK TV Food Nite!!
Do I, Don't I ??
All the way through my treatment I have been on and off Steroids in one form or another but never off them for long though. The usual suspect is Prednisalone which has been used mostly in conjunction with firstly Chemotherapy then the Anti Rejection drugs like Cyclosporin (My Favourite) but most recently it was the Chest Consultant who said “Oh just put him on a retaining dose of 5mg” to one of his minions. There are a number of side effects to these Steroids some good and some bad. The main Bad one for me is really dreadful Water Retention which is very painful at times and the main Good one is it really gives me an appetite which I need as I’m not eating much otherwise at all. My dilemma is this; the maintenance dose they put me on has little or no effect to my Treatment or condition apart from the Water Retention, on a positive side it is making me eat which I need. I’m looking to stop taking it for a number of reasons namely, it doesn’t seem to be doing anything, I’m really fed up with the Water Retention yet if I stop I know my appetite will go too, so WHAT DO I DO????? I am on medication for the Water Retention although they only work sometimes and they also bring down my Blood Pressure which is not a good idea as it is naturally on the low side anyway. One other strange thing is that they make such a point of making sure you take the Steroids in the morning as you’ll be up all night otherwise when in fact they actually make me want to sleep. Well it’s been a slow news day so to speak today. Not done much at all except help Judith finish off wiping our next door neighbour’s computer after he managed to pick up a nasty from somewhere which refused to budge from it’s hiding place. The wiping is quite fun as you wave goodbye to someone else’s stuff its just the re-installing that takes forever and I lost track of the number of times it had be rebooted. Well anyhow that’s quite enough excitement for one day I’m off.
Oh I did do something exciting, well some people might think so I went to Tesco’s at 9.30 tonight for a few odds and ends. They were announcing every 5 mins the store is about to close in a minute which sort of gets on your nerves after a while. Right I am going now see ya !!!!
Friday, September 23
I Must Be A Sadist!!
Time has come for my weekly dose of Torture and Pain at the local Tesco’s store. I thought to myself I know the Tesco’s in Talbot Green has been done up and I know it’s finished so I’ll go there for a change, at least there won’t be the problem with cramped isles because of the shop fitting. Well off I set for the 6 or 7 mile journey and I got about half way and the heavens opened so I guess I was destined to get soaked walking into the store from the car park. I finally got there and set about looking for that elusive Empty Disabled Parking Space, you know the one that’s never there till you come out the store with your shopping trolley full then there’s blinking hundreds of them. Well I drove up and down the car park looking for the nearest place to the shop as all the Disabled bays were full and managed to get not too far away from the store but not quite close enough. So I made my weary way to the store in the rain and strangely for Tesco’s anyhow I passed a couple of Parking Attendants checking all the cars parked in the Disabled and Mother & Toddler spaces were genuine. I thought good for you at bloody long last. I had my usual look at every windscreen on the way through the bay just to make sure they were doing there job properly. There’s just no pleasing some people I suppose. The main difference I think with this particular car park and it seems the main one in Cardiff is the same in that the Car park’s are owned by a Private Company and so as a result they can make that bit more from it by Clamping people etc. Well I’m all in favour of that if it frees up the spaces for other people who actually need them. Anyway I digress which is highly unusual for me as you know. This store is absolutely huge and on two floors too. As usual in a new store you have the problem of finding things although they are set up pretty much the same. I had to stop a couple of time around for a breather but I’m quite sad to say that it was not an unpleasant trip as it usually is so “Thank You Tesco’s”, there that wasn’t too hard was it, Yes!!!! Well I did wake up this morning with a bit more energy than yesterday although it hasn’t lasted too long and I’m blinking knackered now. Red Bull I think with maybe a small touch of Vodka purely medicinal you understand. I’m always open to suggestions if you know a sure fire way of getting some energy as long as it doesn’t involve dealing with a dodgy looking bloke on a street corner somewhere. Right off for a soak, which reminds me I still haven’t bought a Submarine or a Rubber Ducky for the bath yet I’ve got a memory like a sieve.
Thursday, September 22
One Of Those Days!!
Do you ever have one of them days, you know the ones I mean when the alarm clock goes off just as you’re getting to sleep and you haven’t even got the energy to turn over and switch it off so you just bury yourself under the quilt and hope that it will just go away. Well today’s one of them days and I think if I didn’t have to go the see the Chest Consultant I wouldn’t have got up at all. So I tore myself out of bed and off to the hospital. They were they’re usual well organised selves NOT!!! Waiting for this, waiting for that. I finally got to tell the Consultant that I had stopped taking the wonder drug he put me on which does nothing for my Chest Condition but makes me quite sick. I told him I stopped taking it about two weeks ago and there has been no change in my condition whatsoever and he was fine with that to my surprise. I actually haven’t taken them for about 3 months with no effects at all. He along with many others is totally baffled by my Chest Problems. One minute he’s saying,” well it definitely Asthma” and the next which is the new one,”you have a condition which doesn’t allow the fluid in your lungs to drain away correctly”, in other words he hasn’t got a clue and fair do’s to the chap he has thrown his hands up in the past and said that he really hasn’t a clue what’s causing it, honest if not helpful I guess. Well after my nearly 3 hours up there I came away with the usual 3 appointments for various tests that he wants done before he see’s me again in a month. It’s getting that I need a secretary to keep control of all these appointments what with the Chest People, The Dentist, The Hearing Clinic, The Councillor as well as the Day Unit, good job I ain’t working at the moment and even better now I can claim back my travelling expenses otherwise I’d be scint. Do you know even driving the some 10 miles back home I really just wanted to let go of the wheel and lie down for a sleep and had to force myself to not pull into the various Lay-by’s on the way home. I’ve not done a thing since I got home apart from a couple of pee’s and making a Pot Noodle and writing this of course and don’t intend to do anything either except rest and maybe get some sleep. Hopefully I might get up with a bit more energy tomorrow hopefully enough for the Self Inflicted Torture which I try to put myself through each week, you probably know it by its other name, Food Shopping!! In my most favourite, favourite shop Tesco’s where you can always get a Disabled Parking Space because they keep an eye on them to stop people parking there who shouldn’t NOT!!!!!!!! And they seem to be doing up most of there stores at the moment so everything has been moved around and they’ve crammed the same amount of stock in about half the size of store so the isles are really narrow and stuff really annoying.
Right, back to being tired and sleepy see you guys later xxx
Wednesday, September 21
Yes It Is Me!!!
I've been wanting to change this thing for a while and as a celebration of yesterday's hospital visit i decided to change it today. Well that's not quite the truth i was actually playing around with the code behind the thing and made a big bo bo so had to start again but it means the same thing really, doesn't it?
The next bit of good news for you all i also thought it was time to come out of the closet and show you my real identity.

I've been wanting to change this thing for a while and as a celebration of yesterday's hospital visit i decided to change it today. Well that's not quite the truth i was actually playing around with the code behind the thing and made a big bo bo so had to start again but it means the same thing really, doesn't it?
The next bit of good news for you all i also thought it was time to come out of the closet and show you my real identity.

Tuesday, September 20
A Tale Of Two Half's!!
Well as the heading says it’s been a tale of two half’s today. I went on my usual weekly visit to the Hospital which as you’ve probably read is somewhat of an unknown entity. I arrived the usual 15 mins early and as per usual I had to wait for a good 20-25 past my appointment time before the lovely Emma sucked me dry of blood once again. Then the hour of will I won’t I have to stay all day starts. I felt fine if not a bit tired not that it means anything because at one time whilst in hospital my blood pressure dropped as low as 55 over 40 and there was doctors running from all over the place panicking and pumping me full of this jelly stuff and I felt absolutely fine in fact I probably hadn’t felt that well for quite some time. So as you can work out I’m not always the best judge of what’s going on with my body. Well after the walk back to the car to have a spot of lunch I made my way back into the abyss also known as The Day Unit to see Dr Una. She was as happy and radiant as ever today and after a chat I thought I’d drop the suggestion that as things were going well and I needed no blood products and things maybe I could make it every 2 weeks instead of every week?? Well I held my breath in anticipation will she won’t she? That would be absolutely fine she says, well I could have kissed her as to me that’s another big milestone on my way to full recovery. I came out of her consulting room and cheered Yippee fairly quietly well it sounded quiet to me but then my hearings knackered and Cath one of the nurses was walking past and she said did you just shout yippee then and I said yes I’ve just been put on 2 weekly visits instead of one and she was pleased for me. I sort of had a spring in my step on the way back to the car and a big massive grin too; people must have thought I was going mad. I went straight up to my mums for a coffee afterwards and a natter and to see the dog obviously. They just had a new carpet put down on the weekend and I feels nice under your feet and there’s the smell of a new carpet you know the one there’s nothing quite the same. When I finally got home I was a bit tired so I had a bit of a snooze before going over to our friends Sharon. She’s our Godsons granny and we always catch up on what there doing from her which is nice as they’re growing up quickly now.
