Sunday, September 4

The Week That Was

The Week That Was!!

Well here we are at the end of my first week staying at “Hotel McHendre” in Newport and doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun or not as the case may be.  It’s been a strange old week lots of ups and downs and some good news Like The Internet Thingy and some bad like Being Away From My Family, and I suppose what has not helped matters is the Pre Illusion of what it was going to be like and what it has been like are so far apart that I feel some what let down and cheated which is quite weird and stupid for that matter.  
Well today has been full of excitement Had a bit of a lie in for a change just so the day doesn’t seem as long, Judith came to visit again and brought me a few things.  She hung my washing on the line for me, she is an Angel, and sat down for a natter then all of a sudden the heavens opened and she had to grab all the clothes again and make a dash for shelter.  So unfortunately she had to cut short her visit much to my disappointment as she’s not allowed in the house because of the Mumps thing.  I just lay on the sofa for a few hours then listening to the Radio 4 afternoon Play which was quite good.  I couldn’t go anywhere because the Alarm Company were coming to check the system out this afternoon and it was only me in the house till Dave or Nat came home.  I think they got back about 3ish so I went up to my room then and had a Text Chat with my mate Sharon which was nice because we usually meet up during the week for a natter and a cuppa and I missed that this week.  Never mind hopefully it’ll all be back to normal soon.  I bloody hope so for my own sanity!!  
I went to the Local Car Auctions this evening just to get out of the house really for a while.  I quite like going there although never bought anything I quite like the whole Auction Atmosphere.  Got back about 9.15 and just as I did the Phone rang and it was Natalie’s Consultants Secretary to say that her appointment for tomorrow has been cancelled.  Dave answered the phone and was going mad with the woman saying he’d taken the day off especially from work to take her to Chelmsford which is a good 4 Hour drive from here.  He was tamping, storming about the place, so I made my excuses and came up to my room out of the way to let him calm down.  So it looks like Super Cousin will have the Pleasure of Dave for the next 2 days instead of just the one as he was taking the Friday off as well originally to spend with Daniel.  
Oh and by the way apparently my Wireless Network Card is playing havoc with they’re Video Sender Thingy they have to be able to watch Sky upstairs.  Why wait a whole bloody week to tell me this I could have disconnected it earlier as I haven’t been using it since I lost the connection.  Idiot I thought to myself.  Shame about the interference NOT!!!!!

God that was a lot for a quiet day you wait till a busy one comes along!!!

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