Sunday, September 25

Do I, Don't I ??

All the way through my treatment I have been on and off Steroids in one form or another but never off them for long though.  The usual suspect is Prednisalone which has been used mostly in conjunction with firstly Chemotherapy then the Anti Rejection drugs like Cyclosporin (My Favourite) but most recently it was the Chest Consultant who said “Oh just put him on a retaining dose of 5mg” to one of his minions.  There are a number of side effects to these Steroids some good and some bad. The main Bad one for me is really dreadful Water Retention which is very painful at times and the main Good one is it really gives me an appetite which I need as I’m not eating much otherwise at all.  My dilemma is this; the maintenance dose they put me on has little or no effect to my Treatment or condition apart from the Water Retention, on a positive side it is making me eat which I need.  I’m looking to stop taking it for a number of reasons namely, it doesn’t seem to be doing anything, I’m really fed up with the Water Retention yet if I stop I know my appetite will go too, so WHAT DO I DO????? I am on medication for the Water Retention although they only work sometimes and they also bring down my Blood Pressure which is not a good idea as it is naturally on the low side anyway.  One other strange thing is that they make such a point of making sure you take the Steroids in the morning as you’ll be up all night otherwise when in fact they actually make me want to sleep.  Well it’s been a slow news day so to speak today.  Not done much at all except help Judith finish off wiping our next door neighbour’s computer after he managed to pick up a nasty from somewhere which refused to budge from it’s hiding place.  The wiping is quite fun as you wave goodbye to someone else’s stuff its just the re-installing that takes forever and I lost track of the number of times it had be rebooted.  Well anyhow that’s quite enough excitement for one day I’m off.  

Oh I did do something exciting, well some people might think so I went to Tesco’s at 9.30 tonight for a few odds and ends.  They were announcing every 5 mins the store is about to close in a minute which sort of gets on your nerves after a while.  Right I am going now see ya !!!!

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