Well the heading “A Tale Of Two Half’s” your thinking what’s there about two half’s then? Well think no more here we go.
When we got back I run the bath ready for a nice soak and incidentally I forgot about it, good job the overflow was working okay otherwise this Blog would be a whole lot different let me tell you. Well I finally got in and was having a soak I suddenly thought hold on I want a rubber ducky to play with and a submarine and stuff in the bath, I quite miss them actually although I haven’t had them for I would guess about 28 years or so. I used to spend hours in the bath and only get out when I was freezing cos the water had gone cold and step out looking like a wrinkly old man, there are some who would argue that I am one of them already but don’t listen to them they’re all telling lies I’m a mere spring chicken in disguise. So sometime this week I’m going to go and buy myself some toys to play with in the bath and if I don’t like them I can always give them to the Godsons. I’ll let you all know how I get on if I ever get back out the bath that is!!
Monday, September 19
A Special Treat!!
Well for all you late night Bloggers out there you’ve got a treat 2 blogs in one day and for those of you lazybones who have gone to bed early well lets just say you probably will have to wait for the next Millennium before this phenomenon happens again. I was surfing away and I thought to myself “I might as well write my Blog for today now as I’m up the hospital tomorrow and not sure how long I will be”. So hear I am!!!
It’s actually been quite a non-eventful day all in all really, just been trying in vain mostly to catch up on some sleep from the weekend. That’s a strange thing don’t you think, that when you are used to having say 8 hours sleep a night (I Wish!!) and for whatever reason one night you only get 5 hours you quite often try to “Catch Up” the lost sleep. WHY??? If you didn’t need it then what makes you think you need it now?? And you also know that when you try to lie in bed catching up on them 3 hours of precious sleep you will probably be staring at the ceiling for at least 2½ of them thus making the whole process totally useless. So I guess I was just trying to test out my theory all day then today and as always I was right, spent most of the day TRYING to catch up on some sleep and failed miserably now I’m more knackered than I would have been anyway.
Up for my weekly hospital visit tomorrow and there’s always this anticipation of what’s going to happen. You know that your going to have the usual stuff like waiting till at least 20 mins or so after your appointment time before being seen (because they’re so busy), Having your Blood taken, then a wait of usually around 1 ½ hours till your seen by the wonderful doctor Una she really is a good doctor and a great personality as well. Then you’re into the realms of the unknown. It all depends on your Blood Counts really. It maybe that you need an infusion of say Potassium or Magnesium which is quite often a 4 hour drip plus time to canulate and stuff so your looking at more like 5 hours which is no fun, but on the other hand there have been times when I’ve been in and out in less than an hour so as they say it’s swings and roundabouts.
Right I’d better try and get my 8 hours sleep in or I’ll only be trying to catch up all week other wise. Ha ha ha!!! See Ya Tomorrow.
The Day Of Rest!!
Ah Sunday the day of rest. I'd love to meet the guy or gal for that matter who came up with the idea of having a day of rest and shake him or her by the hand. Oh yeah wasn't it something to do with Jesus and the Bible on the seventh day, not that it matters too much to me. Why is it i tend to think of some like passing remark to write about i always get carried away and tend to write for ages about it. I must stop doing that it's blinking annoying. Well what can i say about Sunday, Ummmm, got up, ate, went to bed. Thats it then See Ya !!!
You think you can get away without listening to my Rants that easily, you better think again!!!!
I spent much of the day playing around with the computer you know clicking this and that and generally looking like i know what i'm doing. Yeah right!!! I did manage to sort out the network though in that all 3 Computers can now see each other and can share files and stuff which is quite cool. Next step is trying to make the printer a shared network printer which should be fun and i know you all just dying to know how and when i have done it. Don't worry you will be the first to know. Who thought of that saying "You'll be the first to know", what a load of rubish, how can someone else be the first to know when you will be yourself????? See what i mean passing comments again. Right I'm off to try fix this game see ya all tommorow
Ah Sunday the day of rest. I'd love to meet the guy or gal for that matter who came up with the idea of having a day of rest and shake him or her by the hand. Oh yeah wasn't it something to do with Jesus and the Bible on the seventh day, not that it matters too much to me. Why is it i tend to think of some like passing remark to write about i always get carried away and tend to write for ages about it. I must stop doing that it's blinking annoying. Well what can i say about Sunday, Ummmm, got up, ate, went to bed. Thats it then See Ya !!!
You think you can get away without listening to my Rants that easily, you better think again!!!!
I spent much of the day playing around with the computer you know clicking this and that and generally looking like i know what i'm doing. Yeah right!!! I did manage to sort out the network though in that all 3 Computers can now see each other and can share files and stuff which is quite cool. Next step is trying to make the printer a shared network printer which should be fun and i know you all just dying to know how and when i have done it. Don't worry you will be the first to know. Who thought of that saying "You'll be the first to know", what a load of rubish, how can someone else be the first to know when you will be yourself????? See what i mean passing comments again. Right I'm off to try fix this game see ya all tommorow
Sunday, September 18
A Sad Day For Rallying!!
I just sat down to write all about my exciting day at the Wales Rally GB when the news came through that the Rally had been Stopped and cancelled following the Tragic Death of one of the Co-Drivers involved in a Fatal accident whilst competing in the Rally. Marco Martin’s Peugeot co-driver Mike “Beefy” Park was pronounced dead at the scene following a crash where they had apparently left the road at great speed and hit a tree. He had been involved in rallying for a long time and was one of the nice guys you could say. Always cheerful and generally a great ambassador for the sport and will be greatly missed.
It doesn’t feel quite right somehow writing about my great day out with my brother to watch the rally sort of puts things into perspective really. I hope you appreciate that as my way of paying my respects I will not be publishing my daily rantings today and as they say normal service will resume tomorrow. Thank you all for your understanding in this matter.
Saturday, September 17
Got That Friday Feeling!!
Well what a day Friday was. It was planned to be a nice peaceful day, although still being out for most of the day there was no pressure just getting things done. All I had to do really was to drive into Cardiff Town Centre to put a form in the bank and then pop into the sales office outside the Millennium Stadium and purchase two tickets for me and my Brother for one of Rally Stages on Saturday. Well the drive in was nice and relaxing listening to bit of AC/DC and some Opera, I think it was from Rigoletto if I remember, well you know my taste in music and if you don’t well basically I DON’T HAVE NONE!! Anything and Everything in Moderation is my motto. Well back to my day. After the relaxing drive in is where it started to go wrong. I had to drive round and round the block in town about 3 times before I could get a space to pull in and get the tickets and when I did eventually I had a long walk as well so I was none too pleased when after having to queue as well, I was told “I’m sorry all the single stage tickets are sold out and you’ll have to buy them on the day”, well blinking thank you I thought, well maybe not them precise words. So back to the car and a short drive to the other side of town to the bank which after the last fiasco went without a hitch parked easily was in and out in a jiffy and managed to buy a nice warm Chicken & Stuffing Baguette on the way back to the car. It was gorgeous apart from the Top half of the Baguette was too hard for me to eat and the bottom half which was a lot softer still managed to cut my mouth to pieces, but the stuffing was nice oh and the chicken.. Well next stop on my whirlwind tour is up to see my Mum & Dad and Jemma too. Would you know it after the messing around in Town I lost my concentration for a split second at probably the most critical road junction on the route and ended up having to drive through the country lanes instead of nice big main roads. I like to think of it more like “Taking the Scenic Route” though like I planned it already. Who am I kidding!! Well after being greeted by the welcome party namely Jemma I sat and caught up on all the latest gossip. Hey I do believe my Dad has got the hang of this strong coffee at last he got it spot on, cheers butty!! Well eventually I started to have a clean up on Mum’s Computer. Dear oh dear oh dear. No Firewall apart from the Windows In built one, No Anti-Spy ware, well I tell a lie she did have Anti-Spy ware but it wasn’t working and enough Temp files and cookies to fill a couple of CD’s. She also had umpteen programs that were set to start up with windows that were never used or need. Well Downloaded Spybot an excellent FREE Anti-Spy ware tool and installed and run it and it found around 130 odd spy ware files straight away. Next stop was to download a Firewall and install and run that too. Then sort the rest of the other bits and pieces which was not that straight forward as some of the windows files and folders were saved in some really odd locations. Well by the time I finished it was all singing and dancing and I was knackered. Eventually after another fine cup of coffee I headed off home to get ready for the Rally on Saturday morning as it was going to be a case of early to bed early to rise. I didn’t do a great deal in the evening really apart from having a bath and gathering up all my bit ready for the morning including making my sanni’s. I found this absolutely delicious strong Cheddar Cheese in Tesco’s called Black Bomber it is out of this world and it’s made in Wales too which is a bonus you ought to try it if you like strong cheese. Right off to bed see you guys tomorrow.
