Thursday, September 8

A New Smile!!

Well here it is, the time had finally come when I would be presented with my new set of Gnashers.  I’ve been waiting for them for a long long time since they brutally ripped out all but 8 of my teeth prior to having my Transplant last year, due to infection risk they said I recon they just wanted some extra practice myself the bloody sadists.  I’ve been excited about this day for some time and always said that I was going to go out and have a nice juicy steak when I had them.  So I arrived at the Dentist at the hospital bright and early.  They’ve altered the car park at long last and added another 4 Disabled parking bays which is right cool because there is always a queue to get in this car park and I just drove around them and straight into one of the 3 empty bays ha ha ha !!!  Still had to pay my £2.10 parking fee though which really winds me up even though I can now claim it back later.  Well in I finally went only to be presented with a Wax Set. Oh No !!! Apparently I got to have a couple of what they call “Try” sessions which involve a lot of it and out and shave a bit of her and there and add a bit here and there, before I get to have a real set so I’ll have to wait another month or so before I get the real thing, so the Steak will have to wait I suppose.  I went over to meet Judith at Newport for a cuppa before we went to lunch.  It was pretty good as I met up with a couple of guys I used to work with as well as a couple of new ones. After a while we drove off to Asda for a bite to eat well I had something Judith just had a cuppa.  We had a good old chin wag and a look around the store. I don’t know what it is but every day we seem to have bought something there which is not like us at all, well not like Judith anyway because she’s the sensible one with spending money usually while I tend to just spend spend spend, Well it’s no use to you when your gone is it?
When Judith went home and left me I went back to Mum & Dads and had to have a snooze I was knackered again.  I finally got up at about 5ish and was still tired so I didn’t help at all in the end.  I spent the evening again in front of the TV with Mum & Dad as well as talking to a few mates and Judith on MSN and generally making a nuisance of myself with them. Well I’ve got my reputation to think off haven’t I?  After the busy day I’ve had I went up to bed fairly early and pretty much fell asleep straight away to sweet dreams of my new Gnashers to come.   Ahhhhhh Nice Juicy Steak lets hope the new teeth can cope with it!!!

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