Friday, September 16
All Washed Out
All Washed Out!!
Well the day has finally arrived and the Wales Rally GB starts today. Well in fact if officially starts this evening but the Shakedown they call it starts this morning. This is where the drivers get the chance to complete a stage going flat out to see if there are any problems with the car before the big start. I set the alarm for about 5.15am when I went to bed really early abut 10 o’clock, as it was going to be an early start to get down to the Forrest stage in time for the first cars through which I think were due around 8am. Well what do you know I was still wide awake at 1.30 and even after that I kept waking up every half an hour or so. So by the time the alarm went off I was in no mood to get up but it thought to myself it’s only here for a couple of days a year so get up and go man. I scrawled out of bed and looked out the window and it was chucking it down. Well that’s put an end to that I thought, if I go out into the forest with wind and rain like that I’ll be straight back in hospital with a temperature, I know what I’m like. So somewhat pee’d off I got back into bed and cuddled back up to my most favourite of water bottles Judith. I think I finally tore myself out of bed at about 10am, well I need all the beauty sleep I can get let me tell you and went and took my morning pills and caffeine. I put on the Rally Radio station on Sky and basically fell back asleep on the sofa to the dullset sounds of a Subaru Blasting it’s way through the forest. Ahhh nothing like peace and quiet is there. Really the rest of the day has been spent wishing I had gone this morning followed by some surfing and listening to the Rally Radio Coverage on the internet which so far has been quite good.
Well I do believe I haven’t had a moan yet today well it ain’t blinking good enough is it. So what shall I think to man about, let me see, Ahhh I know Online Grocery Shopping, you know the sort click here and click there and tomorrow a van arrives from the local retailer with your food. Well what’s wrong with that I hear you all cry out, well let me tell you. Why is it no matter how hard you try and even when it records and tells you what you have purchased before, do you always blinking forget something, usually and everyday item like Milk or Sugar. Why is that, is it because no matter how hard they try they cant show you like a virtual shop so you physically walk up the isles getting the stuff off the shelves or more likely your just forgetful like me. Probably the latter.. Well then peeps I guess I’d better get my head down as it’s been a very stressful day all in all ha ha. Off to Mums tomorrow to sort out her pute and see Dad and Jemma of course. See Ya!!!
Thursday, September 15
My Own Network!!
Well my new Wireless Modem/Router turned up yesterday morning which sort of put pay to what i was going to do all day. Nothing exciting in fact i probably would have slept most of the day so at least it gave me something to do. Just like being a child all over again i can't wait to get it out the box and have a look what i got, but i already know what it is and how much it costs but its still exciting none the less. I learnt from past experience "READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST" other wise you have all sorts of problems. So into the dark cavern i go which is also known as under the desk, in search of one or two cables that i need to change in order to set up this new toy. It's like an alladins cave under there. There's bits of computer and monitors and old printers and cables, jeeeeez there must be hundreds of them all shouting it's me, it's me. I finally manage to find the ones i'm after and set off back into the land of the living. So i followed the instructions word for word and connected it all up as decribed then came the do or die moment switching the computer back on. I hate this part and quite often i'll turn away from the screen for a couple of minutes or go out the room even till i think it has had enough time to start. So i pressed the on button at arms length and waited. Tick Tock, Tick Tock i could here the clock in my mind as i watched the screen flicker into life and slowly but surely all the start up programs begin to load then nothing happened. Oh hold on a window pops up and i look at it through squinted eyes in case its bad news, it say's found new hardware then it dissapears, so i think to myself cross all your fingers and toes and pray that it works.... All this tension is making me a nervous wreck. There's another window just popped up. Dare I look at it i thought to myself. Well I thought pull yourself together, what are you a man or a mouse, Mmmmm trick questions hey?? Oh what the hell i just looked straight at it bugger the concequenses. It said "Your Hardware Is Now Installed And Working Correctly". I swear i could hear Handels Halleluyah Chorrus singing away. I'll just try it out now i thought so i Clicked on Firefox ( A web Browser like Internet Explorer but much better and FREE and it's not Microsoft) and it connected straight away no set up needed at all. I don't know what all the fuss was about before hand it was plain sailing. Now i can go sit out the back garden with the laptop and surf away without wires running all over the place, only one slight problem though, it's been sunny and dry for the last 3 weeks and now i can use the laptop out there it's chucking it down and it's set to last for at least a few days, typical !! Guess what i was doing for the rest of the day. Pretty obvious really playing with my new toy well you got to use it once you paid for it haven't you!!
Might I take this opportunity to thank all you lovely people who are not only mad enough to read this load of old tripe but then actually go on and give me comments and feedback as well which is always welcome and appreciated. This just emphasises to me that i'm not the only mad one around here.
p.s TRIPE can you still buy that stuff anywhere i used to love it?????
Well my new Wireless Modem/Router turned up yesterday morning which sort of put pay to what i was going to do all day. Nothing exciting in fact i probably would have slept most of the day so at least it gave me something to do. Just like being a child all over again i can't wait to get it out the box and have a look what i got, but i already know what it is and how much it costs but its still exciting none the less. I learnt from past experience "READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST" other wise you have all sorts of problems. So into the dark cavern i go which is also known as under the desk, in search of one or two cables that i need to change in order to set up this new toy. It's like an alladins cave under there. There's bits of computer and monitors and old printers and cables, jeeeeez there must be hundreds of them all shouting it's me, it's me. I finally manage to find the ones i'm after and set off back into the land of the living. So i followed the instructions word for word and connected it all up as decribed then came the do or die moment switching the computer back on. I hate this part and quite often i'll turn away from the screen for a couple of minutes or go out the room even till i think it has had enough time to start. So i pressed the on button at arms length and waited. Tick Tock, Tick Tock i could here the clock in my mind as i watched the screen flicker into life and slowly but surely all the start up programs begin to load then nothing happened. Oh hold on a window pops up and i look at it through squinted eyes in case its bad news, it say's found new hardware then it dissapears, so i think to myself cross all your fingers and toes and pray that it works.... All this tension is making me a nervous wreck. There's another window just popped up. Dare I look at it i thought to myself. Well I thought pull yourself together, what are you a man or a mouse, Mmmmm trick questions hey?? Oh what the hell i just looked straight at it bugger the concequenses. It said "Your Hardware Is Now Installed And Working Correctly". I swear i could hear Handels Halleluyah Chorrus singing away. I'll just try it out now i thought so i Clicked on Firefox ( A web Browser like Internet Explorer but much better and FREE and it's not Microsoft) and it connected straight away no set up needed at all. I don't know what all the fuss was about before hand it was plain sailing. Now i can go sit out the back garden with the laptop and surf away without wires running all over the place, only one slight problem though, it's been sunny and dry for the last 3 weeks and now i can use the laptop out there it's chucking it down and it's set to last for at least a few days, typical !! Guess what i was doing for the rest of the day. Pretty obvious really playing with my new toy well you got to use it once you paid for it haven't you!!
Might I take this opportunity to thank all you lovely people who are not only mad enough to read this load of old tripe but then actually go on and give me comments and feedback as well which is always welcome and appreciated. This just emphasises to me that i'm not the only mad one around here.
p.s TRIPE can you still buy that stuff anywhere i used to love it?????
Tuesday, September 13
Sorry Sorry Sorry!!
I need to applogise for not updating this the last few days but i do have a good excuse believe me. I picked up a couple of right nasty little virus's from somewhere a few days ago and they been causing me lots of grief so much so that i've had to completely wipe my Computer and start all over again,a job i really hate having to do as there always seems to be problems. If its not missing files or wrong settings its something else. Well really thats taken up all my time for the last couple of days which i guess beats whacking yourself over the head with a wet kipper, but only just!! Each time i've had to re install my pute i always have problems with the Motherboard Drivers and they were the ones shipped with the blinking thing and i always make sure there the first thing installed after Windows. Argggg i'm begining to wonder if i've chosen the wrong proffession to go into. I just want to whizz through the Techie phase then its straight on to Feet up on the desk and have staff to do your job, long expenses paid lunches at fancy eateries etc etc. Earth Calling John !!! Ahhh is it time to wake up yet ?
I had a welcome break from all the Computer mahem for a couple of hours today so i could go to the hospital for my weekly check up. All's well thankfully and slowly but surely most things are getting back to some sort of normality. The one problem that has seemed to have got worse over the last year or so is my Hearing. Everything sounds Dull like when your ears need to pop to clear them,but permanantly like it. I mentioned to the Doctor again about it today and she arranged for me to see the Hearing Consultant just an hour later which was pretty damn good service i thought. Well he examined my ears and removed some wax which wasn't helping and strangely enough my hearing seemed to be a bit worse after that which was co incidental i think. They went ahead and did variou noise and pressure tests etc then i went back in to see the Consultant. It appears that i have lost 90% of the High Pitch Hearing in both ears and 20% of the Low Pitch Hearing in both ears which would explain the way its been feeling. This is almost deffinately down to the Chemotherapy Treatment that i've had as all them toxic treatments can't be all good. There will always be side effects both long and short term i suppose. So from what he said its not treatable appart from having to wear 2 Hearing Aids for the rest of my life to try and compensate for my hearing loss that is along with my False Teeth i'm waitning for and my new lungs which would be nice all because of Chemotherapy. But Hell It Was Worth It Though!! a small price to pay really in the scheme of things dont you think?
Well i hope you accept my appologies especially you Ruth cos i knows you likes to keep up with the gossip and i promise i will try to keep up from now on. Cub Scouts Honour!!!
I need to applogise for not updating this the last few days but i do have a good excuse believe me. I picked up a couple of right nasty little virus's from somewhere a few days ago and they been causing me lots of grief so much so that i've had to completely wipe my Computer and start all over again,a job i really hate having to do as there always seems to be problems. If its not missing files or wrong settings its something else. Well really thats taken up all my time for the last couple of days which i guess beats whacking yourself over the head with a wet kipper, but only just!! Each time i've had to re install my pute i always have problems with the Motherboard Drivers and they were the ones shipped with the blinking thing and i always make sure there the first thing installed after Windows. Argggg i'm begining to wonder if i've chosen the wrong proffession to go into. I just want to whizz through the Techie phase then its straight on to Feet up on the desk and have staff to do your job, long expenses paid lunches at fancy eateries etc etc. Earth Calling John !!! Ahhh is it time to wake up yet ?
I had a welcome break from all the Computer mahem for a couple of hours today so i could go to the hospital for my weekly check up. All's well thankfully and slowly but surely most things are getting back to some sort of normality. The one problem that has seemed to have got worse over the last year or so is my Hearing. Everything sounds Dull like when your ears need to pop to clear them,but permanantly like it. I mentioned to the Doctor again about it today and she arranged for me to see the Hearing Consultant just an hour later which was pretty damn good service i thought. Well he examined my ears and removed some wax which wasn't helping and strangely enough my hearing seemed to be a bit worse after that which was co incidental i think. They went ahead and did variou noise and pressure tests etc then i went back in to see the Consultant. It appears that i have lost 90% of the High Pitch Hearing in both ears and 20% of the Low Pitch Hearing in both ears which would explain the way its been feeling. This is almost deffinately down to the Chemotherapy Treatment that i've had as all them toxic treatments can't be all good. There will always be side effects both long and short term i suppose. So from what he said its not treatable appart from having to wear 2 Hearing Aids for the rest of my life to try and compensate for my hearing loss that is along with my False Teeth i'm waitning for and my new lungs which would be nice all because of Chemotherapy. But Hell It Was Worth It Though!! a small price to pay really in the scheme of things dont you think?
Well i hope you accept my appologies especially you Ruth cos i knows you likes to keep up with the gossip and i promise i will try to keep up from now on. Cub Scouts Honour!!!
Sunday, September 11
Come On England??
Well Saturdays here already and I was up with the lark as they say, only because I didn’t really get to sleep at all Friday night. I thought I’d spoil myself and have a cuppa before taking my Tablets just for a change, like a special treat seeing as it’s the weekend why not live dangerously I thought. Yes before you all shout it out, I know I’m sad. It nearly backfired actually because I usually do things the other way around I nearly forgot to take my blinking Tablets. Serves me right for spoiling myself. Well I settled in to the sofa to watch a whole day of Cricket just for a change, just getting up for the odd drink or two and to make something to eat too. It was heaven just not doing anything. I was also looking forward to the Evenings entertainment in the form of The Last Night Of The Proms. You would think that I was quite a patriotic Englishman what with watching and hoping England would win at the Cricket and with all the Pomp and Circumstance of the Last Night but you wouldn’t be further from the truth. I am quite patriotic but WELSH!! Through and through especially when it comes to 30 men chasing an odd shaped ball around a field, 15 of which happen to be English. Not that I’m a great Rugby fan although we did win “The Grand Slam & The Triple Crown” this year which involved totally demoralising the English, ha ha ha!! I guess my liking of rugby stems from my childhood when I actually went to the trouble of joining the St Albans Band and learning to play the Trombone just so that I could get into the Matches free. You see they used to play at all the Cardiff and Welsh International Matches so you’d have to play for a while which was no price to pay really then you would quite often have the best seat in the house to watch the Match. Ahhh those were the days not like today having to fork out £50 a ticket only to be sat so far away from the field you might as well be watching the flee circus. Well the proms has started and out comes all the flags and the glass of sherry, well maybe not quite sherry orange juice will have to do. Singing away at the top of my voice to all the old favourites Land Of Hope And Glory & Jerusalem and also the obligatory humming along to the Fantasy On Sea Songs, I love that piece of music always gives me Goosebumps. Even the Traditional 2 versus of the National Anthem are worth listening to, and I always say the same thing to myself I’ll have to try and learn that second verse by next year as you don’t learn that at school oddly enough. Well I ended up shattered after all that fun and excitement of the day and went to bed fairly early well after I did a spot of bidding on Ebay, I must stay off that site it always ends up costing me money. Nitey Nite..
Saturday, September 10
Call Me Mr Fixit!!
Well just call me Mr Fix It!!! That Network stuff’s a walk in the park it only took me about 10 mins to sort out and then it was off surfing as usual. You know you can find some good stuff by just shutting your eyes sometimes and just keep clicking the mouse whilst moving it around a bit on the screen. You want to try it one day and see where you end up.
Well my first full day back home today and my intention was to have an easy chill out day, you know the kind I mean where you don’t get out of your PJ’s and just lounge around doing nothing. I nearly managed it till my sister in law turned up with a problem she wanted me to try and sort out by looking at some sites on the web. It appears she has fallen for some Holiday Club Scam whilst on holiday in Turkey I think they went. Anyhow they’ve promised the earth as in cheap almost free holidays and you even get your money back (£7,500) in 3 years. Well just a quick Google Search threw up all sorts of nasties about people that have been ripped off by them and even the Office of Fair Trading have been quite heavily involved with them. So I printed off a load off information for her to take home to her partner who at the time was just going to go through with it and hope that it would be okay and she left quite stunned I suppose although she now had some ammo that she could probably use to get out of the contract hopefully.
Well a short breather then my mate Sharon came over for a cuppa and a catch up session as I ain’t seen her for a couple of weeks. It was great finding out all about one of our God son’s who started in Infants School this week whilst his brother another of our God Son’s started in Junior School. She said they looked so cute in there new uniforms and there growing up really quickly and they’re “Big Boys” now. We had a good old natter and a couple of cuppas and then really just had a quiet night in for a change and in fact I didn’t really go on the Computer which is not like me at all.
So all in all it was a bit of an up and down day maybe tomorrow I’ll get to chill out? Yeah Right!!!
Cricket and the Last Night Of The Proms all on in one day I think the TV’s going to get a bashing tomorrow. See Ya!!
Thursday, September 8
Home Sweet Home
Well today’s the day I get to go home at last after my enforced Road Trip. I actually managed to stay in bed a little bit longer for a change today well only by about ½ an hour. It feels quite strange as it’s been 2 weeks now since I was ceremoniously kicked out me own home by the Shrek or should I say Tara in her other disguise. She looked funny mind you with her glands in her throat all swollen and stuff hard not to laugh at her. Well packing sort of started then stopped then started then stopped throughout the morning until I guess it was all done by lunchtime. Then it was trying to reconnect the modem and stuff back to my mum’s computer as I’d hijacked it for the last few days. Thankfully this all went smoothly which is always a bonus as I hate problems with internet connections at the best of times especially ones I have caused myself. Mum & Dad eventually helped me get all my stuff in the car. It will be really strange leaving there as you sort of get used to fitting in with other peoples timings and things and suddenly it’s going to be get yourself up and sort out your own food and things. I will miss them a lot as I think we have all learnt a lot about each other and I really will miss little Jemma the dog she was my little friend, following me everywhere and always after cuddles and stuff Awww I am missing her already. Come on now pull yourself together man!!! Well after all the good byes it was off home. I stopped in tesco’s on the way home for a few bits and pieces then finally got home at last to an empty house. Thinking on it I haven’t been in an empty house more than about twice since I moved out now it’s going to be virtually every day as Judith is in work and Tara has started back in College poor lonely old me. I think you lot will probably suffer for that though as my blogs will no dought get longer just because it passes more time away in the day. Ha ha ha serves you right for being addicted doesn’t it? Judith came home a while later and managed to unpack the car for me, she is an angel, and then I set about catching up on some sleep again like you do. Later I thought I would get some serious surfing done only to remember that Judith had swapped the Internet connection over to her computer because there had been probs with mine whilst I was away so I’m just about to start trying to fix that hence writing this now because I may be some time sorting this out and will only end up falling asleep without writing it and then get an ear bashing from you lot so there!! Right if you here a scream don’t worry its only me pulling my hair out, well if I had some I would pull it out, trying to fix this blinking connection.
Buy the way if anyone has a good alternative to pulling your hair out please let me know cos I ain’t found one yet that has the same effect!! See Ya
A New Smile!!
Well here it is, the time had finally come when I would be presented with my new set of Gnashers. I’ve been waiting for them for a long long time since they brutally ripped out all but 8 of my teeth prior to having my Transplant last year, due to infection risk they said I recon they just wanted some extra practice myself the bloody sadists. I’ve been excited about this day for some time and always said that I was going to go out and have a nice juicy steak when I had them. So I arrived at the Dentist at the hospital bright and early. They’ve altered the car park at long last and added another 4 Disabled parking bays which is right cool because there is always a queue to get in this car park and I just drove around them and straight into one of the 3 empty bays ha ha ha !!! Still had to pay my £2.10 parking fee though which really winds me up even though I can now claim it back later. Well in I finally went only to be presented with a Wax Set. Oh No !!! Apparently I got to have a couple of what they call “Try” sessions which involve a lot of it and out and shave a bit of her and there and add a bit here and there, before I get to have a real set so I’ll have to wait another month or so before I get the real thing, so the Steak will have to wait I suppose. I went over to meet Judith at Newport for a cuppa before we went to lunch. It was pretty good as I met up with a couple of guys I used to work with as well as a couple of new ones. After a while we drove off to Asda for a bite to eat well I had something Judith just had a cuppa. We had a good old chin wag and a look around the store. I don’t know what it is but every day we seem to have bought something there which is not like us at all, well not like Judith anyway because she’s the sensible one with spending money usually while I tend to just spend spend spend, Well it’s no use to you when your gone is it?
When Judith went home and left me I went back to Mum & Dads and had to have a snooze I was knackered again. I finally got up at about 5ish and was still tired so I didn’t help at all in the end. I spent the evening again in front of the TV with Mum & Dad as well as talking to a few mates and Judith on MSN and generally making a nuisance of myself with them. Well I’ve got my reputation to think off haven’t I? After the busy day I’ve had I went up to bed fairly early and pretty much fell asleep straight away to sweet dreams of my new Gnashers to come. Ahhhhhh Nice Juicy Steak lets hope the new teeth can cope with it!!!
Home From Home!!
Well it’s Tuesday again and guess what? That’s right, it’s hospital time. I managed to persuade Ruth my sister to come with me this week. She was the one who donated her Stem Cells to me which in effect cured my Leukaemia, well as cured as I can be as there is not such a thing really as a cure. I thought it might be interesting for her to meet up again with some of the staff she had got to know when she was going back and fore for tests and when she was actually donating her stem cells, especially Una as I know she liked Una and she had held her hand when she was scared whilst having one procedure done. We’d got to the Day Unit the usual 10 mins early and it was heaving there, which is quite unusual for a Tuesday. There was only one seat available so I was my usual polite self and sat on it myself instead of offering it to my sister because I’m kind like that. Eventually the nurse called me to steal some more blood from me, I’m gonna have to start charging for the stuff I recon. We had the usual hour or so wait so we decided to go for a bite to eat and a cuppa down in Rip Off City which is otherwise known as the Concourse. They must make a fortune there because it’s always busy and the food is so expensive, but there is not really an alternative if you’re a bit peckish apart from bringing your own I suppose. We had a good natter whilst we were there about the Good Old Days and other stuff which usually ends up in a lot of laughter. After an hour or so we made the Mile long trek back to the Unit, well it felt like it at the time. We went through the door and you would think that there had been a fire alarm or something and everyone had been evacuated because it was like a ghost town in there. There wasn’t a soul in sight. Una came up in a couple of minutes and called me into her lair. I told Ruth to come in to see her with me for a natter which she did. We’d been chatting for a while and then Una turned round to Ruth and said,”You a relative then?” and Ruth explained who she was and Una recognised her then. Ruth had Blonde hair the last time they met see. Alls well and my Liver count is coming back down quite quickly too which is good. She had a listen to my chest as I was coughing a bit today and that was clear though which is good too, In fact it was good news all around. So off we went back to Mum & Dads for some more reminiscing , it seems that whenever the three of us are together, my Sister, Mum & Me, we start each other off and who knows where it will lead, although its usually all laughter though. When Ruth finally went home I think we all fell asleep for a while absolutely shattered. God she’s got some energy that girl, I think she must have taken a double dose that morning because she was like a coiled spring, he he he !!!! I went online later on and had a nice long chat with Judith which is always the Highlight of my day. She was okay and missing me of course, well I guess anyone would miss little old me. Counting the days till I can go back home now and it seems to be getting worse the nearer it gets too. I had a pretty lazy evening I suppose Vegging out in front of the TV and a little bit of surfing too just to keep my hand in you see. Right that’s enough rambling on for one day see ya later!!!
Monday, September 5
Tired Or What!!
I thought I was up early yesterday but my god I was up at about 8am today still blinking nightime in my book and do you think I could get back to sleep, could I heck. So down the hatch with the usual wake up and smell the rose’s concoction and the usual Coffee from my Dad, he’s getting better with the coffee granules now I think another day or so and he’ll have it cracked. I seemed to be quite tired more than usual today and to be honest it hasn’t got any better all day really, the tiredness that is. Just laid on the sofa most of the morning till Judith rang and I went to meet her for a spot of lunch. It’s always a mixture of emotions meeting Judith at the moment cos it always makes me want to go home whenever I see her, yet I really can’t wait to see her every day. We had, well I had a bite to eat, and went for a wander around Asda for a while then back to Mum & Dads for me and Home for Judith. She’d brought me a couple of cd’s and that to play around with and a Game that I was supposed to be trying to work out a no cd crack for so I spent most of the rest of the day doing that apart from chatting to Ruth cos she was here when I got back from lunch. She’s coming up the hospital with me tomorrow for my usual weekly check up which will be nice as I can have some company as well as Ruth being able to see some of the nurses etc that she saw when she was in for her Stem Cell Donation including the infamous UNA of course. I spent all evening really on the internet just surfing and stuff looking for Games sites and funny stuff and then finally Judith came online after her weekly Bingo jaunt and ended up speaking to me for about 2 hours which was really nice. She put on her web cam which I find is so much better cos you can see peoples facial reactions to what you’ve typed so makes it a bit more personal like, or am I just sad? Now it’s 11.30 and I’m finally finished writing this so I can try and get some sleep I guess, TRY being the operative word..
See you guys tomorrow and I promise I’ll try to have a bit more energy well maybe then again maybe not. Nite nite!!
See you guys tomorrow and I promise I’ll try to have a bit more energy well maybe then again maybe not. Nite nite!!
Going Back To My Roots
Going Back To My Roots!!
Up at the crack of dawn today, well 10am anyway, it’s early for me on the weekend. Looking forward to going to my mum and dads to stay for a couple of days. Did my usual routine of waking up for a start, always a good thing, taking my daily concoction of pills and potions them heading off in search of some caffine in the form of nice strong coffee. Ah nothing like it in the world good strong coffee you can stand your spoon up in and used to be a couple of fags although that part is ommited now although I do miss it at times still. I gues I’m not what you might call a morning person in fact I probably resemble a caveman more than a human till I’ve been given about an hour or two to wake up. After drinking my cuppa I turned to Nat&Dave and said that I was going to start bringing my stuff downstairs they said ok so off I went. I was just packing the last bag when I heard they're Lawnmower going. So I started carring the bags and stuff downstairs each time Nat looked at me from her chair and smiled. After 5 trips up and down the stairs I thought dave will give me a hand any minute or she will go get him too anyway. I started to carry the bags out to the car by now absolutely knackered and struggling a bit for breath. It got to the very last carrier bag and dave fetched it out to the car saying you should have said something I’d have given you a hand. I said that I did and his reply was I never heard you, well you bloody answered me I thought to myself. So off I drove to the Land Of Oz I mean Caerphilly. I arrived around Lunchtime and had my first glimpse of My Neice & Nephew who I’ve never met before which was strange. Been having a good old natter to my brother and Mum And Dad and my Sister this evening as well as trying to sort out my next door neighbours computer problems via the phone to my wife who was tring to fix it for me. Eventually we gave up and she will bring me the software causing the probs tomorrow for me to play around with. My next blinking nioghtmare was trying to sort out my mothers Broadband connection on my computer. Jeeeeez what a nightmare it didn’t like my computer for some reason and then it appeared that my Mum’s user name had been changed somehow so it wouldn’t connect. I finally got it to connect eureka I thought but you know what they say about counting your chickens well the most mind blowing thing was yet to come. The original modem connection was via an extension from the main socket, so I disconnected this extension from the main socket and connected a smaller extension cable in its place so that I could use the modem in the living room instead and this somehow would not work bearing in mind all cables and sockets were checked to see if they worked and they did, which doesn’t make any sense at all to me. Anyhow I’ve now connected the splitter into the main telephone socket and the modem direct into that and it all works fine now after hours and hours of hassle. It’s been nice to spend some time with Mum And Dad and sort of catch up on things and generally reminisce about the good old days ha ha ha. Looking forward to lots more over the next few days, try and jog what few brain cells I have left into remembering stuff, which will be some achievement I know but hey you gotta try.
My head is spinning after all the excitement of today and you would think that I would want to stay up all night to make up for lost time on the Internet but my eyes are letting me down and are refusing point blank to stay open, stubborn things eyes you know when they want to be, so I’m of to the land of nod see ya!!
Up at the crack of dawn today, well 10am anyway, it’s early for me on the weekend. Looking forward to going to my mum and dads to stay for a couple of days. Did my usual routine of waking up for a start, always a good thing, taking my daily concoction of pills and potions them heading off in search of some caffine in the form of nice strong coffee. Ah nothing like it in the world good strong coffee you can stand your spoon up in and used to be a couple of fags although that part is ommited now although I do miss it at times still. I gues I’m not what you might call a morning person in fact I probably resemble a caveman more than a human till I’ve been given about an hour or two to wake up. After drinking my cuppa I turned to Nat&Dave and said that I was going to start bringing my stuff downstairs they said ok so off I went. I was just packing the last bag when I heard they're Lawnmower going. So I started carring the bags and stuff downstairs each time Nat looked at me from her chair and smiled. After 5 trips up and down the stairs I thought dave will give me a hand any minute or she will go get him too anyway. I started to carry the bags out to the car by now absolutely knackered and struggling a bit for breath. It got to the very last carrier bag and dave fetched it out to the car saying you should have said something I’d have given you a hand. I said that I did and his reply was I never heard you, well you bloody answered me I thought to myself. So off I drove to the Land Of Oz I mean Caerphilly. I arrived around Lunchtime and had my first glimpse of My Neice & Nephew who I’ve never met before which was strange. Been having a good old natter to my brother and Mum And Dad and my Sister this evening as well as trying to sort out my next door neighbours computer problems via the phone to my wife who was tring to fix it for me. Eventually we gave up and she will bring me the software causing the probs tomorrow for me to play around with. My next blinking nioghtmare was trying to sort out my mothers Broadband connection on my computer. Jeeeeez what a nightmare it didn’t like my computer for some reason and then it appeared that my Mum’s user name had been changed somehow so it wouldn’t connect. I finally got it to connect eureka I thought but you know what they say about counting your chickens well the most mind blowing thing was yet to come. The original modem connection was via an extension from the main socket, so I disconnected this extension from the main socket and connected a smaller extension cable in its place so that I could use the modem in the living room instead and this somehow would not work bearing in mind all cables and sockets were checked to see if they worked and they did, which doesn’t make any sense at all to me. Anyhow I’ve now connected the splitter into the main telephone socket and the modem direct into that and it all works fine now after hours and hours of hassle. It’s been nice to spend some time with Mum And Dad and sort of catch up on things and generally reminisce about the good old days ha ha ha. Looking forward to lots more over the next few days, try and jog what few brain cells I have left into remembering stuff, which will be some achievement I know but hey you gotta try.
My head is spinning after all the excitement of today and you would think that I would want to stay up all night to make up for lost time on the Internet but my eyes are letting me down and are refusing point blank to stay open, stubborn things eyes you know when they want to be, so I’m of to the land of nod see ya!!
Sunday, September 4
Hand In Hand
Hand In Hand!!
I just realised that this post does go on a bit so make sure you’re sitting comfortably and have suitably attired yourself with your chosen beverage and have nothing planned for the next hour or two. Right then Shall I begin?? Ok.
Went and picked Judith up this morning and took her out for the day. It was like being out on a date all over again and yes I did remember to wash behind my ears before I went. She looked her usual gorgeous self. We headed off to Porthcawl to do a bit of shopping our favourite pastime and just generally spend the day together which we haven’t done for a while. You should have seen us walking up the high street hand in hand and very much in love. Aww Sweet!!! We stopped for a bite to eat and a cuppa in this quaint little restaurant in like this Antique Centre quite oldie worldy type place. After we’d had a little walk around we headed off to Bridgend town centre to spend some more money, well it’s no good to you when your gone is it? It’s quite deceiving how big Bridgend Town Centre is and you sort of don’t realise how far you’ve actually walked away from the car park and when you’ve finished you have to walk the same distance back again which in my condition is no mean feat let me tell you. So once we’d boosted the profits of the local Holland & Barrett store we headed off back to the car, well you should have seen me, puffing and panting like an old man my body was trying it’s best to make me stop or at least slow down but I knew if I did I would never get going again and as you couldn’t get the car anywhere near to where we were that would be disastrous. Well I finally made it back to the car and what a welcome sight it was too my poor legs just couldn’t wait to sit down and my chest was going like a good un. After a short while I managed to get my breath back and we headed off home. I went in the house with Judith which felt a bit weird after being away for a while and she showed me her latest game that she’s bought for the pute which is all about puzzles and stuff looks right up Judith’s street but not mine really but hey it takes allsorts I suppose. We were both knackered so decided to have a snooze Judith Upstairs in bed and me on the sofa downstairs as usual, well no I just needed to have something to eat so went downstairs and afterwards didn’t want to disturb her so stayed down there. I eventually left a while afterwards which was Heart Wrenching as it had been a lovely day and I didn’t want it to end. Well back to Newport just missed all the traffic from the Footie on in Cardiff today thank god although I did come across a wide load on the motorway which was taking out the hard shoulder and lane 1. Why move it this time of day when the football is about to finish and you’ve got thousands of people trying to get home in there cars and coaches etc. Bad planning I would say!!!
Listen to this right if you wanted to connect your computer up to Broadband upstairs but the Telephone socket was in the room opposite which of the following would you do, bear in mind this is not a trick question??
Well try explaining to Dave that option A is but far the easiest and cheapest and less troublesome he just won’t have it, well you know what it’s not my money or time so I don’t give a damn go knock yourself out Dave, stubborn arse!!
Up to my Mums for a few days tomorrow and really looking forward to it although obviously a bit apprehensive as amongst other things I haven’t lived at home for probably around 18 years, but I think it will give me or us for that matter a chance to try and get to know each other again somewhat.
So watch this space Pop Pickers for the daily news from the Bald Nutter With No Teeth (until Wednesday anyway)!!!!
I just realised that this post does go on a bit so make sure you’re sitting comfortably and have suitably attired yourself with your chosen beverage and have nothing planned for the next hour or two. Right then Shall I begin?? Ok.
Went and picked Judith up this morning and took her out for the day. It was like being out on a date all over again and yes I did remember to wash behind my ears before I went. She looked her usual gorgeous self. We headed off to Porthcawl to do a bit of shopping our favourite pastime and just generally spend the day together which we haven’t done for a while. You should have seen us walking up the high street hand in hand and very much in love. Aww Sweet!!! We stopped for a bite to eat and a cuppa in this quaint little restaurant in like this Antique Centre quite oldie worldy type place. After we’d had a little walk around we headed off to Bridgend town centre to spend some more money, well it’s no good to you when your gone is it? It’s quite deceiving how big Bridgend Town Centre is and you sort of don’t realise how far you’ve actually walked away from the car park and when you’ve finished you have to walk the same distance back again which in my condition is no mean feat let me tell you. So once we’d boosted the profits of the local Holland & Barrett store we headed off back to the car, well you should have seen me, puffing and panting like an old man my body was trying it’s best to make me stop or at least slow down but I knew if I did I would never get going again and as you couldn’t get the car anywhere near to where we were that would be disastrous. Well I finally made it back to the car and what a welcome sight it was too my poor legs just couldn’t wait to sit down and my chest was going like a good un. After a short while I managed to get my breath back and we headed off home. I went in the house with Judith which felt a bit weird after being away for a while and she showed me her latest game that she’s bought for the pute which is all about puzzles and stuff looks right up Judith’s street but not mine really but hey it takes allsorts I suppose. We were both knackered so decided to have a snooze Judith Upstairs in bed and me on the sofa downstairs as usual, well no I just needed to have something to eat so went downstairs and afterwards didn’t want to disturb her so stayed down there. I eventually left a while afterwards which was Heart Wrenching as it had been a lovely day and I didn’t want it to end. Well back to Newport just missed all the traffic from the Footie on in Cardiff today thank god although I did come across a wide load on the motorway which was taking out the hard shoulder and lane 1. Why move it this time of day when the football is about to finish and you’ve got thousands of people trying to get home in there cars and coaches etc. Bad planning I would say!!!
Listen to this right if you wanted to connect your computer up to Broadband upstairs but the Telephone socket was in the room opposite which of the following would you do, bear in mind this is not a trick question??
- Run a length of Telephone cabling from the socket around the Skirting Boards etc into the room you want and add a socket to the end of it, or even run a Flat Cable extension lead under the carpet to the room you want It in prob at a cost of about £5 or so.
- Pay out around £95 for a Wireless Router/Modem and a Wireless Network Card and install the card on the pute obviously and the Router in the room that has the Phone Socket in at the moment
Well try explaining to Dave that option A is but far the easiest and cheapest and less troublesome he just won’t have it, well you know what it’s not my money or time so I don’t give a damn go knock yourself out Dave, stubborn arse!!
Up to my Mums for a few days tomorrow and really looking forward to it although obviously a bit apprehensive as amongst other things I haven’t lived at home for probably around 18 years, but I think it will give me or us for that matter a chance to try and get to know each other again somewhat.
So watch this space Pop Pickers for the daily news from the Bald Nutter With No Teeth (until Wednesday anyway)!!!!
Doesnt Time Fly
Doesn’t Time Fly?
Well it’s been a week since Wonder Boy Daniel arrived to enlighten our lives and already it’s time for him to go. It’s a crying shame really as I was just getting used to Daniel This, Daniel That, NOT!!! They’ve gone out for the Ritual Last Supper before he leaves in the morning, Probably all tears and sobbing, too much for me to take sorry, anyhow I wasn’t invited, it was a case of by the way we bought you a Veg Chow Mein for your tea it’s in the fridge, Gee Thanks you shouldn’t have !!!!..
Well enough about him I’ve had an action packed day again. Went to see my Councillor this morning which is always quite invigorating but yet I always come away with my head still spinning but the rest of my body Drained of all life-force if you understand what I mean. It is always very beneficial to me as I seem to not only be able to try to make some sense of what’s going on in my head through discussion but I seem to through my Councillor be able to self analyse some of that information as well which does help me at times when I do get a bit down. I also find that I tend to experience both extreme’s for example, Happy\Sad, High\Low, sort of like a Roller Coaster of life only your wearing a blindfold so can’t see which direction you are going or have been till it’s all over. It’s quite amazing how many tangents you can go off on in an hour let me tell you. Usually I try to have some Me Time after these sessions even if it’s just sitting in the car in a cark somewhere to wind down in some ways and also decipher some of what’s gone on, but today I’d arranged to meet Judith for lunch just up the road in the local Asda store. Thankfully I managed to get a Disabled Parking space right by the entrance as I was not feeling very energetic today and really didn’t fancy a long walk to the store. This also allowed me a bit of Me Time whilst I was waiting for Judith who was held up in work so I had to wait about ½ hour. It was really nice to see her again as usual if not strange again although we both thought ,“Stuff It” and we held hands for the first time in what seemed like ages although it’s only been about 10 days I suppose. Felt like we were teenagers again it was bliss!!! We went and has a spot of lunch and had a bit of a natter about each others days and stuff which I really can’t remember doing with regards the councillor, so I think it was quite enlightening for Judith as well as me.
I rang my Mother this evening as well to see how she is and she’s got this nasty Kidney Infection which is really causing her grief at the moment so she’s sat with her feet up giving my poor old dad his orders but he loves it really!! I’m going to stay with them on Sunday for a few days which will be really strange as I haven’t lived or even stayed with them for about 18 Years, but I’m really looking forward to it as well as being quite nervous, apprehensive about it.
Right I’m off to bed I’m knackered all this talking and writing is making me tired. See ya tomorrow.
Well it’s been a week since Wonder Boy Daniel arrived to enlighten our lives and already it’s time for him to go. It’s a crying shame really as I was just getting used to Daniel This, Daniel That, NOT!!! They’ve gone out for the Ritual Last Supper before he leaves in the morning, Probably all tears and sobbing, too much for me to take sorry, anyhow I wasn’t invited, it was a case of by the way we bought you a Veg Chow Mein for your tea it’s in the fridge, Gee Thanks you shouldn’t have !!!!..
Well enough about him I’ve had an action packed day again. Went to see my Councillor this morning which is always quite invigorating but yet I always come away with my head still spinning but the rest of my body Drained of all life-force if you understand what I mean. It is always very beneficial to me as I seem to not only be able to try to make some sense of what’s going on in my head through discussion but I seem to through my Councillor be able to self analyse some of that information as well which does help me at times when I do get a bit down. I also find that I tend to experience both extreme’s for example, Happy\Sad, High\Low, sort of like a Roller Coaster of life only your wearing a blindfold so can’t see which direction you are going or have been till it’s all over. It’s quite amazing how many tangents you can go off on in an hour let me tell you. Usually I try to have some Me Time after these sessions even if it’s just sitting in the car in a cark somewhere to wind down in some ways and also decipher some of what’s gone on, but today I’d arranged to meet Judith for lunch just up the road in the local Asda store. Thankfully I managed to get a Disabled Parking space right by the entrance as I was not feeling very energetic today and really didn’t fancy a long walk to the store. This also allowed me a bit of Me Time whilst I was waiting for Judith who was held up in work so I had to wait about ½ hour. It was really nice to see her again as usual if not strange again although we both thought ,“Stuff It” and we held hands for the first time in what seemed like ages although it’s only been about 10 days I suppose. Felt like we were teenagers again it was bliss!!! We went and has a spot of lunch and had a bit of a natter about each others days and stuff which I really can’t remember doing with regards the councillor, so I think it was quite enlightening for Judith as well as me.
I rang my Mother this evening as well to see how she is and she’s got this nasty Kidney Infection which is really causing her grief at the moment so she’s sat with her feet up giving my poor old dad his orders but he loves it really!! I’m going to stay with them on Sunday for a few days which will be really strange as I haven’t lived or even stayed with them for about 18 Years, but I’m really looking forward to it as well as being quite nervous, apprehensive about it.
Right I’m off to bed I’m knackered all this talking and writing is making me tired. See ya tomorrow.
Just Another Day
Just Another Day!!
Well had a bit of a quiet day today really although I’ve been out and about all day. I met up with Judith for lunch which was really nice and managed to do a bit of shopping at the same time. We only went to the local Tesco’s and as usual she kept me waiting for ½ hour woman’s prerogative I suppose. I thought I’d get her back by making her pay for the shopping but I ended up paying so that back fired. Afterwards I went up to my mothers house in Caerphilly not that far from me at the moment and had a natter with my Mum & Dad And Sister which is always good as we don’t see each other that often although we do tend to text each other and chat quite often. We always reminisce whenever we meet up about “The Old Days” sounds like I’m ancient doesn’t it? Mum’s still recovering from a recent Operation and is doing quite well although there have been a few problems and to top it all she’s gone and got herself a Water Infection to add to it. Now I know where I get all my problems from I must follow my Mum. Dad, well what can I say about Dad let me see, To start with he’s Stark Raving Bonkers in the nicest possible way and he seems to be getting worse as he gets older. He’s a scream and a great pick me up if ever there was one. Then there’s Ruth my Sister, she who is responsible for the Curly Hair, The High Heels, The Lipstick in the form of a Bone Marrow Transplant. She’s off to College, Whoops sorry Ruth UNIVERSITY soon to study Nursing which she’s always wanted to do and is counting the days now. It was a pleasant afternoon all in all and nice to just have a natter and a cup of my Dad’s infamous if not weak Fair Trade Coffee., I recon a jar must last him a year judging by the amount he puts in the poor farmers selling the stuff would starve to death if they relied on him ha ha ha.
Ah well I guess I’d better get off to sleep another action packed adventure in store for tomorrow, I just can’t wait, Maybe I’ll just pull out the rest of my teeth for fun instead. Nah, and besides I only got a couple left, shame to waste them. Nite Nite then.
Well had a bit of a quiet day today really although I’ve been out and about all day. I met up with Judith for lunch which was really nice and managed to do a bit of shopping at the same time. We only went to the local Tesco’s and as usual she kept me waiting for ½ hour woman’s prerogative I suppose. I thought I’d get her back by making her pay for the shopping but I ended up paying so that back fired. Afterwards I went up to my mothers house in Caerphilly not that far from me at the moment and had a natter with my Mum & Dad And Sister which is always good as we don’t see each other that often although we do tend to text each other and chat quite often. We always reminisce whenever we meet up about “The Old Days” sounds like I’m ancient doesn’t it? Mum’s still recovering from a recent Operation and is doing quite well although there have been a few problems and to top it all she’s gone and got herself a Water Infection to add to it. Now I know where I get all my problems from I must follow my Mum. Dad, well what can I say about Dad let me see, To start with he’s Stark Raving Bonkers in the nicest possible way and he seems to be getting worse as he gets older. He’s a scream and a great pick me up if ever there was one. Then there’s Ruth my Sister, she who is responsible for the Curly Hair, The High Heels, The Lipstick in the form of a Bone Marrow Transplant. She’s off to College, Whoops sorry Ruth UNIVERSITY soon to study Nursing which she’s always wanted to do and is counting the days now. It was a pleasant afternoon all in all and nice to just have a natter and a cup of my Dad’s infamous if not weak Fair Trade Coffee., I recon a jar must last him a year judging by the amount he puts in the poor farmers selling the stuff would starve to death if they relied on him ha ha ha.
Ah well I guess I’d better get off to sleep another action packed adventure in store for tomorrow, I just can’t wait, Maybe I’ll just pull out the rest of my teeth for fun instead. Nah, and besides I only got a couple left, shame to waste them. Nite Nite then.
The Week That Was
The Week That Was!!
Well here we are at the end of my first week staying at “Hotel McHendre” in Newport and doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun or not as the case may be. It’s been a strange old week lots of ups and downs and some good news Like The Internet Thingy and some bad like Being Away From My Family, and I suppose what has not helped matters is the Pre Illusion of what it was going to be like and what it has been like are so far apart that I feel some what let down and cheated which is quite weird and stupid for that matter.
Well today has been full of excitement Had a bit of a lie in for a change just so the day doesn’t seem as long, Judith came to visit again and brought me a few things. She hung my washing on the line for me, she is an Angel, and sat down for a natter then all of a sudden the heavens opened and she had to grab all the clothes again and make a dash for shelter. So unfortunately she had to cut short her visit much to my disappointment as she’s not allowed in the house because of the Mumps thing. I just lay on the sofa for a few hours then listening to the Radio 4 afternoon Play which was quite good. I couldn’t go anywhere because the Alarm Company were coming to check the system out this afternoon and it was only me in the house till Dave or Nat came home. I think they got back about 3ish so I went up to my room then and had a Text Chat with my mate Sharon which was nice because we usually meet up during the week for a natter and a cuppa and I missed that this week. Never mind hopefully it’ll all be back to normal soon. I bloody hope so for my own sanity!!
I went to the Local Car Auctions this evening just to get out of the house really for a while. I quite like going there although never bought anything I quite like the whole Auction Atmosphere. Got back about 9.15 and just as I did the Phone rang and it was Natalie’s Consultants Secretary to say that her appointment for tomorrow has been cancelled. Dave answered the phone and was going mad with the woman saying he’d taken the day off especially from work to take her to Chelmsford which is a good 4 Hour drive from here. He was tamping, storming about the place, so I made my excuses and came up to my room out of the way to let him calm down. So it looks like Super Cousin will have the Pleasure of Dave for the next 2 days instead of just the one as he was taking the Friday off as well originally to spend with Daniel.
Oh and by the way apparently my Wireless Network Card is playing havoc with they’re Video Sender Thingy they have to be able to watch Sky upstairs. Why wait a whole bloody week to tell me this I could have disconnected it earlier as I haven’t been using it since I lost the connection. Idiot I thought to myself. Shame about the interference NOT!!!!!
God that was a lot for a quiet day you wait till a busy one comes along!!!
Well here we are at the end of my first week staying at “Hotel McHendre” in Newport and doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun or not as the case may be. It’s been a strange old week lots of ups and downs and some good news Like The Internet Thingy and some bad like Being Away From My Family, and I suppose what has not helped matters is the Pre Illusion of what it was going to be like and what it has been like are so far apart that I feel some what let down and cheated which is quite weird and stupid for that matter.
Well today has been full of excitement Had a bit of a lie in for a change just so the day doesn’t seem as long, Judith came to visit again and brought me a few things. She hung my washing on the line for me, she is an Angel, and sat down for a natter then all of a sudden the heavens opened and she had to grab all the clothes again and make a dash for shelter. So unfortunately she had to cut short her visit much to my disappointment as she’s not allowed in the house because of the Mumps thing. I just lay on the sofa for a few hours then listening to the Radio 4 afternoon Play which was quite good. I couldn’t go anywhere because the Alarm Company were coming to check the system out this afternoon and it was only me in the house till Dave or Nat came home. I think they got back about 3ish so I went up to my room then and had a Text Chat with my mate Sharon which was nice because we usually meet up during the week for a natter and a cuppa and I missed that this week. Never mind hopefully it’ll all be back to normal soon. I bloody hope so for my own sanity!!
I went to the Local Car Auctions this evening just to get out of the house really for a while. I quite like going there although never bought anything I quite like the whole Auction Atmosphere. Got back about 9.15 and just as I did the Phone rang and it was Natalie’s Consultants Secretary to say that her appointment for tomorrow has been cancelled. Dave answered the phone and was going mad with the woman saying he’d taken the day off especially from work to take her to Chelmsford which is a good 4 Hour drive from here. He was tamping, storming about the place, so I made my excuses and came up to my room out of the way to let him calm down. So it looks like Super Cousin will have the Pleasure of Dave for the next 2 days instead of just the one as he was taking the Friday off as well originally to spend with Daniel.
Oh and by the way apparently my Wireless Network Card is playing havoc with they’re Video Sender Thingy they have to be able to watch Sky upstairs. Why wait a whole bloody week to tell me this I could have disconnected it earlier as I haven’t been using it since I lost the connection. Idiot I thought to myself. Shame about the interference NOT!!!!!
God that was a lot for a quiet day you wait till a busy one comes along!!!
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